The Two Faces of Fascisization: Inequality and the Fight Against Anti-Semitism – Q&A (3/5) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Paul Jay says a significant section of the population supporting far right “populism” is part of the process of the development of fascism, but the acceptance of gross inequality is also a necessary condition for this process – From a live recording on October 29th, 2018

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By phillyfinest369


17 thoughts on “The Two Faces of Fascisization: Inequality and the Fight Against Anti-Semitism – Q&A (3/5)”
  1. No one in Brazil is worse than Trump, the only difference is the "material condition" of a man's environment. The Real News please don't sale the Third Worldist position, that us (black Americans included) here in NATO countries are lucky. As a handicapped brown colored family in America, going through eviction, I can tell any human on this planet we are not lucky!

  2. They voted for Trump cause between Hillary and Trump trump was the populist. He wanted a detente with Russia, to bring back jobs etc. Of course i never really believed him but what if he's serious. Hillary had no message and even ran to his right on certain issue people understood she represented the status quo. America just elected a black guy for president twice, lets not forget that. Obama could not get elected twice if "white mans" were so racists. Enough with that BS and talk about real issue.

  3. I agree with this man, both sides of our political system are corrupt and sold out to the 1%, we will have to try to educate people and fight hard to keep what remains of our democracy.

  4. I'm pretty sure that the belief in the rapture is shared by all evangelicals. I believe that that is one of the defining beliefs for evangelicals alongside opposition to women's and gay's rights. That's pretty much the 3-legged stool. Apocalypticism, we don't have to do anything about climate because god has promised that there won't be another flood. Opposition to gay marriage because regardless of all the evidence to the contrary gay people are just choosing to sin, and abortion is wrong because there are souls and god puts them in babies at conception (though there's no basis in the bible for this). That's evangelicalism in a nutshell.

  5. Precisely! rump the "divider & chief" I can forgive my rich friends who vote for Trump but not people like me or so many others struggling to survive. (fyi keep the beard, Paul 🙂

  6. How can the liberal elite say that they support equality, tolerance, and compassion when they support the brutalities of corporate capitalism and the massive income and wealth inequality that comes with corporate capitalism and the inheritance of millions of dollars in wealth side by side with half of the USA living at or below the federal poverty line? They call the lower classes and the rubes fly over country and then they are shocked when Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, PA, Missouri, Wisconsin all line up and vote against HRC (their anointed candidate) and for Donald Trump? "Necessitous men are the stuff that dictatorships are made of" said FDR. You can't take the richest country in the history of the world and render half of its citizens poor with thousands homeless and not expect extreme politics. Socialism on the left and fascism on the right. The source of extremist politics in this country is clear. Economic INEQUALITY. Time for a guaranteed minimum income which is a passive income for all American citizens guaranteed by the federal government.
    See the lie that is the liberal politician

  7. The Jews had Jesus killed..

    Who cares about religion

    No one asks to be born

    Everyone is human

    Everyone bleeds the same

    Jews killed a Hebrew socialist called Jesus.

    Catholic Romans are also to blame

  8. Trump is not elected,but selected.
    And nationalism exist when goverment ask to much tax from the people.
    Germany was a socialist country before world war1 broke out.
    After world war 1 the germans are poor and have no work and money any more.
    Thats how they change a country into a nationalist fascist country.
    By the way wallstreet funded nazi Germany.
    Like today wallstreet support Trump.

    And anti semitism started with the zionist.
    Dont forget muslims are semites to.
    Anti semitism was a tool of zionism to create israel.
    Today its about the muslim world what need to reform.
    The USA is rome.
    Rome without a vatican.
    With the coming war rome destroy there 2 enemys at once.

  9. It's hard to tell if the majority of the people actually support a leader if that leader is given to executing anyone who doesn't. I suspect that a lot of people were not very enthusiastic. After all, the NAZI party wasn't voted into a leadership position.

  10. How can they call themselves “Christians” and support Israel with its brutal occupation and killing Palestinians for protesting in a prison called Gaza , not very Christian of them is it, guess they forgot what Jesus = Christianity, was teaching and if they actually read the Bible, the part they omit, is God made a covenant with the Jews to enter the lands , the Jews never fulfilled their part, even Mosses didn’t enter the lands because he sinned against God.

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