There Are no Nation-States, Only Corporate Global Governors (Pt 1/2) – Everything Law and Order Blog

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While in the past transnational corporations were powerful actors, at the international level there were at least nation-state based governors; not anymore in the current ‘multi-stakeholder’ organization of globalization as described by Harris Gleckman

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By phillyfinest369


29 thoughts on “There Are no Nation-States, Only Corporate Global Governors (Pt 1/2)”
  1. THE CORPORATION is a Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-day corporation, considering its legal status as a class of person and evaluating its behavior towards society and the world at large as a psychiatrist might evaluate an ordinary person. This is explored through specific examples. Bakan wrote the book, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, during the filming of the documentary.

  2. Since previous comments are not shadow banned here anymore, I can only conclude this is now your policy, just as Paul said. My comments are now routinely banned on RT, and I wondered if it was YT or RT. I now believe it to be RT. I've been saying the same shit for like 10 and am pretty much banned everywhere, so kudos to RN. Thanks and appreciation.

  3. Corporations, NGOs and Pinko commies femtards ain't gonna save 5 billion African-Asians in 10 years. Moms run the CIA and Pentagon. All the top 20% make 70% of emissions. Only an international 100% private carbon wealth tax will lower emissions without revolt. Emissions went up 60% in 30 years because of corporations, NGOs and governments. The petro- pharma- chemicals are turing all male fish, frog, bird and mammal into sterile females, and shrinking their dicks. Our wifi screens burn out our eyes and brains making us stupid and sick. After 30 years of fighting climate, solar/wind/EV power are less than 2% of total world energy demand, yet you're told solar/wind/EV are winners. If we don't cut emissions 50% in 10 years, it will be the end of all non-subterranean life. Europe gets 50% of its renewable energy burning imported trees. We must cut politics from economics by using 100% private international carbon credits to eliminate tax havens to auto-regulate human behavior and unify international corporate regulation. Mostly, we have to stop shadow banning on YT because that's here and now, and climate food shortages are like so next year.

  4. More proof we need to return to Nationalism and less Globalism. The neoliberal economic model has failed. Please bring on Steve Bannon

  5. The paradox of American life is that while capitalism is absolutely ripping it apart, the vast majority of Americans plummeting into effective poverty…most Americans love capitalism. They don’t just like it. They love it unconditionally and uncritically. They love it with a kind of religious fervor. Just say the word capitalism, and enough Americans are triggered into paroxysms of defensive rage, that a national discussion on whether the system has failed is completely out of the question. What are you, a socialist? Hence, no discussion of this critical topic .  has capitalism failed ,  is allowed, at least not in any serious way, anywhere, in mainstream American thought. The idea is as forbidden as questioning communism under the Soviets. But think about how badly capitalism has done for Americans. It’s the most capitalist society in the world, by a very long way,  the next closest is Britain, which is ten percent less capitalist. And America’s also the only rich society of poor people, the wealthy society of broke people, a powerful society of powerless ones. Caravans of Americans are desperately seeking out Canadian insulin…because life in America is a death sentence for the vulnerable now. It’s the only rich society where a person might have to choose between chemotherapy  and a house for their family. Those things aren’t a coincidence. It’s not magic or a mystery why Americans can’t get decent healthcare…retirement…education…medicine…incomes…savings. It’s because capitalism keeps all these things in artificial, perpetual shortage, so it can charge people artificially, perpetual “debts” for them, which they never really fully pay off, so they stay poor . while profits and “shareholder value” go through the fucking roof. wtf?! Effectively, Americans have mortgaged their lives to capitalism. When you’re perpetually in debt for medicine, housing, food, healthcare, retirement…what else would you call it? The problem with mortgaging your life to capitalism, though, is that capitalism then owns you. You’re not really free , you are something very much like a peasant. And capitalism, like feudalism, is hardly about to let you have a happy, fun, interesting, enlightened life. It just wants you to work. Until you're not profitable any longer   and then, wait for it, You’re discarded! That’s precisely what we do see here in America. Americans are the most stressed out, depressed, angriest, unhappiest people in the world. They’re also the ones who get no vacation time, no leisure time, no childcare, no raises…would you be happy? Does that sound like a fun life? again, wtf?! And yet the poorer, dumber, and angrier Americans get, the less they blame capitalism, and the more they blame….immigrants…refugees…Jews…Muslims…kids. Just like American women support patriarchy, do you know who supports capitalism most? The American role. The one who should support it the least. America is a society which has been perverted. I mean that in a precise technical way, not as an empty moral platitude. Americans support the very systems and ideologies which blow their lives apart,  the very Americans who those systems and ideologies exploit and fail. And yet just those groups still support these failed systems and ideologies the most vehemently, the most immovable. Their support, in fact, makes the critical difference for those very systems to go on prevailing. Do you see what I mean by perversion yet? I suppose the question, then, is this. Will Americans go down with the sinking ship of patriarchy, supremacy, and capitalism,  instead of ever really overcoming them? Will it overcome them, like most other rich countries have, to a far greater degree? You can be the judge of that.    ~PEACE!

  6. Corporations are unaccountable totalitarian regimes.

    Their hierarchies of concentrated wealth and power need to be dismantled, and corporate welfare ended.

  7. Trump isn't the US President he is a tool for the Transnational Capitalist class. The newly elected PM of Australia is a tool of this Capitalist class and every right wing populist candidates elected in today's EU (5/23) elections will be tools for this Capitalist class. There are two human laws of motion that Marx describes that define our present dilemma. Law # one "Economic reality conditions political and social reality." Law # two "Value in motion has two components; a rate and a mass." What Marx didn't realize but what we are finding out is that rate and mass are inversely proportional components. If one increases it causes the other component to decrease. Value has no value without motion; there has to be a constant need for a commodity for there to be value. $ 1000 Trillion in derivatives is the mass of value in motion, $ 250 trillion dollars in US Dollar denominated global debt is the mass of value in motion and 415 ppm of CO2 is the mass of value in motion. Our economic reality conditions this through the looking glass reality but if it has no motion it has no value.

  8. The peoples; masses are to be approached with every topic or interest and consulted about what can be done *in their World. The masses donot need billionaires/millionaires ruling their lives. They need neighbors who are from amongst themselves, who understand their life. This isn't about a mix of Corporate Business heading a land mass, and someone from the masses in the same office. No, only, a neighbor from the masses conferring with the majority in decisions for their lives. No "rich" are needed so they can corrupt, and destroy Earth anymore – James 5:1-4 Rev.11:18.

  9. Yall been prepared for this reality for at least 40 years, through the medium of movies. Either you are naive hopelessly; or you have no real reason to be surprised.

  10. The fact is, there is no avoiding making the connection of the corporate political structure of the world economy with production.
    Production is the point of departure for life in general and for the survival of the transnational corporations in particular.
    Production is where it begins and where it ends, that is, where the state and the corporate social structure evolve, where they produce materially, where they operate, and where they work under defintite limits, and make laws to control the participants of world production. Another model of development is a model of cooperation the world market basket of goods distributed on the basis of real relationships between the actual producers. One part of the world provides food the other part provides industry and education from which all nations contribute and can draw using money of account. Skip over a stage of nationalism and into an international system of cooperation is a natural draw and tendency for humanity toward normalcy and away from the tensions and conflicts produced by the competitive corporate social and political structure of the world market.

  11. This guy is using diamonds as his example of a volunteer system to ensure the value of diamonds are not diminished. How often do you buy diamonds? How about food? How about water? Land? We can rest assured that even when legislation is drawn by multinational corporations it will be the death of quality, small conscious businesses and they will retain the world's resources for themselves. They will legislate as criminals to anyone who opposes them. This is nothing but a corporate takeover in the name of "Climate Change" a corporately manufactured catastrophe.

  12. Global warming is a ruse, fostered by bad science. Yes there is climate change, but causation by CO2 is not true. Follow the empirical science. Real science has no hard sand fast rules by special interests.

  13. So what he’s saying is that we don’t have a choice but to submit to the multinational corporations and if we don’t submit to the beast off to the fema camps we go. Can they actually do that?

  14. There are still folks who want for their own self-interests plus others who simply believe blindly, that neoliberal capitalism can be regulated, fixed [income inequality] or humanized. Good luck people. It cannot. If it could, then we would not be all facing this ecological and climate collapse crisis. Where else would the term sociopathic 1% come from?

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