Administration officials are repeating ideas that sound eerily similar to the justification used for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

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By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “The Trump Administration Is Repeating Iraq War Talking Points”
  1. They did just what Trump said Obama would do to win his election , He did not do it but Trump seems to think it will change peoples minds and vote for him. Because thats all he ever cares about is himself.He worried about iran and friends with Russia and North Korea..

  2. I mean… what about Obama dropping 30,000 bombs in Syria in one year…?
    Where was everyone then?
    What about B. Clinton's cold war?

  3. America claims they are leaders of the world. Well Mr Trump here is a leadership tip. Iran has been the US target for 40 years so firstly do you really expect them to like you, no. But here is my tip for you. You had an agreement that contained Iran and which it removed decades old sanctions. Good leadership would have let Iran create an economy and lifestyle over the duration of the agreement and then when the agreement expired you could have negotiated another deal using the leverage of their now greater economy and lifestyle to make a new deal. It is very hard for a country to give so much up after not having it for decades and now you do have a better life.. But no Mr Trump your personality weakness is your ego that blinds you to see good judgement that allows a person to see a long way ahead through the years and what the outcomes will be. Iran is the master chess player and now they have the US in check mate because you protect yourself first and those around you will tell you that you might win the war but you will lose the world economy and US hegemony. I hope the next president is not a repeat of the present president who has broken the world and turned countries against each other. The test of a person's character is known by how they treat others the word of God shows us and Jesus said beware " by their fruit you will know who belongs to me" You fruit is showing Mr President would it pass the test ?

  4. ALL full of sh*t. They make or state totally bs claims that they provide NO proof for even just stating, much less also acting on or with this bs. Well, the US, i.e., Washington, has been at war, in various ways, covertly and overtly, politically and militarily, on the Middle East for over 60 years and these so-called "leaders" evidently have no intention of stopping this unending criminality; unending, for me anyway, for it's all been going on for longer than I've lived and will be 63 in March. These so-called leaders deserve to be securely institutionalized, removed from society. Maybe we could consider them as a PLAGUE. They infect society with their diseased ways. Securing them away in some secure institutions may perhaps be one recourse, but Nuremberg trials would surely be much more fitting. Then we could employ cheerleaders of some NFL team, for them to come and do their pom-pom act. There'd be good reason to cheer anyway.

  5. thank you for making this video. it is a representation of the truth.

    also: as a general question: during his anti-war speech mike prysner mentioned active duty military service people, can conscientiously object to being deployed in iraq, and if the contact him or his organisation, he will help them to make sure their forms to get this status, are filled out just right (they need to be just right, or their question for that status could be denied). as many people in the US as possible need to know about this option i think. so, TRNN, could also share it as an item.

  6. "Throw your bodies against the gears" of the war machine if you're sickened to the pit of your stomach. If you're okay with the lies and bloodshed, even just a little bit, continue your day as normal as millions will.

  7. Not only is this administration filled with people who are nothing more than retreads from a bygone era, but its policies and ideas certainly are as well. tRump thinks he’s draining the swamp when in actuality he’s cleaning out the freezer and sticking everything that’s freezer burned in the microwave and seeing what happens.

  8. Why there is no consequence for lies like that! If it is not in the intrest of the people who's benefiting from all this wars

  9. Our government learned well from the Nazi régime:

    “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.”

    – Joseph Goebbels

    “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”

    – Joseph Goebbels

  10. Over on Fox News they appear to be brewing a war, just not the most obvious one. They are saying that Democrats are mourning the loss of Suleimoni and we have take Iran's "side". They are stirring the pot so much that I'm starting to believe it might actually be possible that there might be a physical assault somewhere in our country, if not several. It was bad enough their base believes Democrats are socualist, thanks to Fox, hell-bent on the destruction of our nation now they are saying we are all traitors because we are backing our nation's enemy. I usually let the nonsense just run off, but I'm having a difficult time because the charge is TREASON, for crying out loud.

  11. Everlasting war – assassinating people will save us all won't it? If these Zionist/neocon, warmongering cowards and draft dodgers want a fight, someone give them a gun and drop them in Iran. They are psychopaths willing to send America's sons to their deaths for Israeli expansionists and their enablers.

  12. Waiting for the known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns moment.😆😆😆

  13. Iranians are not scared of death …Americans are scared of death they will miss playing their video games n watching reality TV …lmao be careful young men an woman of America be very careful

  14. I hate being lied too. I keep saying the last administration gave Iran money. He refuses to acknowledge that the money was Iran’s unfrozen money that belonged to Iran.

  15. Why shouldn't they be repeating "Iraq War Talking Points" when the very same people (the politicians and media) have been promoted in their respective jobs? Was a single one of them held accountable for their actions? And now you guys are asking those stupid questions? It will keep happening until we the masses stop voting them into office.

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