In Arizona pro-immigrant and voter registration activists are being intimidated, both by the state and right-wing white-supremacy groups.

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By elboriyorker


25 thoughts on “The Trump Administration’s Intimidation of Latino Activists”
  1. You know every time there's an election the border always gets first acknowledgment of terrorism yet I don't understand what 9/11 happened why if we're going to war with these people you give them our gas stations liquor stores if we're such a problem then stop stop working for them she they needed for the borders to be open for the farmers cuz they needed us for the farming if we stop helping when they need it maybe they start listening to what we got to say stop doing the job as they don't want to do and let's see how they get around see they were going to show the border until the farmers spoke up said no cuz we don't have no one to help us farm so just wait until after that then shut it down every election always talking about the wall they already have the damn wall and now now you people see how racist this country is been saying it all along but nobody wanted to listen I knew when Trump was running for president that all the racist would be coming out you know there scared to say their racist just look at the history always had to hide behind sheets why if there's no shame in pride that you have for your race then why hide there's no loyalty in that they're not even loyal to their own race you know I don't look like a Mexican but I'm Brown and proud I catch them all the time talking about us once they figure out I'm Mexican they don't know what to say God help us one and all

  2. The right wing terrorist taken chicken sh-t to a whole new low with total lack of humaniry just like. Trump and his agenda

  3. Never seem so many supporting so many law breakers….and not their own…

    Why don't the try this crap in their own country..

  4. Hey compas stop talking about Obama like if he was some kind of pinche savior!. They didn't call him deporter 'n chief for nothing!. He also handed down this fascist the deportation machine ! Pensa camaradas !

  5. Most Latinos and Afro-Americans are of the 50% working poor, which means that the root cause of this discrimination is the more educated upper-half of being so greed-driven as to hoard all the land, wealth, political power and healthcare.

  6. Trump's presidency is a symptom of Obama and previous war criminals presidents (all of them since Reagan accomplishing one agenda). Please do not try to convince anyone that Obama was a hero. I am black and I am telling you that man sold us all to corporation, bailed the banks and not the people, and got us even more wars. So Trump be it!

  7. Everyone a new youtube like platform is making head lines it’s called everyone needs too leave youtube we all can not allow youtube too treat all content creators and viewers like trash everyone needs too switch now

  8. Waaaaa my feelings are everyone's fault. Waaaaa take care of me.. coddled, entitled fool. They walk into a trap and cry like a rat. Der der der. If your soooo mistreated run to another country. Until they are treated like the Kardashians they are going to whine.

  9. i just wonder. if the situation is so bad. why they dont go back to their country. it is the same situation as in europe. the inmmigration crisis. stop boming their countries so they can go back to their countries. i just feel all this is orchestraited as a distraction to hide something else that is taking place before our eyes and we just cant see it as we are busy working and fighting other causes.

  10. 90 percent of all confrontations has been the left hate payed groups. Illegals should be escorted back home no matter where you're from. Send the illegals back .

  11. The way I feel about it everyone came in this world the same way we all bleed the same way and we are all a like in a lot of way and guess what we are going out in same way. Read the bible because it says YOU HAVE HEARD THAT IT WAS SAID YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AND HATE YOUR ENEMY BUT I SAY TO YOU LOVE YOUR ENEMIES BLESS THOSE WHO CURSE YOU, DO GOOD TO THOSE WHO HATE YOU, AND PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SPITEFULLY USE YOU AND PERSECUTE YOU, so people stop having so much hate in your heart.

  12. We've already let too many Illegals and Invaders come to America illegal…..Time to get deported from Brown American Native!!!

  13. Bottom line is illegal is illegal if you do not properly enter the United States through the port of entry then you have no purpose ever in being in this country ever at any point my great great grandparents did not come into this country illegally they came in through the port of entry they became citizens properly either follow the law as it is written or take your asses back to where you came from and never come back …..

  14. Slpc is full of shit and cannot believed. Anyone to the right of Jane Fonda is designated a "hate group". Glad Trump is putting Americans first and it's about time. "White supremacy" is a loony eyed conspiracy theory, show me proof that they're a significant presence anywhere….

  15. There’s a question that every American needs to ask themselves at this juncture in history. It’s a simple question, but a hard one. Maybe it needs to be asked daily. And if the answer’s an uncomfortable one,  then it only raises more, harder questions. That question is this. What kind of people are we letting ourselves become? That’s not a rhetorical question. I genuinely mean that each and every one of us should be asking it every day these days — and thinking long and hard about the answers, as difficult as they may be to stomach. I don’t want to be your granddad here (I’m sure he’s a lovely person), but. If you want to be a civilized person, a good citizen, a functioning adult,  your first responsibility is asking this question. It’s your duty: a moral duty, an ethical duty, a social duty, and political duty, too. Why? What happens if enough of us don’t? Well, we slide headlong into even more horror and ruin, don’t we? We honor history, truth, our ideals, the dead, ourselves by remembering who we should be, must be, can be. But let’s begin with the facts. The first fact is that we are torturing people in concentration camps now, including women, children, babies, and the elderly. Yes, really. Refugees and migrants are detained in a place called “the Dog Pound.” Here’s my second fact. We are committing genocide. Yes. Really. We euphemistically say that little kids are “forcibly removed” from their parents. Maybe we even go so far as saying they are abducted or kidnapped. But even that is a polite half-truth, an evasion. The truth , difficult and terrible,  is that we are committing genocide. (Maybe that’s not a surprise,  we have many times before, on natives, on blacks, and so forth. Here we are again. Will we ever change? Grow up?) Here’s the exact international legal definition of genocide, again from the Rome Statute on crime against humanity:

    ”Genocide” means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;

    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    The bolding’s mine. Go ahead and reread it. Think about it. I want you to really understand it — because when you do, you’ll see there’s no way out, no debate, no argument. My third fact is the most brutal,  but simplest,  of all. It is the answer to my first two questions. What kinds of people build concentration camps? Torture vulnerable groups in them? What kinds of people commit genocide? Maybe some of the answers you’ve come up with are things like: terrible people, moral weaklings, disgraces, and so on. Moral answers, in other words. That’s a start — and yet there’s a much simpler and more straightforward answer, that some part of you is still defending against, preventing you from saying or thinking. That answer is this. What kinds of people build camps and commit torture and genocide?
    Fascists do! But what other kinds of people do terrible things like build camps, torture people in them, and commit genocide? Is there any other answer than “fascists do?” Please understand — I don’t mean to say you are a fascist-authoritarian. A fascist society is not made of 100% fascists. How many fascists does it take to make a society of them? The grim answer is: "a committed enough minority."  what kind of people are we letting ourselves become? The answer to that should be as obvious as it is damning. We are cowards. We look away from the things we must look at because they frighten us with the knowledge of ourselves. We cannot even open our eyes, because we don’t like what we see. And there is nothing more disgraceful than a coward. Especially in times like these.
    Because that’s what the bad guys want you to be the most. ~PEACE! (have videos on my YT channel to learn and share with more coming.)

  16. Organizing politically around ethnic identity, is racist and militates against liberal democracy. It proves what
    native Americans have said for decades, that immigrants intend to overrun native born Americans politically
    and out breed them as well. They don't want to be unified under one flag; they want to dominate. Identity politics
    has no place in liberal democracy, but here it is, blaming European Americans as "White Nationalists," which is
    a euphemism used as a racial slur.

  17. Btw, this is my country! I was born here! I am white and darn proud of who I am. Stop shaming us for being born white!

  18. Stop blaming Trump for your problems! Can you blame us for not wanting to support you all?

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