The real winner of Election 2020? Drugs.

The real winner of Election 2020? Drugs.

Drugs won big on Election Day, and the bipartisan divide on the war on drugs appears to be closing. With major strides in drug decriminalization and legalization taking place, we talk to Law Enforcement Action Partnership Executive Director Neill Franklin and NORML State Policies Coordinator Carly Wolf to explore how states are handling these measures and how it will impact us.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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20 thoughts on “The real winner of Election 2020? Drugs.

  1. Marijuana legalization is not a good trend under the current system.
    Here in California Marijuana is owned by the 1%, much of them from Canada and out-of-state money. About 98% of the medical marijuana businesses died once adult use was made legal. It's becoming legal so big companies can get a leg up on small competitors – by making it impossible for them to stay in business.
    In Cali, regulations make it so you need at least 3 million to stay viable, even then you'll struggle to stay alive in the best local scenario. It shut down creators of marijuana culture: small growers, edible makers and retailers who thrived under medical marijuana.

    Many of these corporations had never sold marijuana, but saw how much money could be made. This is why former republican Majority Leader John Boehner changed his tune on marijuana.

    Mark my words: After all the small businesses have disappeared they'll work on lobbying the legislature to reduce regulations and taxes, pedaling it as "good for small business". At that point it will be far too risky for folks with limited capital to open a marijuana business.

  2. Decrim seems a misstatement as this entire 'drug war' benefitted the police state. The global motive was to lock down Afghanistan and acquire northern Syria in the process; make ourselves the Pacific police and be able to intern ships in Taiwan.  
    Here in our homeland, we saw the constant media hype of 'drugs' benefit the gutting of our Constitutional rights, police gaining war powers of search and seizure, and hidden authority due to fear.  
    Locally, the extensive creation of and hiring for new Federal agencies led to local police having no upward mobility which meant the police shopped for their assets in their neighbors life. The wave of 20 year police retirees meant skimming of property and the manipulation to justify same from the local communities.  

    Decrim means there is nothing left to skim.  

    Is there going to be abatement of decades old fines and court fees so DL can be regained? Is there going to be abolishment of using captured children to funnel thousands of dollar to 'foster families?' Will parents have the option of having a local drop-in orphanage where children can be visited and regained?

  3. @The Real News Network : Kim Brown, beginning at 24:45 you come to ask when the govt, I guess you mean fed. govt, going to come to legalize, or MINIMALLY decriminalize cannabis. What do you mean by that, for it's like you think legalization is better than simply decriminalizing, when it's the opposite that would be more important and beneficial. Legalization just gives govt more TAX incentive and various control, whereas decriminalization shouldn't. Legalization makes the substance a govt-controlled one, whereas decriminalization certainly shouldn't. Legalization should be thought of as the MINIMAL solution, whereas decriminalization would be the optimal solution. Etc. And Carly (Wolf) of NORML ( makes it clear that she prefers legalization over decriminalization as well. What's wrong, do you need babysitting by this damn criminal, rogue govt, or what? Just let people consume and grow if that's what they wish to do, and then you just live your own life as you wish. You're like cheerleaders for the VERY corrupt govt. Neill spoke favorably of decriminalization.

  4. Wish Utah would have passed Marijuana laws… Oh wait… It did: in 2016… But the fucked up Mormon taliban didn't allow the democratic vote stand up.

  5. The only way Abolish the Police would be accepted by the general populace is if America moves towards becoming an anarchist state. That's never going to happen, so stop using that word. Seriously, this show is great and sheds light on massive disparities and the harm of the war on drugs, but saying Abolish is completely wrong and I don't agree with it. Defund is 100% sufficient and controversial, so let's focus on that left wing position instead of using anarchist lingo.

  6. When police have less to do, they seem to act in violence more often. When we decriminalization of anything, expect that.
    Disarm, defund, and disband them before that happens!

  7. The only reason people of colour are still being targeted in states were cannabis has been legalised is probably because they are not given the same opportunities to open dispensaries and are not paying taxes. When you legalise and tax drugs then it’s the people in power who have an interest in keeping the money coming. In an ideal world cannabis wouldn’t be taxed and alcohol and nicotine would be the most heavily taxed drugs since they kill more than any other drug.

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