Theresa May’s Brexit Blood in Water as UK Tories Circle

Theresa May’s Brexit Blood in Water as UK Tories Circle

UK Prime Minister Theresa May wins a no-confidence vote, but the Conservatives remain split on the Brexit deal, says Jeremy Smith, Co-director of Prime Economics.

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12 thoughts on “Theresa May’s Brexit Blood in Water as UK Tories Circle

  1. in an ironic way this might be the best out come because the blame for a shit deal will fall squarely on the shoulders of Theresa Mays and the arch conservatives in the tory party all but guaranteeing a labour/Corbyn/momentum win the the next general election

  2. Any member's of the UK who think Democracy & Society's needs don't matter, keep voting for the corporate fascist Tories. Those in society who want to protect Sovereignty & Democracy should vote #JC4PM/Democratic Socialism (the clue is in the name) represent's Democracy & Society. Stop listening to corporate fascist media & do your own RESEARCH!!

  3. The biggest misery of all is why Britain rejected EU’s proposal to allow N. Ireland to remain a single market, which could have easily resolved the problem. Don’r forget N. ireland had overwhelmingly voted to remain, so if they go by democracy, it would not be a slap in the face thing to do so. UK can’t have it both ways. N. ireland and the republic of Ireland originally belong to one country. But UK took it as its own and wants to pretend N. Ireland is inseparable part of its country. Is this karma? Imperialism has a price to pay and that’s delivering the true brexit. 😄

  4. The tactic here is to stall, create confusion, and leave the country with no good options. The mindless Theresa May is merely the current puppet carrying out this old Tory trick. The strings that control her every move lead back to the City.

  5. I am actually glad May survived the confidence vote and stayed on to deal with her mess. As we know no one would have the ability to get a good deal from The EU, especially the backstop, which is impossble to erase unless Britan remained part of the EU, but that’s not an option. Corbyn could not realistically make any better deal than May, so i was very worried when Labour threathened for an election to be in charge of negotiating with the EU. I think Corbyn kinda expected a new general election would not take place, but he just wanted her outsted so he kept pushing for a general election had May lost her confidence vote. However, she survived, but that’s not to say she won because she hasn’t. Her deal is a betrayal towards the Brexiteers even her own party has been split into half and almost her had her ousted. The real battle starts now because her brexit deal would not hold water for long. It would be interesting to see how Labour is going to take advantage of that to take power.

  6. Don't get confused by the term "confidence vote." This was a vote of no-confidence in Theresa May as leader of the Tory party. Her winning it doesn't mean that she will not have to face a vote of no-confidence in the House of Commons with all MPs of all parties. The current arithmetic suggests that she would lose that 325-317. Your guest is talking rubbish by making Brexit sound like a right-wing phenomenon when in fact the Referendum results would not have been to leave the European Union if it were not for working class Labour voters. Jeremy Corbyn himself was for many years a Brexiteer but has to be careful now that he leads a party that has many pro-Remain MPs. Poor quality journalism worthy of the MSM.

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