The moratorium extension won’t end evictions – Everything Law and Order Blog

Progressives celebrated as Biden extended the eviction moratorium. But three housing advocates in a city with one of the nation’s highest eviction rates warn that renters were never really protected during the pandemic.

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “The moratorium extension won’t end evictions”
  1. If all of you really wanted a real world practical solution to the housing crisis.
    Than, by all means…Advocate for, and get in politicans faces to fast track next-generation heavy duty industrial ground worker drones and 3D printed structures.

  2. If landlords aren't getting rent, they can help the tenant apply for rental assistance or put their property into forbearance. OR, and hear me out here, GET A JOB. Make it two of them, that's what the working class has had to do to pay rent for decades.

    After how many times I've had to sue landlords & management companies, just to get my deposit back, I don't feel bad for them at all. They've been scraping funds off the working class since before I was born.

  3. when it's over mom and pop landlords will be out and big compains will take over no more cheap rents it's the deadbeats fault

  4. The evictions are still going on. The prices of housing are way too high. The maximum rent on 50% of any 1 bdrm 1 bath housing in a city should be 1/3 federal minimum wage (2bd 1-2 bath should be 2/3 fmw). If cities want to collect more taxes, they should lobby for an increased fmw. The costs should not exceed the earning capabilities.

  5. With all these people laid off from their jobs, receiving unemployment + $600 a week from my tax dollars couldn’t pay their rent? Why not? Nobody could go anywhere and spend money. There was food plenty, just explain to me why I should pay these deadbeat’s rent when I worked the entire pandemic? They couldn’t even give me a break on tax’s, I work an hourly job. I sweat and bust my ass everyday, why should I pay these deadbeat’s rent?

  6. Human beings are the only conscious animal that locks up water, food and shelter against their own kind. I understand the Mr. Jared Kushner is a big player in the Baltimore.

  7. Great interview and analysis Jasil…But Biden had no Genuine commitment to resolving this social problem,. Next up, marginalized Renters will be required to provide proof of Vaccination in order to continue renting / averting eviction. Just another strategy in "Democratic Racism" that mobilizes Policy and the Application Process.

  8. so I'd like to know from these reps from baltimore if you own a house and rented it out .the bank owns these houses who's paying the house payments… dont people see how much in the hole the government has actually caused us from overpower and yet we're about to be totally shut down again. once again they'll flex there powers and muzzle us all down again and not allow us to work .. but the pedo biden was the answer

  9. Instead of giving welfare to the homeless, use the money to pay the rents to the landlords so the renters can get back on their feet to normalcy, get jobs while having a roof over their heads, can carry on.

  10. This is your Fed trying to prolong cancer longevity by prescribing like a doctor: take your ibu and see me next week kind of BS. No wonder both the medical system and the economy are going down.

  11. Excuse me, creating a crisis by waiting until the moratorium expired and congress left for a 6 week recess, DOES NOT earn Cori Bush, AOC etc any kind of hero marks. They should have been fighting long before the expiration of the moratorium. This weekend was a bunch of theatrics where politicians tried to make themselves 'look like' heroes. NO SALE!

  12. That’s exactly what happened to me I had all so called black people in the court too . The judge the court reporter the bailiff everyone, right these got damn so-called black people treated me like shit even when he caught the land lord lying 🤥 I’m like WTF 🤬 this is Amerikkka

  13. Couldn't pay the rent with that jacked up unemployment check?? Not to mention the stimmy check… People on section 8 and public housing still got their SSI and stimmy check still was able still pay that rent.. I don't understand.. What did people do with that unemployment or Social Security money instead of paying those bills??

  14. 1031 exchange. So called legal tax evasion. No one wants to be a renter forever, nore do we Whant to pay for some one else's tax evasive business and mony laundering sceams. Real estate tycoons are all greedy crooks

  15. Pay the renters money so the rentees dont have too.

    But we cannot do this forever folks unless we plan to resturcture capitalism as we know it.

    Which will be even more chaotic this covid, also my aunt is a ma and pa landlord she had a two family house and thats all she has she rents out the top floor and her immediate family lives on the first and basement.

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