Trump promises “democracy and freedom” to Venezuela, delivered by Elliott Abrams who brought you illegal wars, coups, and support for dictatorships; and Mike Pompeo and VP Pence, both with deep ties to the Koch brothers who need Venezuelan heavy crude to feed their Texas refinery – Col. Larry Wilkerson joins TRNN’s Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


45 thoughts on “The “Permanent War State” Aims to Plunder Venezuela – Wilkerson and Jay”
  1. Western pillaged is a human disease against nature and foreign nations.

    Pray cancer against these terrorists and tyrants old and young..
    All those who serve this disease is permanent cancer against the dynamic of life itself.

  2. When the west states : "They (foreigners) wish to change our way of life"

    This western statement translates to: Foreign nations promoting peace instead of western war…

    Note: Western society finds peace unacceptable. Western society has an abhorrence for peace…
    War is infact autonomy for western Psychopaths.

    Everything within the demographics of western democracy is upside down, in reverse/ back to front and further skewed?

    Ultimately those in the western governments are notoriously Psychologically degenerate beings.
    No suit/wealth/administration can alter organisms with broken Psychosis.

    This also speaks volumes of those who serve them and exist in these nations?

    If you dwell long enough in a swamp, you begin to ignore the abhorrence of the environment.

    Such as the citizens of the west?
    Perpetually germinating toxicity

  3. the vietnam war was documented in ways that today wouldn't happen and tomorrow they will find a way to hide what they are doing today

  4. Elliott Abrams literally said, “ …it is Tyranny that has to be imposed.”
    Wow! Hey, listen a second time !! Hey, I never thought that he would slip into such insipid (dumb!) honesty!
    PLEASE: Contact Your Representatives and Senators: #Object 💔🤦🏻‍♀️ #Support HR1004 & The GrayZone
    It really does make a difference! Ask : #MediaBenjamin of #CodePink : “Schumer is a THUG!!”, Norman Finkelstein

  5. Abrams said tyranny has to be imposed…. so is that why usaid is trying to crash the border, with military? and trump et al have not taken military options off the table?

    is that why Bolton said we will take Venezuela oil? because we are helping Venezuela?

  6. Just where does trump plan to steal "democracy and freedom " from? There is certainly none in the USA. But they certainly have an abundance of corporate terrorism to export.

  7. It is very important to understand that everything Trump and the neocons are doing is for the destruction of America not its salvation.
    The United States of America was the only Republican left on the planet until Trump was elected now the fascist dictators want to force citizens to accept subjugation.
    This is why I have said for years and will say continuously until it is accomplished we must utilize our second Amendment right to remove criminals from government with the bullet because the ballot id nothing but bulshit.

  8. Elliot Abrams is a lunatic psychopath. How is recognising some bloke called Guaido as President of another country …democratic. It's laughable and scary at the same time.

  9. Congressmen and all the executive branch that are conspiring to commit war crimes should be hanged, just like the war criminals were in Nuremberg. Humanitarian aid is not a valid defense, in fact it stands naked as inditement establishing their guilt. Abrams and the other veteran war criminals are already guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, and regardless of what Abrams was pardoned for, it wasn't crimes Against Humanity. Americans, and anybody that has a public platform shouldn't be discussing the internal political affairs of Venezuela, or let themselves be mired in dialog so that they can express their virtues and how clever they are in what is in affect a "selfie" they can share with the public. Typical have your cake and eat it too thinking. Social responsibility doesn't count for much if moral cowardice prevents a speaker from publicly acknowledging criminal behavior. It is imperative that crimes are acknowledged, and who the criminals are that committed them. The nature of the crimes, the threat they pose to society, a legal definition of the criminal acts committed, that they were committed, and who committed them, and the range of punishment for the crimes committed, and lots of speculation on what the fate of the guilty might be, is what speakers with a public forum should be talking about. Ignoring questions or attempts to steer the focus away from talking points is what politicians do, and the same tactics of highjacking the dialog space should be exercised by anyone that is up to the task of taking this shit going on seriously. Speculation is entertaining and Americans expect to be entertained. Entertainment draws their interest.The general vapidity of the public mind needs a circus to match the evil clown circus charade that they are already being presented with. What business does someone really have being a journalist, if they can't rise above the iniquities of the public they are informing?

  10. I was working in the Central American region as representative to "Swedish Save The Children" with my office in Mexico DF following the terror US planned and funded and organized in the region of Central America .. I was personally witnessing the US terror aimed to topple democratig governements and replacing them with cruel and brutal right-wing governments . The Koch brothers ar running one of our worlds most dangerous and illegal powerstructure . I lost several friends that was tortured and killed by the Koch powerstructure . This criminal structure has to be eliminated ! If not the Koch brothers might be able to make the whole US into a Country run by terror ! Beware !

  11. ah… A bit of a history lesson might be needed… This is NOT the first time the US government has interfered in this area… big business whined in the very late 1800's-early 1900's that their interests were being interfered with from a government that was not NICE to them (the American Interests were abusing the people of Nicaragua/Venezuela and raping the country – throwing the people off their lands by force). The Marines/Army were sent in to re-educate the population by a force of arms… So history does repeat itself…

  12. If it were not for US "democracy," can you imagine what kind of a shithole, murdering, lying, warmongering country the US would be today. I mean, no one could trust, believe in or even want anything to do with them.

  13. The only thing American can be human again is to elect people from the country outside of Washington DC and New York.

  14. "All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind."

    Adam Smith

  15. Abrams will insure all is FAIR….LOL….this is about democracy and the people, and OIL…almost forgot that…Bolton even said so…getting sloppy and the snakes head is rising too high in the out from the lawn mower!!!! ha…stop a war and get some troops, the wars and regime changes, the same story, you can only play this game sooo many times..end iraq, afghanistan, and syria…all wasted money, lives, and time…there is costs to war…do the math….you are costing way too much, in lives and money…stop…get real

  16. A permanent war state point not against Venezuela but toward the political zoo of Washington DC. due to the advanced state of moral putrification of north american Republic. There are no possibilities that guns and arms to be point out against developing countries in Latin America but most certainly ,and correctly, against these criminal elite with an evil and destruction mind of their own which main mission turn to be to spread the social and political sickness of a Republic of brothel.

  17. Its to late to save America. To much, way to much corruption. But as long as people have food, entertainment, entitlements, etc., theyll be willing to overlook it. America has never been perfect, but I sure miss the America of my childhood, the 50s, 60s, and early 70s.

  18. Thank you Mr. Jay and Col. Wilkerson for this interview which exposes forces within our government who seek to overthrow the elected government in Venezuela.

  19. The reason these guys keep coming back is because at the end of the day they are doing the bankster's bidding: keep getting everyone they can deeper into debt.

  20. We need to be more refine / more clear on the term Democracy. !!! Is it being presented as Army dictation or Democracy through International Law ? Need more clarity !!!! Directed at the present Administration !!!!

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