Thousands Shut Down London to Demand Urgent Action on Climate Change

Thousands Shut Down London to Demand Urgent Action on Climate Change

Over 70 were arrested demanding the British government adopt a goal of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2025 to help prevent catastrophic climate change

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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26 thoughts on “Thousands Shut Down London to Demand Urgent Action on Climate Change

  1. I don't care at the most I have forty years left after that why give a shit. If these people care about the planet why don't they all top them selfs so it's less strain on the earth. If anyone wants a hand to do it I would help.


  3. Take your own actions like useing green energy now. I told the power company to f off and got rid of the power lines put in solar power system. I plan to use waste for heat and supplemental electricity even fuel my car.

  4. Why is there not demos like this against the government's complicity in genocide in YEMEN, that women talks about starvation. There are children starving to death every day in YEMEN with the help of the British government. Why is there so much silence about this genocide which is a war crime, but hardly mentioned on the msm. Have your march about climate change at the same time ignore the starving children in YEMEN. Hypocrisy.

  5. Don't worry, trolls will die the same way we all die: climate change. Going so fast, can't be stopped, doesn't care what you think, Climate Change. The economy won't crash from the Republican thieves, it will collapse from the cost of natural disasters. Fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, extreme cold, extreme heat: very costly to the people. When the government says we are broke and we can't afford healthcare or Social Security, when the government is ending flood insurance and advising everyone to get more insurance for homes and properties, clearly they are planning to abandon the people entirely in times of disaster. The EARTH will be fine. WE are going away.

  6. I am in full support of anyone trying to save our planet but I do ask how this can be done whilst we all rely on the outdated internal combustion engine that support the oil industry For our transportation of goods and personal travel. I also feel it's now too late Earth has had enough of the greed of mankind we are like fleas on a dogs back……she's ready to shake off.

  7. "What will we tell our children?" — um, sorry for bringing you into a world just in time for you to experience it painfully ending? Well, not unless you quite like the look of living on Venus, as that's what those with the power are turning this planet into

  8. People should rather urgently shut London (and other cities in the world) to demand the release of Julian Assange!! Because Assange, who's been tortured for nearly 8 years now right in the center of London, while everyone knows it and is somehow used as an accomplice to that torture!!, is the concrete symbol of all the struggles against the shameful official lies put into place by the imperial interests that led to the present opacity and brought that state of paralysis of the democratic process, political system, and the lack scientific world efficient response, to serve only the private interests and the profits of the few that maintain their grip on what is supposed to be our democratic power. But instead people will gather and "protest" in the name of the, nearly new age, new narcissistic religion of climate change and his death cult of the menaced narcissism (Oh I'm concerned, I'm going to die!!) and the vagueness, impotency and sure general doom it entails. Climate change has become a bit like a hodgepodge for people's frustrated other issues, a bit like of the #MeToo movement, or #JenesuispasCharlie after the Paris attacks where, in this case at least, most of the people came (or where wrongly led to demonstrate by those who wanted) mainly to express their racist anger "against Muslim migrants", which was far both from the truth of the origin of the attacks (made, like those in Brussels, by small French criminals with no ties with Daesh) and not at all a noble cause (as it was organized and used by the French far right).

  9. I was on this protest and I'm happy to see it noticed by many news outlets and social media, telling it how it is and not hiding the words climate change. I think climate change is one of the most urgent issues to address and we cant keep denying it or delaying action. What is it with such a large number of deniers on the comment section? Yes there are other issues to address as well, but that doesn't mean climate change is not important. Have all those that complain about Assange actually been on the protests themselves or are they just complainers, you know you can go to both, right? And changes in personal lifestyle is important, I limit the use of heating at home, I eat vegan, I use a skateboard for transportation etc. but that alone won't save the world. We need to address the overproduction, unsustainable packaging, stop subsidising fossil fuel energy and animal agriculture, divest money from military spending to researching ways to suck out carbon out of atmosphere and much more. We can't allow governments and large corporations take over and do as they please, that will change much more than us just buying ecological fruits once in a while when we can afford it, they should be the ones arrested for their inaction, not us for our action.

  10. There can never be a top-down solution to the climate.
    What are governments supposed to do?
    Set policies to heat our homes 10 degrees less that our comfort level?
    Turn off our computers after work hours?
    Stop using iPhones?
    Governments like that will just get replaced by their uncomfortable citizens.
    Nations compete against one another.
    Neighbors compete against one another.
    No “policy” can ever change that.

  11. The solution is to shut down the transport network and turn off the electric power plants. Essentially, any urban area is going to starve and any country importing food will starve as well. That is not a reasonable solution and any unreasonable solution is not going to be considering. Come back with a compromise but that is not something progressives can do which is why we are marginalized.

  12. Aren't these the same folks who spent decades fighting nuclear clean green energy. All the while coal and gas was being used to make electricity? On average China is opening a coal fired power plant a week but the US environmentalists are crowing coal is dead? You can try lieing to achieve your goals but what happens when people catch you?

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