Judi Rever’s book “In Praise of Blood” connects the modern scramble for control of African resources to the Rwandan genocide and sets the record straight about its alleged hero, Paul Kagame.

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By elboriyorker


44 thoughts on “The Rwanda Genocide’s Origins Are in Resource Extraction and US Militarism”
  1. American should read Judy book "in praise of blood" I read it and I have learned alot about the Rwandan genocide and continue investigation through former Kagame soldiers and political opponent's (Tutsi) who fled Kagame regime and hutu refugees camps in Congo then you can get what or who actually trigger the Tutsi genocide and the genocide committed by Kagame forces against Hutus since the 1994.

  2. That woman is a known hater and liar. Take the opposite of whatever piece of propaganda comes out of her mouth and you’ll be right.

  3. Americans and citizens of the West in general need to understand how conflict and war in resource-rich countries is built into the very fabric of America's 'foreign policy', industry (manufacture of weapons and technological gadgets) and trade, and therefore the economy. Unfortunately, the author's appeals to the moral conscience of Americans to take an interest in these conflicts will fall on deaf ears because people are way to comfortable, too docile and pacified by the gadgets that these corporations throw at them, too preoccupied with social media, to care. Its like giving someone a sleeping pill, then giving them a task that requires maximum focus and attention.

  4. She's a liar! I'm Rwandan and this woman just wants to destabilize my country and just wants to sell her book, because it's a controversial book, she's a witch! She's a liar who wants to spread her lies

  5. Miss River’s lies are part of covert operations by French agents to destabilize Africa. They’re still at it: “In December, networks managed from France and linked to the French army were deleted from Facebook over accusations of interference operations in Africa.” (From the AFP news agency 01/11/2021)

  6. It's sad to see Blacks being manipulated by whites to keep seeing Black people in Africa as bad as this.

    Rwanda issues are far more complex than you all are being told.

    Congo issues are also more complex than you're told.

    And most of these Westerners writing the so called books, have their hidden agendas that at the end of the day, they all serve the WEST'S interests.

    First of all this lady doesn't even believe the Genocide in Rwanda was Genocide Against Tutsis.

  7. Rwanda was the only way of going to Congo and Bill Clinton and Tony Blair use Kagame by give him the power because Habyarima refused they dirty Game

  8. lived in Tanzania 2011-2013. They still have refugee camps in the region. Met a guy who had worked in them. That region is so turbulent, all those countries connected by the violence, politics, and foreign policies

  9. People sometimes you make me lough. How can you listen to these people who don’t have any pain about those people we lost in Rwanda in genocide against Tutsi. First of all the name you are using show that you were paid by Hutus to cover their face. My question is what is your interest behind this? People don’t be foolish , these ladies know nothing. They haven’t even been in Rwanda. And what about those people accepting their role in genocide?

  10. U forgot to revisit the racist practices that the tutsis did with the us, dutch, french and british agencies providing military support against the hutus. The tutsis practiced APARTHEID against the hutus. They did things like (skin) color checks, nose width measurements to name a few. That's why it went bad when the europeon and euro-americans left. Treat people like u want to be treated.

  11. Interview with the former US ambassador to Rwanda on 10/5/03:
    "I held a meeting at my residence [on 4/7/94, the day after the plane crash] with whatever representatives the Rwandan government could come up with. Three Rwandans showed up.

    I presented an offer which, by this time, by phone we had gotten cleared [with the US government] — that the United States was prepared to BRING IN A TEAM TO HELP INVESTIGATE THE CAUSE of the president's plane being shot down. What we needed was a clear request from the authorities, and the answer to that was, "We don't have means at hand to make that request."

    I said, "Well, you take a piece of paper and pencil and write it out right here if you want." But clearly they were not prepared to request United States assistance."

  12. Jackie: You shouldn't be reluctant to use the term "regime." Like propaganda, the term has an innocuous meaning to it as well as pejorative. Trump's is not an administration. Neither was Obama's. I routinely refer to both and others as regimes.

  13. Nonsense" Paul is a savior like no other, Rwanda is doing excellent. Go burn your books. 👈🏿

  14. God Blesses who he wants to! Therefore, he has chosen Africa to and abundantly blessed them. However, others see all the blessings that have been bestowed on that Continent and decided to themselves that they must rob kill and plunder and take everything, from the human resources to all the wealth that God has deposited in the ground. Well, I have news for them.

    This is what the bible says about robbing Africa and it's people. Proverbs 22:16 He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want. Proverbs 22: 22 Rob not the poor, because he is poor: neither oppress the afflicted in the gate: -23 For the Lord will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them.

    America has never repented for the evil of slavery. Even today their leaders boast of being the greatest nation on earth. How did they become great? By constantly targeting Africa and her descendants across the globe Africans.

  15. Then genocides are probably not about race but to keep control in regions to maintain power over resources.

    It's just that some oppressed racial groups are always found trying to get away from their oppressors and they end up paying with their lives.

  16. Not US, the European expansion where US is a partaker and even leader. That politic is extended even domestically.

    It's pretty sad to hear that.

    God have mercy on us.

  17. You make it sound like Kagame is a Superman who is responsible for Mobutu's corruption and the collapse of Zaire. Why would the death of Habyarimana justify (trigger) the killing of innocent children? More prominent and influential leaders like Lumumba and Sankara were killed, was there a genocide afterwards? President Kayibanda (a Hutu) was killed by Habyarima (a Hutu), how many people were killed in retaliation? You make it sound like Hutus killers did the right thing by slaughtering their poor Tutsi neighbours simply because a dumbass president like Habyarimana died.

  18. Kagame army killed more than 6 millions of Congolese people since they invaded my country in 1996. Kagame is an African Hitler.

  19. Kagame is a hero for the African people and ur attempt at rewriting history is not gonna succeed. Ur fake anti u.s. militarism is easily spotted

  20. Genocide will remain controversial depending which school of thought writes or rewrites it. So will be the references cited. The region under discussion is peaceful and is progressing at a satisfactory rate and animosity is transforming steadily into harmony if not amorè. It is difficult to see what good will it do to dig out the skeleton and redress them. Leave the ghost of the past lay in hibernation in the past. If you try to stir them back in the present, they might oblige you. And the traditional magicians will be waiting with their mantras to control them creating the havoc in a peaceful land again. Leave the ghosts of the past in the past. Don't try stirring them from their hibernation.

  21. Kagame is just CIA dog in central Africa region. When West invented new colonialism they wanted leaders like Uncle Tom (Kagame) in Africa and they are ready to use their media to show the world that Uncle Tom is good leader. I remember when Clinton said that Kagame is his guy. This is New colonialism. Kagame is a hand of CIA.

  22. Paul Kagame did nothing wrong he's a hero. Naughty naughty USA should be totally held responsible for Hutus and Tutsis murdering each other for wrongly backing Kagame. USA should be held accountable for all the racism, genocides, slavery. corruption still present in Africa today. Keep the hate going strong and definitely don't take responsibility for your own actions. Follow these two rules and for sure you'll rise above all obstacles…🤣

  23. Susan Rice was in Africa for 20 years destabilizing the Congo.
    5 million were killed in the Congo War that Susan Rice instigated.

  24. check out barrick gold and it's connections to intelligence and destabilizing central african region… andrew young , adnan kashoggi , bush,,, keith harmon snow has the definitive work on this

  25. Quoting the title for this video, " The Rwanda Genocide's Origins Are in Resource Extraction and US Militarism ". OF COURSE! There surely are multiple online sources about this western imperialist exploitation of most bloody criminal nature, but I don't know of them enough to be able to name the authors, EXCEPT for one, Keith Harmon Snow. I'm not finding his most recent Web site, Conscious Being Alliance , but this is his former Web site, which was subsequently relegated, say, to serving only as his archive, http://www.allthingspass.com. http://www.consciousbeingalliance.com works, but only with " Page Not Found " error. It shows a list of the sections of what the Web site had, but none of the links work, always reproducing the same useless content. BUT, All Things Pass is still working and surely has content about the 1990s history about Rwanda, plus plenty more about Africa. I used it plentifully, until he created the newer CBA Web site.

    Use his full name to search YouTube. There're plenty of results, and here's a duzy in terms of duration, " Profiteering from Genocide in Central Africa " (3:17:46), FanSmiles, 6 Oct 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqPVRbshssY. Quoting the summary, " Profiteering from Genocide in Central Africa: The Truth, Propaganda and Private Profit behind Western Plunder and Depopulation." Keith Harmon Snow ". I need to download this one so as to not lose reference to it, for it must PACK A LOT of good, important info. Central Africa has long been a key area of interest, research for him, and he's produced very good reporting, as people who read at his archive Web site will be able to see for themselves.

  26. I highly recommend people check out Judi's book, I read it all it one day it was quite an epic and much of the time horrific read into Kagame's trail of blood. although curiously she went waaay too easy on his biggest booster and partner in crime Romeo Dallaire the Canadian UN general who helped navigate the Rwandan slaughters. check out my interview with Canadian historian/NGO critic and media critic Yves Engler about it and the work of Anne Garrison at Black Agenda Report, Robin Philpot, the late Ed Herman, David Peterson or David Paterson, the Taylor Report on soundcloud hosted by Phil Taylor, and Yves Engler. they also should check out this documentary the BBC did, they actually did real journalism in this superb mythbusting documentary https://vimeo.com/107867605

  27. Starts with a false premise; that colonisation was harmful; yup, trains, planes, automobiles, modern medicine, technology, communications, farming techniques and a 100fold increase in population, literacy, mobility, longevity. Yup, all bad.

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