Thought Trump was through? Cue the coup – Everything Law and Order Blog

Remaining stunningly on brand, Donald Trump still refuses to concede that he lost the election, while his administration signals its intention not to relinquish power. Sociologist Taure Brown, political consultant and community organizer Marcus Ferrell, director Christopher Everett, and author Blake Hill-Saya join us for the discussion.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Thought Trump was through? Cue the coup”
  1. Tara, I cant watch your shows with the family because of your foul language, even though they have seen it and remark that ithe swearing is a function of your… class. I still care to hear what you say, but could you consider your swearing so I can expose them to and discuss the ideas you present?

  2. You called racism for so long no one is listening anymore Dems are backing coolant looters for 100 days saying looting and setting fires isn't illegal it's antifa and blm you guys are rediculous you got dead people voting pollers allowed 20 feet from machines with the machines in the back of room biden couldn't get more then 12 people at his rallies and can't finish a sentence won? Plus the fact that he sold our country out to china

  3. Go trump! False election go out and try to get a job you will get one u think a biden lock down will help unemployment don't you realize democratics use you give you just enough to barely survive by giving barely any money and insurance not even as much as an entry level job just so you'll stick around trump creates more and more jobs for people to get off their ass and be persistant and look for work and make way more then min wage welfare

  4. Before any person from my community decide to defend Joe Biden you need to at-least do your homework. ……………….. Biden the most racist senator in the democratic party has sponsored racial hatred his whole political career. As early as 1977, Mr. Biden, with Mr. Eastland’s support, pushed for mandatory minimum sentences that would limit judges’ discretion in sentencing. But perhaps even more consequential was Mr. Biden’s relationship with Mr. Thurmond, his Republican counterpart on the judiciary panel, who became his co-author on a string of bills that effectively rewrote the nation’s criminal justice laws with an eye toward putting more criminals ( black men) behind bars. Nearly 30 years ago, Joe Biden could hardly contain his joy at the idea of locking ‘super predators’ aka the SOBs aka young black men and boys up. He even bragged about it on the floor of the U.S. Senate, taking on a tough tone and insisting Republicans could no longer accuse Democrats of being soft on crime……………..Biden has fought against every attempt to right the wrongs committed against us by our government, his entire life as a politician. Instead of helping the most disenfranchised community in America, the black community he chose to attack it. Rather than use his position in government to bring the country together, he chose to divide it on racial lines. He has either written or sponsored legislation which targeted men and boys within our communities for mass incarceration. His policies strengthen the police, by making them an occupying force within our communities and give them the ability to seize our property at will and even kill without being held accountable for their actions. The legislation he has sponsored or wrote, especially his 1994 crime bill has changed the very identity of our nation. We can no-longer say this is the land of the free. We have more citizens in jail than Russian, China and North Korea combined. Prior to Joe Biden the number of imprisoned inmates hovered around 500,000, after Biden and others reprobates like him the prison population exploded to 2.3 millions, with most inmates coming from the black community. When legislation was submitted to improve the black community Biden sided with republicans against his own party. He helped kill the most effective policy for improving black educational attainment that America has ever known……..The Senate’s sole African-American member, Ed Brooke, called it “the greatest symbolic defeat for civil rights since 1964.”……………………… I don't know or care who most of my community supported in November, I can say I will not support anyone who has the blood of my brothers and sisters on his hand. Biden and his ilk has fostered the imprisonment and death of millions of our people by the laws he either wrote or supportive ..His legislation wasn't written to target the White, Asian, Spanish or Jewish communities, it targeted the black communities only… .. Trump name was not on any of the bills which police used to targeted black men and boys for murder or imprisonment. However Biden's name was…………Also Kamala Harris record is no better, especially when it came to following Joe Biden Crime Bill to the letter. She needlessly prosecuted and sentenced her black citizens to long prison terms over non-violent crimes on one hand and protected the racist cops on another.

  5. VERY good episode, and the film, Wilmington On Fire , is also available at YouTube ; clips of it, and I think one link (maybe more) for what may well be a full copy, for the video is roughly 103 minutes long : " Wilmington on Fire 1898 Massacre in Wilmington, NC " (1:42:57), CAB Grand Rising Show, 3 Nov 2019, I didn't get that with my YouTube search but did with an initial search using Google. Update: That copy is evidently more than just the full length of the film, for I just checked for the Vimeo copy using and this copy is 89 minutes long. Maybe the 103-minute one includes interview with director Chris Everett.

  6. Can't Elect Democrats they aren't rooted in This there sell outs to money. Or your words would make sense to say. Y'all. Ignant

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