The Year in Palestine and Israel: Part Two

The Year in Palestine and Israel: Part Two

The Real News Network’s Marc Steiner and Shir Hever discuss corruption charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the far right, and more.

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16 thoughts on “The Year in Palestine and Israel: Part Two

  1. The whole situation/problem originates from within the Talmud and Talmudism expressed thru Zionism and the greater Israel plan which in its full scope means domination over every other race tribe creed religion based upon the orthodoxys theological belief system of Tikun Olam Supremacy and the quicker one submits the better off you are in doing so, that there is no use in fighting the prime directive, world domination from The new Capitol Jerusalem.

  2. 8:08, quote: " Netanyahu's annexation of Jordan Valley already a reality, say Palestinians With their water already stolen by Israeli settlers and facing legal discrimination, residents say any formal move will make little difference ". Legal discrimination? What the hell is that? Imo, we can neither legally nor morally discriminate. We can discriminate but must keep that nonsense to ourselves, if and when we choose to be discriminatory. Ideally wouldn't happen, but it does, so just don't contaminate society with such bs. If you don't like someone, then stay away from them. Starting at roughly 8:29, Shir says there're around 50,000 Palestinians living in Jordan, vs around 9,000 Israeli settlers, and the latter basically are starving out the former. What the … heck?! It's an incredible situation to wind up in, unfortunately for these Palestinians. INCREDIBLE hell-bent …. These settlers should DEPART, return to the countries of their ancestors ; mostly Eastern Europe.

  3. Some say had Germany won the war the world wouldn't be plagued with war mongering, poverty, oppression, apartheid and usury.
    BDS people……. its working!

  4. Love you Marc Steiner for your courage to laugh openly and show your keen analysis. Your sincerity and urging is sans being harried, judgemental or shrill loose cannon.

  5. Wishful thinking on the TRNN. This expat is misrepresentating the situation. Major cherry picking and out and out lies again on this antisemitic and bogus channel.
    PM Netanyahu in 2020 . He has the support of the majority of world Jewry.

  6. days agoFull-time

    Org. Setting and Reporting This position is located in the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Section of the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions (OROLSI), within the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) in New York. New York is classified as a hardship "H" duty station and family duty station. The incumbent reports to and is under the overall supervision of the DDR Section Chief. Responsibilities Within delegated authority, the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer will be responsible for the following duties: • Acts as a Focal Point for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) components for two to three missions, responsible for planning, support to implementation and evaluation; • Participates in DPO and Integrated Task Force planning meetings for the establishment of a new peacekeeping mission with a potential DDR component; • Provides technical assistance to peace negotiations; • Participates in technical assessment missions; • Advises, develops and reviews (as appropriate) initial DDR functional strategy and concept of operations for further development into a full programme by the DDR component and the National DDR Commission; • Drafts and reviews DDR inputs to SG report, code cables, and talking points; • Develops initial result-based framework and budget for new DDR components in new mission; • Liaises with UNDP and donor community to raise voluntary contributions for DDR programmes; • Presents and/or defends new and subsequent DDR budgetary requirements in the ACABQ and the 5th Committee of the General Assembly; • Develops staffing structure and terms of reference for a DDR component, including terms of integration with other UN agencies, funds and programmes; • Provides technical clearance for applicants to DDR units in new and ongoing missions; • Provides Headquarters support in planning the civilian and military logistics support for DDR; • Continually reviews DDR programme strategy and implementation through relevant documents, reports and code cables; • Conducts field missions to assess implementation of established DDR programmes; • Identifies potential problems and issues to be addressed and suggests remedies to DDR units in the field; • Liaises with Member States, UN actors and other DDR interested partners to represent the mission’s DDR component at the Headquarters level; • Establishes and maintains an outreach network with CSOs and IGOs active in the area of DDR. • Supports the doctrine development work in the area of DDR in the department, with the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on DDR and other relevant national and international actors working on DDR issues; • Contributes to Department-level or Policy Committee-level policy development work on DDR and related issues; • Maintains and further develops the Integrated DDR Standards – a set of inter-agency policies, guidelines and procedures on DDR; • On behalf of the Chief of the DDR Section, co-chairs the IAWG on DDR, contributes to bringing coherence to the interaction of the UN system and its partners on DDR; • Supervises the Associate Expert (Junior Professional Officer) in the development and maintenance of the web-based United Nations DDR Resource Centre; • Liaises with others (UN, regional organisations and Member States) providing DDR. Other duties as required.

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