The Struggle of Toronto Uber Drivers to Unionize Part of a Larger Movement – Everything Law and Order Blog

Uber considers their drivers to be independent contractors, but the struggle to have them recognized as employees is making progress. Pablo Vivanco reports from Toronto

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By phillyfinest369


21 thoughts on “The Struggle of Toronto Uber Drivers to Unionize Part of a Larger Movement”
  1. I'm an entrepreneur turned netrepreneur & I'm a micro company.

    I can NOT afford employees & so I only hire freelancers.

    Before joining Uber, these people knew they weren't going to be employees & they STILL went to work for them.

    I heard years ago that Uber is a rip off, so it's your choice to stay.

    For the people who say it's hard to find work, I agree with you. I have to supplement my income & I struggle too.

    Capitalism is TERRIBLE, but then so is gov't. They have ruined society, although based on my research, society has ALWAYS been oppressed as there's classes & we are in the bottom class & the elite is in the top class.

    You can NOT have socialism with gov't otherwise you will end up with a dictatorship.

    That's why you need anarchism with communism (anarcho-communism).

    Uber is a piece of shit & never careed about anyone, not their customers or their freelancers, BUT trying to force a company to reclassify you as an employee when they never hired drivers as employees to begin with is just stupid, IMO.

    You want to hurt them, gather drivers from ALL over the world & go on strike for at least 2 days if not longer.

    That's how you will get them to change things.

  2. Spanish cab drivers and various ayuntamientos kicked out uber out of Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid and few more cities … Since 2017 onwards

  3. People in the comments acting like workers really have a "choice" to not earn a living :/ They should all quit their jobs and see how easy it is.

  4. Why are people criticizing these drivers' interest in forming a union, on the basis of their status as independent contractor vs that of an employee? The distinction is not Biblical; it is a result of a legal distinction created, over the years, by legislatures and judges. Does a human being lose the right to form a group with others like him/herself, to further their own interests, in the world? The work is done by workers, the rules are made by those who profit from that work: When do workers get some natural rights for themselves?

  5. That is so stupid. All the drivers across America have to do is STOP DRIVING, and in a few days they will bring the company to their knees, begging them to drive again. Otherwise how will that piece of shit manage to keep his 75 million dollar mansion. F**k these greedy corporations, mother-f***kers how much money do they need? At what point they will say 'we had enough, let's share the crumbs with the peasants'.

  6. Any Uber driver (or other ride-share application drivers) know what they are getting into when they sign-up. If they say they don't or have expectations otherwise they have NOT done their due diligence, which is available at all times. Uber is getting rich off of inconsistent pricing to ride requesters (passengers) & constantly altering the 'rates' they pay drivers.

    I did my due diligence six years ago, at the avent of these applications becoming available, and as they were expanding their availability beyond their Silicon Valley local geography. I chose to become a driver, and only drive using the Lyft application. I agreed to have a vehicle in (and kept in) good condition & of an agreed upon model year or newer, Lyft did a comprehensive background check on me (as they do with every driver) before they would allow me to have access to the 'Lyft Driver's App" & to be sure I had a clear driving record, non-felony criminal record, as well as, not being be registered/convicted sex offender.

    Uber to often does not follow through with these things & constantly get caught allowing people that should NOT be driving other people around, while they play the 'ask forgiveness, not permission game.'

    Uber's business mode is: Marketing & name recognition = profitability 1st and foremost. (often by over-charging passengers & undermining the rates driver's compensation share is based on)

    Lyft has an opposite business model: Passanger experience/satisfaction is 1st & foremost, supporting driver's 2nd and allowing organic growth & profitability.

    This is why everyone knows the brand name UBER & only through experience discover the best experience for all included is with companies like LYFT!
    I've recently been to London, where UBER as 'kicked out of London central' two summers ago. LYFT is supposed to be expanding to this market and others outside of the U.S. soon. I did find discover an app: GETT, available in London, & found them to be very similar to the Lyft business model. It's an app that approved Black Cab drivers & others can utilize to fill in rides between their regular taxi request. It really worked well!

  7. lmao these drivers are going to realize they've been swindled after paying out union fees for a few months and realizing the union cant actually legally protect them in any way

  8. contractors cant form a union. they aren't employees. and if they somehow manage to, uber Toronto on its slowest day will cost 2x as much as it's most expensive city does during peak.

  9. I drove for UBER for about 3 months, and roughly about 30-35 hours a week. I never made less than $700 a week. There were days that would work 8 hours and made $200. If you want to drive UBER BLACK only, then you will have a lot less customers. Also, I didn't buy a $70k car that uses premium gas with expensive maintenance so I can Drive Uber black. My experience with Uber was in 2018, so not that long ago

  10. The paperwork calls them contractors, but they are employees for all intents and purposes.
    If the paperwork says you can have a pound of flesh from a living breathing man, will you really have a pound of his flesh?
    Certain types of colonialism happened because the natives signed documents they couldn't understand. These drivers couldn't understand your motive in calling them 'contractors'. Back when colonialism was 'legal', would you be such a fraud colonialist? Would you condemn your fellow human beings, even white human beings to slavery? To working long hours for peanuts or less, force them to never be there for their families, forcing them to not have freedoms, leaves, vacations, keep them bound to whatever work you dictate to them knowing fully well that they have no choice and that it is your doing that they have no choice?

  11. Go for it…
    Protest for higher wages and unionization…
    Keep giving Uber and Lyft all the more reason to roll out self driving vehicles.

  12. I wonder how many of these Uber drivers voted for policies that supported big business (corporations) or racist policies like the us

  13. Unions are only trying to 'get a piece' of this part of the economy to increase memberships & contributions, there is virtually NOTHING a 'union' can provide to ride-share drivers…

  14. Ride-share drivers ARE independent contrators…the idea of 'unionizing' any of these 'gig economy' 'work when you want to or not' 'no interview to gain access to app' opportunities are NOT translatible to 'hired to work jobs'….smfh

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