The Secrets of an Elite Law Enforcement Unit Which Ran a Criminal Gang Inside a US Jail

The Secrets of an Elite Law Enforcement Unit Which Ran a Criminal Gang Inside a US Jail

The police accountability report talks to a first-hand witness to the alleged crimes of a group of corrections officers charged with brutalizing inmates as part of a larger criminal scheme

Producer: Stephen Janis
Taya Graham
Director/Video Editor: Dwayne Gladden
Audio Engineer: David Hebden
Camera Operator: Taylor Hebden
Will Arenas
Motion Graphics Designer: Kelly McAdams

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26 thoughts on “The Secrets of an Elite Law Enforcement Unit Which Ran a Criminal Gang Inside a US Jail

  1. Slavery is legal as long as the police a person with something. As it's painfully obvious, the police arrest a massively disproportionate amount of black people and other minorities as a way to side step the 13th amendment. The US is a backassward country. At least people have started to realize the police are basically a street gang with unlimited power and are corrupt. Black folk have been telling everyone this for the past 100+ years, but people didn't listen. Then camera phones happened

  2. LSA Tennessee going to be a big state hell are you stole my land and where my sister lives they killed that person just to get that land now they're trying to get this laying the same f**** way

  3. Primary account would be Jesus’s account. He was punched, slapped, whipped. In Roman punishment with the lash, 50-was the least 150 -was the most. Also the whip had sharp objects on the end, this would tear muscle, ligaments, cut to the bone.

  4. This has been going on way before Jesus entered the Earth. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, etc. still going on today. This will stop when Jehovah God installs his kingdom on Earth Is. 2:4.

  5. These so called Police Officers cannot be considered to be Police Officers. These are dangerous violent felons. Millions of Private Citizens need to use force to eliminate these dangerous violent felons who claim to be Police Officers. These so called Police Officers did it to themselves. We found, back in the 1960s Civil Rights movement that the Police are powerless when millions of us challenge them.

  6. Look up "The First Step Act" The reality is Donald Trump is the only President possibly ever to introduce Legislation that directly Opposes the Corrupt in Our Justice System..

  7. Seriously what Law's are You Referring to? The Russian Collusion Accusation's were Fake the entire Time, Hillary Clinton Paid a Retired British Spy to Conjure that entire Dossier out of Thin Air. The Cited Whistle Blower didn't even Exist.

  8. GREAT show!! I've also done time too many times, actually. I really appreciate you bringing up tRUMP. I, and hopefully over half the Country, have been waiting for the day to see him face accountability and consequences for his obvious crimes. Crimes that the average person would NOT get away with.
    I TOTALLY understand your guest. While I was doing time, I used to sit back and watch how crazy the CO's would behave.
    When he mentioned how Officer's scream, "Stop resisting, Stop resisting!"; I KNOW what he's saying. They'll scream that with their dash cam on, BUT, ONLY when it's out of the camera's view. It's usually a LIE in order for them to create a fake charge.
    Shit, sometimes (or MOST of the time) I felt like the CO's had mental issues by the way they conducted themselves. Alot of CONTROL freaks worked in Prison.

  9. We need to rico act the Blue Line Mafia and its made men judges/district attorneys. The judges/cops/DA should be paying for these mistakes not the (tax payers) or people who pay for them already…. Make the judges/cops pay for the peoples attorneys and the judges/cops should be paying for the lawsuits due to lack of understanding of the constitution. People that should be forking the bill for government corruption and abuse of oath are (EXAMPLES)
    1) JUDGES etc
    3)POLICE etc.
    RICO ACT the BlueLineMafia !!!

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