Toronto Residents Face Off Against Google over Waterfront ‘Smart City’ – Everything Law and Order Blog

A subsidiary of Google wants to build a ‘Smart City’ on Toronto’s Waterfront. But with billions of dollars in real estate and infrastructure at play, residents are pushing back against a proposal that they say could have terrible consequences for public services as well as privacy

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


36 thoughts on “Toronto Residents Face Off Against Google over Waterfront ‘Smart City’”
  1. The underpinnings of under-funding public education is evident in this opposition process- the less people are aware of the easier it will be to manipulate them; not just yet, as CDNs are still aware ..

  2. I'm EHS and can't even work anymore do to all the strong EMF's, especially downtown.  I highly recommend the documentary Wi-Fi Refugees.  I became sensitive around 2011 after cell towers were put on the roof of our building.  There should be a class action lawsuit for this like in Quebec.  5G will kill millions around the world, never mind what destruction all this has caused to the natural world already.  Look up Jack Kruse and Nick Pineault for more info.

  3. The govt is looking for total control of the population. North Americans are already the most surveilled on the planet, remember Edward Snowden's revelations about the NSA? This is just another way they are going to control the population and bring in their Agenda 2030 nightmare where you have lost all your rights and freedoms, they are laying the ground work now!
    Remember, they always sell it to you as "something good"!!! They don't have your best interest at heart!

  4. As we speak …. FACE RECOGNITION is already in place in AIRPORTS across u s a AND CANADA not all …but many CHECK ITOUT EVERYONE…

  5. It is sad to say that this city has been a victim of bad,really bad urban planning. This video only illustrates how this city continues to demonstrate bad urban planning. I should know. As a youngster, I would go to planning department meetings with my father and, what was talked about then is a sharp 180 degrees in the unfolding reality of what construction has taken place over the last 50 years. The politicians that have held office over the years, in various positions of elected office, have for the most part swayed towards boutique concepts and green lighting construction projects that underserved communities in this city. As one example, this city has always been afraid of offering developers higher density zoning towards condos and apartment buildings and instead the developers build lower density projects and increase the purchase costs of a unit making it difficult for some to purchase a new living space. Another example is the way the city views the urban planning of it's streets by constricting surface areas of road traffic instead of, in some cases, winding streets, to incorporate more one way streets into the road network, and having more bicycle lanes on secondary roads instead of major arterial routes. My last point would be to have all traffic lights recalibrated in the timing of each intersection on a intersection by intersection basis where applicable with the goal of keeping the traffic moving smoothly and smarter during rush hours. For the last 25-30 years, this city has gravitated towards the boutique ideas of outside foreign influences instead of local homegrown ideas of debate and concepts that this video offers another chapter of a city that is geared towards bad urban planning. Shame.

  6. If things worked out perfectly and it was perfectly run and everyone was fine, then it could be a good thing for those of us who want to live in it. But it won't be and I certainly wouldn't pick Google to be the ones to run things.

    Let's say this "Smart City" concept becomes a thing. If it does, this will be my prediction for possible outcomes:

    – Lots of physical ads taking up space from ads being shown on walls outside to ads being shown in washrooms and to ads being shown on every hallway of every floor of any residential building they may decide to also put on their property.
    – With Google physically owning the property, people can red flag actual people by telling the on site security staff that so and so is a Nazi. With that being the case said "Nazi's" can be banned from the property and more than likely arrested for not leaving the property when they protest being called a "Nazi" over some bullshit reason.
    – If they live on the property by way of rent, then Googlecorp can basically find a reason to evict them which will be tied to the second outcome.

    In other words:

    All the bullshit that happens here on Youtube and social media will be physically manifested in the real world if this whole "Smart CIty" thing picks up and Google starts expanding said Smart CIty because I can tell you this much, they're not going to spend the money to hire actual police officers and the way it works here in Canada is that unless there are laws being enforced on a private property (example: Illegally parking in a handicap parking space), the police can't do anything about it and can't even set foot on private property unless they have a warrant, are given permission or there is a crime happening.

    The way the Trespass to Property Act works here in Canada (the abridged version that is):

    Anyone can be arrested for Trespassing for three reasons. 1: Engaging in a Prohibited Activity 2: Entering into an area that they're not allowed to be in 3: Failure to leave when directed to do so.

    I can just see it now:

    Johnny passes the border that separates reality from Smart City Land, to go get a coffee from Starbucks. He meets a couple of people, one with pink hair, the other with green. They strike up a conversation about something political. The androgynous person with the red hair discovers Johnny voted for Trump, or is pro trans but doesn't agree with Bill C61 that allows a person who self identifies as a "they" to force anyone that doesn't use their chosen non-gender pronouns to have to go to the Human Rights Tribunal and possibly go to jail if they refuse to now use said person's non-gender pronoun. Said androgynous person loses their shit and begins harassing Johnny who just wanted an overpriced (but hella fucking delicious) coffee. A security guard on patrol sees this, comes over, asks what's going on. Security guard discovers that Johnny broke the rule and might be a threat to Smart City Land because his very words will invite white supremacists by the boatload to begin infiltrating Smart City Land. Security guard tells Johnny that it's against the rules of the property to spread hate speech and that he will have to leave. Johnny says "What the fuck? I said no such thing. I'm going to get my overpriced (but hella fucking delicious) coffee and then the Security Guard arrests Johnny for Trespassing.

    In reality land, if the same thing happened, Red Haired Androgyny person would only be able to throw a shit fit, screech at a nearby cop (or call 911) to arrest Johnny and then be told by a cop "Your right to be here doesn't trump his right to his Freedom of Expression" and then Red Haired Androgyny person would be left to run to the nearest tumblr echo chamber to have a cryhug-fest.

    (In Canada, the legal wording is "Right to Freedom of Expression". No idea how it compares to "Right to Freedom of Speech" but meh, same-ish thing I suppose).

  7. Didn’t hear a single reason for why it’s bad, only heard “Google’s a Corporation so it’s bad”. I don’t hear people complaining about Brookfield, Cadillac Fairview and other real estate investors privately owning Toronto land. I’m very confused why this is an issue.

    Regarding the “Google builds for free and then takes royalties from government”, how is that different than a government contractor charging the government up front? All google would be doing is delaying payment to themselves for a service they provided. Doesn’t that benefit the government if their able to delay payment for city infrastructure?

    And if you already have a smart phone, Google already has location data about you and I don’t see why them being able to harvest data through smart city infrastructure should push people over the edge.

  8. Smart city equals keeping track of how long the lights are on and how many times people go-to the washroom and how long and a camera every 10 feet with motion detection

  9. Lots of fear mongering here from socialist hipsters. This would not be the first time in Canadian history this has happened. Many mining companies got similar tax incentives for building infrastructure to access mining or oil deposits and it's mostly been successful. Furthermore all these people complaining about privacy have Facebook, Instagram etc.. and post all the time and now they care about privacy.

  10. u guys dont understand… infrastructure is important… building is what we need to do Let them build!!! bring jobs it will change toronto for to something better… u wont regret it!

  11. Why don’t you guys plant some trees there after all, those allow us to breath. I think trees are more important and needed than this stupid shit.

  12. lLmao this land was a dumping ground full of pcbs god knows what else. These lands were designated as industrial. Google Conceptual Site Model Port Lands, Toronto Waterfront for full details. Crazy that land is one big cancer blah!! Ground water the whole area is funk. Well that's one way to depopulate.

  13. No no no no no no no I don't want this I live there. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Wake up snap out of it we don't need this. Use your frontal lobe trouble shooting skills cognitive of the long term impacts. Or is it time to depart Toronto.

  14. This is horrible, why do we need a "smart city" that track the moves and habits of all residents and visitors, as well as private data? a city built with taxpayers money to benefit an already rich American corporation. Sounds like a really bad idea.

  15. Govgle,… The Tyrel corporation from the movie BladeRunner.
    This has a DIRECT Relation to the AI Govgle is developing.

  16. Transnationalist banks and corporations have been trying to dismantle and end the idea of "nation-state". They want to replace nations with privately owned charter cities. Why? Private banks hate the government bank. They want everyone to borrow credit from them for profit. Why won’t today’s Wall St government use fiscal policy for public investment the way FDR did? Deficits hurt banking profits!

    The 40-yr. Wall St private bank takeover of government:

    "The bank strategy continues: “If we can privatize the economy, we can turn the whole public sector into a monopoly. We can treat what used to be the government sector as a financial monopoly. Instead of providing free or subsidized schooling, we can make people pay $50,000 to get a college education, or $50,000 just to get a grade school education if families choose to go to New York private schools. We can turn the roads into toll roads. We can charge people for water, and we can charge for what used to be given for free under the old style of Roosevelt capitalism and social democracy.”

    This idea that governments should not create money implies that they shouldn’t act like governments. Instead, the de facto government should be Wall Street. Instead of governments allocating resources to help the economy grow, Wall Street should be the allocator of resources – and should starve the government to “save taxpayers” (or at least the wealthy). Tea Party promoters want to starve the government to a point where it can be “drowned in the bathtub.”

    But if you don’t have a government that can fund itself, then who is going to govern, and on whose terms? The obvious answer is, the class with the money: Wall Street and the corporate sector. They clamor for a balanced budget, saying, “We don’t want the government to fund public infrastructure. We want it to be privatized in a way that will generate profits for the new owners, along with interest for the bondholders and the banks that fund it; and also, management fees. Most of all, the privatized enterprises should generate capital gains for the stockholders as they jack up prices for hitherto public services.

    You can see how to demoralize a country if you can stop the government from spending money into the economy. That will cause austerity, lower living standards and really put the class war in business."

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