In the final installment of TRNN’s deep dive into how worker cooperatives are coping with the pandemic, Jaisal Noor explores how one city is helping to increase worker ownership of local businesses. Worker cooperatives are typically hampered by a lack of access to capital; however, in 2009, a coalition of local leaders and anchor institutions in Cleveland decided to change that. We talk to worker-owners at Evergreen Cooperatives about the challenges, benefits, and limitations of worker cooperatives.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By elboriyorker


11 thoughts on “This city supported worker ownership—and got results”
  1. I have always liked the idea of these employee owned and shared businesses. I actually love to see this grow/expand across the country, hopefully, this is way more freedom and opportunity for workers, than the corporate communism so many face now. The corporate world can't complain about it either, since they advocate free market, pulling on your bootstraps, rugged individualism, and market freedom. But they actually are opposite, as you can see by their actions, of what they preach.

  2. I wonder if this idea/company would be feasible in a socialist/communist society?

    Oh ya, those government laws don’t allow for such companies.

    Only capitalism allows the freedom for the company to make its own rules on how it operates.

    Something to think about.

  3. 1/ They say it's an elite, maybe some of them, but 90% are very scratchy and low-class, street, low-neighborhood and middle-class people too, the least are great entrepreneurs. The oldest try not to appear in any public document but in private and secret contracts being partners or sole owners of large banks and other companies.
    2/ Some of them are enlightened and the rest are family and collaborators. They are well coordinated and are extremely faithful to the cause that their superiors tell them so it is about manipulating, deceiving, committing a crime, etc. In some countries they call them illuminati but they have no name or symbol. They are infiltrated into every business, from a small restaurant or gym, to the largest and most transnational companies.
    3/ They influence in a coordinated and organized way and conspire to fill the best positions and as many businesses as possible. As well as blocking businesses and people who compete with them. Its objective is to achieve positions of greater hierarchy and influence within each Church, mosque, synagogue, lodge, university, kindergarten, hospital, prison, esoteric groups and sects, political parties and state-owned enterprises, business chains, casinos, builders, police, army, park rangers, ministries, banks, intelligence agencies and bureaus of inquiry, taxes, casinos, insurers, media, stock exchange, producers, etc.
    4/ The objective is to monitor and maintain a thorough record of everyone else in the area where they live and where they work, their routines, personal data, possessions, family, tastes and customs, weaknesses and antics. They are disciplined, theatrical and dedicated. It could be any of your friends. And if they're interested in you, they'll plant a girlfriend or boyfriend to have more of your data as well as more influence over you.
    5/ They want to have as much range of influence as possible to tip the scales in their favor or help satisfy their own or superior ambitions, work harder than anyone else, are highly sacrificed, consider themselves superior and with more rights than the sleeping human being. It is not a recent attempt, they have been in that practice and modus operandi since the origin of the human race, in every corner of the globe. In some places more successful than in others.
    6/ They can steal, extort and even kill a sleeping man and will have no real consequences because they will protect him, hide him or disguise the process. They use any method to protect each other and have their own laws, among the strictest not to give up and not to make use of their powers and mental powers in front of a sleeper unless they are at risk. Great global reset It is a process of forgiving the debt between them, helping to get more and better jobs, universal basic income, aid and credits are charge not consequential, etc. 7/ The process does not include the sleepers and they have always carried it out only that now they want to accelerate it because there are many of them, with this new crisis they are firing as many people as possible who are not related to them and hiring those who are and those who have been faithful collaborators for so many years. They will also try to appropriate private property and distribute it among themselves, so that the rest are in a vulnerable and exploitable position.
    8/ You can see them announcing news in the big media, running companies, standing on a corner, sweeping a subway station, etc. some of your acquaintances are on it. And I repeat… that big reset is to gain more control and get more favored as an organized group. They can vary at home country, are 5% and sometimes up to 10% of the total population. They are a Witch’s sect, there are many and they don't care about you.

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