The Implications of the South Carolina Black Vote for Bernie and Biden

The Implications of the South Carolina Black Vote for Bernie and Biden

Marcus Ferrell, a former Sanders operative, takes us from the last Democratic debate, to the eve of South Carolina’s primary, to the upcoming Democratic nomination and the war with Trump.

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20 thoughts on “The Implications of the South Carolina Black Vote for Bernie and Biden

  1. If I was there I would ask every single one of them running for president one question and one question only… I'd ask them( why do you have to run for president to make change in America for the good of The American people ?)if you care about the American people why not just help them and get their approval rather than begging for it and arguing like three-year-olds…when anyone could answer that properly they will get my vote because only then will any vote matter…

  2. Bernie Sanders on the issues

    Guarantee tuition and debt-free public colleges, universities, HBCUs, Minority Serving Institutions and trade-schools to all.

    Cancel all student loan debt for the some 45 million Americans who owe about $1.6 trillion and place a cap on student loan interest rates going forward at 1.88 percent.

    Invest $1.3 billion every year in private, non-profit historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions

    End equity gaps in higher education attainment. And ensure students are able to cover non-tuition costs of attending school by: expanding Pell Grants to cover non-tuition and fee costs, tripling funding for the Work-Study Program, and more.

  3. Bernie got annihilated in South Carolina. Is that because establishment democrats there have totally suppressed all progressive voices. Do neoliberal south carolina democrats promote Biden who wrote the crime bill, smeared Anita Hill, voted for every war, voted for the bailouts, voted for credit card companies and making it harder for bankruptcy, all the horrible things he's done over his long career; that doesn't bother anybody

  4. It's obvious Cuba has opened tourism to USA citizens and the grievance of Guantanamo torturing people, held without trial, and eventually let many go but not before causing much harm. It also is suspect the audience was stacked with paid noisemakers who have their own greedy interests in mind.
    I don't know about Amy's uncle but it is a bit upsetting to see deer stands right beside Highway 10 in Louisiana….stray bullets.

  5. there is no such thing as "Free", we pay taxes for it, all this time, the rich/corporations got Trillions of dollars worth of tax cut since 1980's and it is TIME for the rich pay their share of taxes

  6. What people who are talking about how you pay for Medicare are conveniently ignoring is the the government already pays for 55% of he healthcare in this country, which amounts to 30 trillion dollars over the next decade, and over the next decade Medicare for all will cost 47 trillion dollars in total (saving five trillion dollars over our current system) Bernie tax plan will raise 17.5 trillion dollars over the next decade. You do the math.

    The media and the other democratic the candidates are fucking shameless. His payment plan has been on his website for years. It took me less then ten minutes of googling to find this information. CNN, MSDNC, Vox, The New York Times, The Washington Post and the rest of the media all have millions of dollars of resources but can’t google, “How Bernie Sanders will pay for healthcare”, and click on the first search result.

    Oh they analyzed similar plans, but why not just cut the crap and go straight to the horses mouth.

    I don’t know why Bernie doesn’t explain all of this. My only guesses are either he doesn’t know his own plan very well or that he likes to be long winded. I could explain the plan (very generally speaking) in less then one minute, but he likes to wind up to things when he is speaking.

    Here is the link to his website if you want to find out how he will pay for the rest of his plans. Fucking shameless.

  7. I don't know where people get free healthcare from he never said we are getting free healthcare. SMFH… it's call medicare-for-all and we going to pay for it through taxes. And I don't have a problem with it

  8. Our Constitution states that only Congress can Mandate spending and taxation
    Article one section 8
    Sanders medicare for all proposal is over 4 years of implementation.
    Taxes never have….never will "pay for" anything.
    Taxes are necessary to use as a brake or a gas pedal.
    Taxes DRIVE the currency.
    Taxes create the "class warfare "
    Taxes create unemployment.
    You can not pay taxes without the unit of account $
    The unit of account is created only by Congress.
    The government is NOT a household or corporation.

  9. Bloomberg is the joke that tells you everything you need to know about US politics. He has not the slightest blush, not a moment of internal conflict or cognitive dissonance, when he talks straight out about buying elections. He cannot distinguish between plutocracy and democracy. These are one in the same. The rich shall rule.

  10. Stay home and you leave the choice of the lesser of 2 evils to others. And the differences will include:
    – continued denial of the value of medicine and science (think coronavirus)
    – continued support for the wealthy and elite at the expense of the working class and poor
    – continued denial of the urgency of climate change
    – continued intervention in the affairs of other sovereign nations (economic and military assaults), at the expense of military lives and $600b/year in military costs

    Sure, Bloomberg and others will be much like Trump, opening options for 3rd parties and write-ins.

  11. You have to remove the stigma of socialism. It is not an autocratic style of governing. If you like having schools, a post office, roads and infrastructure, community hospitals and firefighters these are elements of social policy given without any autocracy. The phobia of the word is a hoax leftover from McCarthyism. trump is an autocrat aspiring to be a dictator.

  12. 100 % of our population will need medical care of some kind ! It should be considered a Basic Human Need ! Until I started believing in Bernie Sanders commitment to the people I also believed that our political leaders and judges should not hold Dual Citizenship, until Bernie Sanders ! I believe Bernie will put AMERICANS FIRST not America first ! Bernie 2020 !

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