They’re Both Complicit

They’re Both Complicit

Stir Crazy! Episode 87: Today we are joined by TRNN visual producer Andrew Corkery and “Why You Should Give A F*ck” co-host Tunde Ogunfolaju. Hosted by Kim Brown.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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20 thoughts on “They’re Both Complicit

  1. Kim Brown, scared or not, those coverings you demand be worn by everyone, perform the same against viruses as they do with protecting workers from silica dust particles and mold spores…..absolutely nothing.

  2. If the POTUS was/is controlling so much in this current, "planned coordinated choreographed society", why are the vast majority of his most, citizen-controlling, media televised conferences, spoken in monotone directly from a script someone else wrote?? 😷—72"—🦇

  3. The only country in the whole world that blames it's leader for a high death rate from the coronavirus is the USA. Also, what are you talking about? EVERYBODY was saying that the virus was extremely deadly, don't you remember? It was all over the internet and TV. It is not as if he had top secret information that he was hiding. Come on man. He did basically EXACTLY the same thing as EVERY other leader in the world, tried not to cause panic. So basically he is being attacked for doing exactly the same thing as ALL the other leaders in the entire world. This is hysteria.
    Another thing; the infections were decreasing steadily, then BLM ignored and broke all quarantine rules and an estimated 15-24 million people went out into the streets. 10-14 days later, huge increase in cases, far, far higher than ever before and doubled the amount of deaths. Trump's fault?
    And the lockdowns are something that people especially on the left demanded, it has been the individual states that have decided on how too undertake the lockdowns, nothing to do with the orange man in the white house. NY and California's draconian lockdowns are on them. The destruction of the economy is Trump's fault too. OMG!
    And finally, the WHO released a statement last month stating that the mortality rate is 0.6%

  4. Both the parties have lied leading to the deaths of thousands of people over the past decade alone. This isn’t something new. Anyone wants to argue against that I can give examples. I’m not about this moral grandstanding for either of these parties

  5. During the Vietnam war, the videos of cops beating protesters helped end the war, ditto for segregation. Today, everybody has a smart phone. We must be ungovernable if we want change.

  6. The true "death toll" of this virus (that is indirectly responsible of human death since it weakens body's responses) will go down both with time (including from the development of the population's resilience following multiple infections) as well as with more long-term studies of more accurate infection rates (that are still quite underestimated). Also consider that after a first high rate of infection/fatality following the transfer to humans, many (most?) mild (with very low death toll) diseases stabilise in the population which itself becomes resilient.
    And before people get up in arms, look how many poor countries/regions (Vietnam, Cuba, the Indian State of Kerala) have relatively successfully the dealt with the pandemic. That goes to show that it is mostly a matter of public policy, where higher death tolls in poorer communities result from a lack of investment in those communities (in health, food, etc…).
    And to continue being controversial, Trump is running the fall of the US empire quite well, and while it will likely result if many suffering, many of us outside your empire are kind of glad to see infighting between imperialist, given some breathing room to many parts of the planet.

  7. Great job at reporting this correctly, that Woodward is COMPLICIT in this cover up, and he's just as responsible for the deaths. Some journalist, eh??? Withholding information so he can profit off it at an opportune moment before the election! He should be in jail for accessory to murder. He is a piece of shit.

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