The Next Republic: The Rise Of A New Radical Majority

The Next Republic: The Rise Of A New Radical Majority

D.D. Guttenplan’s new book, The Next Republic, says that we could be on the verge of the 4th Republic. He looks at the Whisky, Lincoln & Roosevelt republics, and interviews activists for a compelling narrative

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35 thoughts on “The Next Republic: The Rise Of A New Radical Majority

  1. Thought provoking story. As in 1775, it comes down to one individual talking ideas with another individual, so everyone needs to listen as well as talk, grounded in place. Everyone has their own story, all interesting to hear.

  2. It didn't turn in to a libertarian dystopia, it turned into a fascist dystopia. Most American's dont know the differences in politics, they think everything is the same or they quote it wrong. Like in the comment section. Libertarian don't believe in police forces, fascist state believe all govt run by force's that force order just like police. America is fascist dystopia police state. We no longer have freedom. You cant drive a vehicle inside this country without several forms of identification. Its a fascists police state. Call it dystopia if you want. Its not a libertarian dystopia, its a fascists dystopia. If it was libertarian dystopia cops wouldn't exist govt wouldn't be as big as it is. Libertarian "free from all" liberty = little to no govt. Fascist "force order" = police everywhere forcing ordering people into totaliatran rule = America.

  3. it sounds like the argument here is that identity politics can't be ignored but class can be? It could be argued that the key to understanding race, ethnicity, gender, or whatever, is class. Certainly it explains the Obamas, the Clintons and the schism in the Democratic party. Not to mention why Alexander Hamilton won and the American republic lost.

  4. Too many minority and female Americans have gone over to the dark side and are defending the powerful and the status quo instead of standing with the poor and the powerless.

  5. Are we at a place where a course change can occur without a spasm like armed revolution, civil war, or complete economic collapse? It seems that the brief periods of social justice require the ninety percent feel the desperation that  changes hearts.

  6. yes white supremacy and patriarchy are central to the american story. But they are incidental not integral to capitalism and state power. That dosent mean we should ignore them but rather incorporate them into our understanding, as we fight against capitalism and state power. We can not ignore history but an identity politics devoid of class consciousness is doomed to fail, and whats more will only reinforce capitalism and state power. The idea is to over turn the table not get a set at it

  7. Theodore W. Allen says nothing will work to unite our cause unless we first abolish "white" skin privilege. Read his book, The Invention of the White Race (in Anglo America) Why we have Kavanaugh, why socialism and the labor movement failed. see jeffreybperry dottie nettie

  8. It was the class struggle that brought the Whites and Blacks together to begin with, but what do I know. I'm old and white, so I'm automatically stupid, self-serving, and out of touch. Sure, sure. Taking care of the class struggle won't help diminish and even eliminate the race struggle or the gender struggle? I think that's the BS. BTW, this person doesn't look like an old white man to me:

  9. Wow. Unbelievable that at about 22:20, Guttenplan says that identity/race politics is more fundamental than social class. And he continues to say that only middle-aged and old white men believe that social class is more important. Around the same time, he also said he would not confess "one way or the other" as to whether or not he was one of the liberals in America that believed the election of Obama in 2008 was the sign we'd entered a "post-racial" America. This, of course, means that he was one of those people. South Park devoted an entire episode to fools like that who thought that the cover of the book was the same as the content of the book. Randy Marsh played the role of Guttenplan.

    Shame on TRNN to let someone shill for the Liberal/neoliberal establishment. All the other good things Guttenplan said that I agree with now have to be filtered thru his naivete and narcissism. I say narcissism, because only someone in love with their own ideas would believe that the election of Obama meant what he thought. The world does not need more pandering white people like this. Malcom X was right. Beware the northern Liberal.

    Social class is the organizing principle that both parties are deathly afraid of. The real next coalition, in my opinion, will be American Blacks and the very same voters who he talked about in western Pennsylvania. The majority of Trump voters are future friends of the majority of American Blacks. All anyone needs to do is look at the TV show, "Family Feud." The contestants are always one white family playing against one black family. All contestants are friendly, respectful of each other, and don't need to manipulated by Red and Blue victimization identity politics.

    Racism is alive and well in America because it works so well to divide and conquer. Society is not a "bottom up" thing. Only Liberals believe that hogwash. Society is "top down." The cultural narrative is defined and promoted to serve the elite interests which are basically banks, corporations, and the Military Industrial Complex.

    Shame on the Real News Network.

  10. Y'all can get philosophical, radical, read more books, whatever, but unless fair minded independents get off the sidelines & vote in November 2016 & 2020, nothing will change. And that 53% number of white women who voted for the hump has to drop drastically. If you haven't registered, do so asap & bring some friends!!!!

  11. Any radical left movement that gets traction, will immediately be infiltrated by the cops, and co-opted and ruined by Establishment Politicians and they're operatives on cable news. And if they fail to co-opt it, then they will start a campaign of slander and lies in retaliation, and ruin it that way.

  12. So pathetic and sad some decent ideas but focusing on "republics" which really equals leaders is wrong and counterproductive. The authors apparent reliance and spotlighting of a few shining stars in the Democratic party in today's world further illustrates this problem and worship of leaders.The new deal did not happen because of FDR, period. If FDR was not born there would have still been a "New Deal", hell maybe a better "New Deal". It happened because of the demands made by the people in the form of collective anarchistic and communist groups and unions. The people waiting for the "next FDR" guarantees there never will be one.
    The author calls for a big tent on the left and then ridicules those that believe economic oppression is a core or fundamental problem that must be eradicated to end the oppression imposed by aristocrats. The immediately transitions into the same old neo-liberal, "wow look at the changes and diversity" in the "new" Democratic party.
    More than old white guys realize the dire importance of class consciousness and how the struggle verse economic oppression has the ability (not certainty) to transcend other issues and actually create a larger movement, not at the expense of other movements. In fact that is the point of class consciousness, a class is the huge sociological cohort. In the US the largest single group of oppressed people is by class i.e. economically.
    That encompasses or includes most of those who are oppressed by class and racism and sexism all at once. In fact the vile horrors of sexism and racism are actually just tools used by the plutocrats to further enhance their economic domination. Can sexism and racism be used against rich women and people of color, sure, but even in that case the purpose of the oppression is to remove the individual from that high economic class or to send a message in general that attempts to "restore" women or blacks to a place where they do not threaten the oligarchs wealth.
    In fact economic inequality is exactly the thing that allows a sexist or a racist to be. For example, I agree with the saying "black people cannot be racist, they can be prejudicial but not racist" but I think people agree with that term for different reasons. The idea is that those in control of the system idea of power and oppression has the power to enact racist policies verse a certain group. The people who make this statement quickly point out that they do not mean that the color of one's skin can inoculate them from being a racist. Instead, it is in terms of their relative position in Society. For that idea to have any universal meaning then it follows that poor white people cannot be racist, certainly prejudice but not racist. I believe that prejudice is one of the results of a racist system, not the other way around. For example you often hear the saying "babies are not born prejudice". Prejudice instead comes from a racist system where the people in charge have always been wealthy and they impose racist policies to help preserve their wealth and power. Prejudice on a personal level arises because those in power thru propaganda and the racist policies themselves deeply ingrain a belief in the other as the source of their woes, the actual racial component of those in charge varies throughout history, therefore the economic inequality is at the core.

  13. The authoritarian and legalistic socialists cannot imagine a world without the government, or the state. The strategy of transforming society from capitalism towards socialism, through parliamentary systems and social democratic parties has failed. This is the tragic result of the Second International, when Marx, Engels and their followers destroyed the solidarity between socialists.

  14. Not sure if this is addressed in the book but the part about how emancipating the slaves wout compensation was the largest expropriation of wealth ever in the US is true to some extent. However, reconstruction still preserved the wealth of the Slaveholder but not seizing their ill gotten gains and wealth from the slave trade, such as personal estates, and their landplantations which were the slaveholders version of the factory. This still preserved vast wealth and potential to create more wealth for the ex-slave holding class.

  15. Like every other state-loving, capitalism-saving, petty bourgeois liberal looking to make a buck selling books, he totally strawmans class-struggle activists as some sort of crypto-racists.

  16. Agree Bernie campaign had the potential to be a major figure in US history but the movement was killed sadly by Bernie. The movement did not fall short because of a primary result it fell short when it endorsed and turned to the establishment after the primary. If Bernie would have run (and even lost) in the General election he would have become a major figure in US history because the movement's momentum would have increased sharply even form the pretty high place it already was at that point. As it turned out he will be a footnote, still deserves credit for changing the conversation but ultimately it will be left to others to actually change the country permanently.

  17. America can never during its life recover the Cost of Wars they have been Fighting & continue to fight around the World for the past Century & Beyond even if they conquer it. The only destination in the Horizon is its Total Collapse as a Nation Financially & Economically.

  18. Thank you so much for this very interesting and important interview. Very encouraging thoughts – thank you Mr Guttenplan, and Mr Steiner for bringing him out so well in this interview.

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