The Man Who Fell From The Sky: Is Revenge Justified Against Racist Murder?

The Man Who Fell From The Sky: Is Revenge Justified Against Racist Murder?

A page-turning murder mystery set in a Cape Verdean community during the Vietnam War and the war against The Black Panthers, by writer, scholar, and author Bill Fletcher, Jr.

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8 thoughts on “The Man Who Fell From The Sky: Is Revenge Justified Against Racist Murder?

  1. America doesn't know "at this moment… who the good guys and bad guys are," Marc? Have you been asleep the last five decades? WHAT "good guys"? Obama? Clinton? LBJ? Nixon? As you do so often these days, you allow your understandable loathing of Trump to blind you to America's essential brutality, which is practically part of our DNA. And you shoehorn it in everywhere, whether it fits the context of your interview or not. What has this to do with Fletcher's book?

  2. I was a teenager and in my twenties in the 60s and 70s. I was an activist and I marched and protested until the violence broke out. I watched the protests fall apart because of the violence. Hardly anyone wanted to be part of them anymore.

    I know antifa loves to paint violence as necessary but from what I experienced it ended all protest.

    I wonder how Antifa would respond to the national guard shooting and killing their members? Anyone remember Kent State. I will until I die. I am not clear how race figures in. But Black Panthers were used to shut down all protests. Because of their publicized violence, which wasn't probably true, but it's what we saw on TV. Those of us protesting didn't care about race, but damn those that try to herd us always do use race.

    And violence is always what is used to shut down discussion finally. So don't promote it however much your testosterone tells you to.

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