‘They Know Who I Am’: Auditor Arrested Again—While Playing a Video Game

‘They Know Who I Am’: Auditor Arrested Again—While Playing a Video Game

Disabled veteran and First Amendment activist Blind Justice returns to PAR, saying he and his wife were threatened with violence and arrest while playing PokemonGo in a church parking lot in Rockingham, North Carolina.

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20 thoughts on “‘They Know Who I Am’: Auditor Arrested Again—While Playing a Video Game

  1. Who holds you idiots that abuse the constitution accountable?? I have evidence of fake journalists all over and fraudulent press members abusing the constitution.

  2. The problem is these guys have turned from "auditing" government facilities to harassing private companies and goading officers/security guards into confrontation for YouTube views and monetary gains. The sold their soul to the devil for a fist full of dollars!

  3. Blind Justice, whose real name is Mike Nelson, went to a church parking lot around 3 in the morning in order to deliberately behave suspiciously and attract the attention of the police so that I can be rude to the police.

    There is certainly a need for actual journalists to pursue government transparency and police accountability, but this channel has been duped and bamboozled by the First Amendment Frauditor community. They all tell the same lie-"I'm an Independent Journalist Gathering Content for a Story" when they owe the staff the truth which is, "Im bumbling around a government building where I'm neither an employee or client and I'm filming in order to bother people knowing full-well photography and videography are prohibited due to Client Confidentiality and general Security policies."

    "I want to be able to sue people for money instead of getting a job, so I'm attempting to bait people into doing something that the brain dead lens-lickers who comprise my subscribership will consider a violation of Constitutional Rights like Freedom Of The Press."

  4. Hard to give these so called "1st amendment auditors" any sympathy when they are out there sticking cameras in everyone's faces, trying to get a reaction for their YouTube channels.

  5. Auditors do what they do because they are losers and it males them feel validated in a society that sees them as the wack jobs that they are.

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