The Real News takes aim at the top 5 mainstream myths that bolster income inequality and tout the ultra-rich.

Director: Dwayne Gladden
Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden
Camera Operator: Adam Coley
Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Video Editor: Stephen Janis

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By elboriyorker


50 thoughts on “The Top 5 Mainstream Media Myths That Perpetuate Income Inequality”
  1. Taya for President!! (Checks and Balances? Media is suppose to be regarded as the 4th branch of government and the real unchecked oligarchy has bought the whole system.. America is for sale and Greed is Good or No Success like Excess is the true American slogan.) History has often been like this, even Biblically the Blessed are acrually wealthy i.e. Solomon and Job, but the message is to be poor and meek and love of Money is the root of all Evil. Thanks for framing the context but unfortunately, the Golden rule is he who has the Gold makes the rules. And the people are here to serve the "power". Every person who tried to give it back to the people was silenced. Shift it by even 85 – 15 and the world would be decent and maybe even cared for, our Home and care of it for our children is the ultimate Context.

  2. If you want 15 dollars an hour labor, why not deport all the illegals and jail the business owners hiring them? That is the best most honest way to increase wages, by creating a labor shortage. I'll be that won't be discussed.

    Most college professors aren't worth 3000 dollars a class. People need to stop going if they want a change.

    Affordable health care means government telling doctors what they can charge. I always like it when people say, "Don't control my wages, but I want the government to control yours".

  3. 💙🧡💚💜💙🧡💚💜
    You are awesome
    You kick ass
    Love it!!

  4. YouTube would not exist if it were not for the greed of Google’s and other companies executives. Greed makes men create wealth for other so they themselves become rich. GREED IS GOOD

  5. I agree 100% that the top 1%, per se, is taking advantage of our system by buying out our politicians (not just in the USA, but most of the world) and creating their own deceitful system. However, there are some things here I disagree with, the main one I wish to mention is the $15 minimum wage. I have several logical reasons:

    I believe people should receive better pay, but not through regulation. It seems counterintuitive to think that the same politicians and "lawmakers" who lie through their teeth would pass a system that would quit benefitting them and benefit the average person or the working class. Just look at the ACA by Obama. It was promised to be like a knight in shining armor, but after its passage healthcare costs have skyrocketed and the insurance companies, hospitals, and other affiliated organizations have gotten a firmer grip on the healthcare market and are now profiting off of the suffering of others at immensely high rates. The fact is that Obama was a bought-out politician and submitted to the will of the lobbyists, along with the "legislators," and created the ACA in favor of healthcare and pharma giants, but disguised it as the opposite. A wolf in sheep's clothing, if you will. I am 90% certain that the same would happen with a $15 min wage law as well.

    Also, even if this law was able to pass Congress and the President and everything in a non-corrupted way, I still would not support it. The reason is that it is contradictory. The idea is that a $15 wage would be a living wage is true and yes everyone deserves it, but if companies were forced to pay this, it would hit the small businesses the hardest. A large majority of the economy still depends on small businesses (though increasingly less and less, unfortunately) and most of those businesses have labor as their highest or near-highest expense. A $15 min wage law would force these businesses out of existence, or into the hands of the same mega-corporations who lobby the government to get what they want. In short, it would increase monopolization and oligopolies even faster than today, which is never good for any society.

    The way to ensure a living wage to society is not to force a living wage, but to incentivize it. The root of all these economic incentives comes down to the lobbyists and the special interest groups who buy out government(s), which they use to line the incentives their way, most of the time disguising it as the opposite.

  6. Remember Lifestyles of the Rich and famous. Media led propaganda for the Rich. Next it was Cops" which proceeded the Prison industrial Complex. Followed by a slew of media campaigns that glorified corporate greed. We've all been pacified by the LIE that more hard work and determination will put us up in their stratosphere of opulent wealth. Don't hold ya breath waiting on it.

  7. There are more incidious myths promulgated by mass media than these. Take racism and sexism. Does it ever occur to the average American that the 1% have a vested interest in exaggerating and perpetuating civil and domestic unrest in order to keep us fighting one another so that we are constantly distracted from recognizing our real oppressors? Americans need to wake up from their manufactured delusions. The war is not horizontal. It's not against the perennial boogyman countries thousands of miles away, and it's not against men or women or combinations thereof. It's not even about ideological differences. The war is vertical. The war has always been between the haves and the have nots.

  8. In Canada, minimum wage is in no way related to the disability income for the disabled. In Toronto Ontario Canada, the minimum hourly wage is $14.00 per hour. In Toronto Ontario Canada, where I also currently live, I survive on the ODSP income ( Ontario Disability Support Program ). It provides the equivalent of a $5.00 per hour wage. Try living in Toronto on a $5.00 per hour income. It is the bare bones of living. But not to worry. If I simply save every penny of my income for 15,038,254 years, I will be as rich as as today's richest person.

  9. Healthcare for all to expensive? I live in Eastern Europe and we HAVE healthcare for all – and although it's not really up to standard, it's inexpensive and available to EVERYONE who has a job and pays their CASS contribution.

  10. How can one convince people this is important? Simplify is one way: Sanders says that 3 individuals own more than half of all Americans, that's 3 to 164 million. I think the tone of this report is wrong. Instead of banging, calm down and explain in a slow deliberate way how inequality is hurting people -food insecurity, bills unpaid, bankruptcy, never saving, lousy paying jobs, nervous anxiety about having enough and never being able to save, the rising price of so many things. There are lots of experts, see, ask Jeannette Wicks-Lim at PERI, or Pavlina Tcherneva. Recently the Center on American Progress published "America Decides" with charts showing 52% complaining of low wages, not affording healthcare, utilities, shelter – five basic problems — 52%, more than half. And it's no wonder. The average household income is $141,000, using the personal income Table 2.1, or $120,000 using the Joint Committee on Taxation, Overview. But half of households's income is below half the average, below $63,179. Only 18% are average or better (see The United Way charity reports 40% of adults can't afford seven basics of modern life. They go into detail, with reports from about 18 separate states in 4 very different U.S. regions. Please keep hammering away, inequality should be a very convincing argument for change. In Baltimore at John Hopkins is the scholar Kathry Edin who wrote "$2.00 a Day, Living on Almost Nothing in America" — see if you can interview her. My blog has lots of info,

  11. Climate change is a hoax. Rich people want more money as usual. I was going to watch this video until you spewed that propaganda at the start.

  12. I agree with the critique of incremental change. There is no good in in slow change since it gives the bourgeoisie sufficient chances to bide their time for the restoration of their rule. You need a revolution where you abolish capitalism and establish a socialist workers' state. To be honest I don't see that happening soon. The vast majority of US citizens are too far entrenched in bourgeois ideology to achieve class conciseness. The American Dream is that ideology.

  13. Nope. Liberalism has always from its very inception been pro capitalism. The very idea of liberty has always been entwined with the notion of the private ownership of the means of production.

  14. The rich would rather fight to the death, send fighters to crush all opposition than become normal workers like the rest of us.

  15. It is not greed that drives capitalism but the system itself. For private enterprises and owners to be able to compete in the market they must outperform the competitors in the market. Therefore we must abolish private ownership of the means of production. You cannot forever regulate private ownership, you must abolish it.

  16. Value is a measure of the amount of labour expended on task that that can produce use-value. That use-value in turn is then traded on on a market and then is seen as exchange-value that exchange value can be then expressed as price according to supply and demand. The Price is the exchange value to a currency that in self is an abstraction of performed labour.

  17. Is it sexist to say Taya Graham is quite the foxy lady, or better to say she is quite pleasing to my male eyes, as she does her outstanding reporting on these need to know issues and topics all should be aware of?Thanks, Taya, and her helpers.

  18. All public policy is controlled by those who control the money, the big banks, and they profit from the corporations that are simply legal constructs of the banks to protect them from liability. They will create disease then gouge society for the medicine, etc. etc..

  19. Excellent report, in keeping with the increasingly powerful, growing and informative progressive media. So tired of the decades long project of deifying wealth, elitism and corporate bullshit 'solutions'.

  20. Lol…keep changing people's minds while they are teaching your children neo liberalism in schools.The roots of This madness goes deeper than you think.The roots of this madness go into your minds,they have hacked the human being.They will always have obedient dreamers to make them rich.

  21. Fascism BEGINS with union-busting, privatization of public services, deregulation and disinformation. Make no mistake, we are 4 decades into Fascism 2.0.
    Hitler made so much money by privatizing public services, deregulation and union-busting that the US couldn't wait to try it here under the guise of "necessary" austerity.

    US corporate media admired fascism in the early 20th century:

    "The danger of fascism comes not from skinheads or the militia or the Christian right fanatics. It comes from the ongoing practices of the National Security State and its various enforcement agencies; it comes from the boardrooms of corporate America.

    When the power of capital is increasingly untrammeled, all of us are put at risk: the environment, the sacred forests, the beautiful and mysterious creatures of the sea, the ordinary people who, with their strength and brains and inventiveness create community and give to life so much that’s worthy of our respect. The real burden to society is not the poor, but the corporate rich. We simply can no longer afford them."

  22. Social security, new deal and FHA were first created, they were distributed through the states… Who found a way to severely limit blacks from taking part. So within this particular conversation, there's a nuanced conversation if institutional racism and exploitation that fuels the cronyism which is now spreading this "infection" into mainstream society.

  23. Probably a lot more myths the media of your country perpetuates… See Manufacturing Consent… Eventually, if nothing is done, Hong Kong style protests will come to the streets of America's big cities.

  24. Exactly. Trump didn't just pop up out of nowhere. The soil for an authoritarian Neofascist government has been slowly and carefully tilled over the last 40 years by both parties under privatization and neoliberal corporatism.

    Centrist Dems have cost the Democratic party the White House and over 1000 seats since 2010 and Citizens United. Wittingly or unwittingly Centrist Dems have been nothing but Trump enablers blindly and foolishly leading the country down the path of fascism.

    Both Republicans and Centrist Dems use this "Purity Test" trope as an excuse to justify aiding and abetting each others corruption. Nazis used this same "purity test' to justify their crimes.

    "Centrists Democrats" are spineless capitulating losers who bend to the will of the GOP. Their policies are Corporate Republican and to further billionaire authoritarianism over our government. The short-sighted ideology of this vapid and destructive alliance is narcissism and greed.

    2020 will be a pivotal year in American history to see whether our country continues marching down the road towards fascism, or correct course towards social and economic democracy.

  25. I wish the guest spent more time on the way that the media convinces us that we can part of the elite someday (mainly done through celebrities and athletes), and how that feeds into letting the elite get away with crimes because someday we will be part of the elite and benefit from the system.

  26. Support open and free markets. Support High School football teams playing in the NFL. End market monopolies. Government prevents High School football from open competition. Is this fair?

  27. Protect our Healthcare Insurance Claims Processing Industry! Lower costs with use of skilled H1B visa holders! Support Diversity! Demand greater access to foreign markets for our American Health Insurance Claims Processing Industry!

  28. Don't overlook the fact that people diagnosed with ADHD receive SSI benefits from their teenage years until death without ever having to lift a finger. Milton Friedman pointed out how our current set of social safety net systems do not function the way they were intended to perform. A negative income should have replaced them back in the early sixties.

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