Dr. Christopher Smith of Leeds University explains that meeting the goals of the Paris climate accord remains possible if we end meat consumption and build no new fossil fuels infrastructure

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By elboriyorker


22 thoughts on “There Still Is Time to Limit Global Temperature Rise To 1.5 °C”
  1. The infrastructure does not, but feedback loops do, just the loss of the dimming effect if we stop burning fossil fuels kicks us over 1,5. Methane is already leaking out of the permafrost so its basically over there is enough of it for an at least +4 world on its own.

  2. 1.1 degrees? This guy doesn't look old enough to remember that time, nor old enough to be senile enough to miss the fact we're at 1.8C over pre-industrial 1750's temperatures indicating he's either bought or b.s.

  3. Start teaching your children to plan for coastal flooding and billions of people migrating north. It's going to be very, very ugly and Trump's wall is a joke.

  4. Even if it is possible, we're not going to do anything about it. We're on a speeding train, with no brakes, seconds away from falling off a cliff and everybody is too busy worshiping capitalism to care.

  5. Canadian Food Guidelines changed to reflect veganism for health. When will the USDA Food Guide show integrity and reflect the science??

  6. This is with this kind of interview that the population is not taking any measure of the challenge ahead. what he says is wrong and wishful thinking. temperature has not accounted for emissions in the last 10 – 15 years as yet. until now was the easy part… it was all kind of linear. now each ton of CO2 emitted will have a multiplied effect compared to the same ton of co2 emitted 30 years ago. and similarly for 0.1 deg added. the consequences will not compare to 0.1 deg added 30 years ago. Talking about prediction in 2100 in terms of water level or temperature is complete non sense. we need to limit our prediction to 15 or 20 years max. and they do not look good. there is NO WAY we can limit to 1.5 deg. even if we were to stop everything today. You should not let "scientist" spread false hope that encourage population to do nothing. saying we can stay below 1.5 deg is false hope. We have a huge "meteorit" speeding to earth that will destroy mother nature. thats the image damn it. not that the water level will increase by 0.5 or 1 m in 100 years for god sake!

  7. So to save everyone some time I'll summarize. If we pretend the first 100 years of the industrial revolution didn't happen, and everyone on the planet decided to stop eating meat (within an unspecified amount of time), AND if we cancel all planned and currently under construction fossil fuel infrastructure projects, then we will be on target for the Paris goal. Why bother to publish this? You might as well tell people to start praying for god to fix climate change. I'm an atheist and frankly, divine intervention seems a lot more likely to happen than what this guy is proposing.

  8. LOL what a joke. We are already above 1.5C from the 1750 baseline. Climate modelers have always got it wrong because they do not use the latest data. Complete hopium and lack of reality based in data or facts. You put out all these lame climate change videos because you interview people that are not using the latest info to come to their conclusions

  9. Turning carbon sinks into carbon bombs. Think burning rain forests. Do you have any idea what physicists are thinking now? They think shit that is so crazy, it boggles the mind. Being a scientist, doesn't mean you understand anything. It only means you can make numbers tell you what you want to hear.

  10. If we stop eating meat and wasting food, and jews only marry muslims, all will be good. What a wonderful life.
    Priests say you live after you die. Physicists say you can travel faster than light, and there are multiple universes.
    The Pentagon says it will get to the bottom of its child porn epidemic. Your pension will there, and all the world loves a loser.

  11. I'm pretty much eating only veggies now – and that is how consumers can push for farmers to grow veggies, and not terrorizing animals anymore

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