TRNN Doesn’t Have Stances, but the Reporters Do – Q&A with Paul Jay – Everything Law and Order Blog

Paul Jay and Dharna Noor respond to viewer comments that ask the Real News to engage with a wider variety of political opinion and question climate science

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The Real News is a viewer-supported media network bringing you the stories from the frontlines of the fight for a better world.

By phillyfinest369


38 thoughts on “TRNN Doesn’t Have Stances, but the Reporters Do – Q&A with Paul Jay”
  1. You guys just brushed Ados off without speaking to any of the founding members in a recent video. And that's not cool. That's Not very, "Real news" network like.

  2. If you want right-wing guests on you have to call them out publicly if they refuse. Those types are always going on about how the left won't debate them, but it's the other way around more often then not.

  3. The marijuana green capitalism is taken over by big investors and old congress people who were always against it.

  4. There a billion other sources, I want REAL LEFT perspective on relevant facts. Not all facts matter. Like fact that Trump had a burger for lunch DOES NOT MATTER, except for Trump.

  5. Stay the course! We want in depth analysis such as you provide. I welcome your stance since you are transparent. Also you provide a platform for knowledgeable experienced people who have been excluded by the other media. Your time is limited. I don't want to hear the same opinions as monopolize the mainstream. A sane voice about Russiagate and climate disruption is precious and rare. You don't need to cover creationism or climate denial.

  6. Giving voice to people with borrowed arguments (wrong or just harmful ideas) is not going to make The real News more fair. I really think TRN excels in what they do. Maybe a compilation of daily news would be great. Just keep the good work!

  7. The reality is the Jordan Peterson’s of the world don’t want to get torn to shreds by Buzzsaw Aaron Matte.

  8. I don’t think your not doing enough to court opposing viewpoints. There are a billion center right, pro establishment outlets out there. The idea that corporate democrats or right wingers don’t have a platform is ridiculous

  9. TRNN, don't invite pundits on your show. I appreciate that you present voices who are ostracized. If you want to address questions from the anti-intellectual populace, take viewer questions.
    Debates give me a headache. Debating is nothing but sophistry in my eyes.

  10. Paul and the other folks at TRNN, thank you so much for what you do, I have donated.
    However, I would love for you to address the departure of Aaron Mate, or even better, rehire him.
    Thank you so much for your great work, and I hope you expand your output and keep doing fantastic journalism

  11. The politics of the Green New Deal rest on the assumption that consumerism, which kills every corner of the biosphere it can get its hands on, is a viable foundation upon which to construct an economy: a job for every worker, money in every pocket, drive an electric car and the planet will be fine.

    Replacing fossil fuels with green energy is obviously vitally necessary if human society is going to survive, but accomplishing that is the tiniest of steps required to allow this planet to heal. Far deeper, and essential to this healing, is for human beings to understand ourselves as living things on a living planet and behave accordingly. Sustainability begins with jettisoning the imperative of economic growth, and the Green New Deal rests on the promise of green economic growth.

    Money and things do not define us, even though at this point in our social evolution money, if freed from being treated as loot, can be viewed as lubrication to keep the wheels of an economy turning. But the purpose of an economy, what it does, and how it operates are fundamental questions that must be answered in terms of our own nature and the nature of this planet. The slogan Green New Deal does not even ask them.

    Get rid of capitalism. Of course. But contemporary society is so poisoned by the habits, promises, and lies of capitalism that virtually no one besides indigenous people know how to understand being alive in terms of taking care of our surroundings so they take care of us. We are so poisoned by materialism that our collective thought process does not have a clue how to think in any other terms. This is the most important challenge that we face.

  12. Im very wary of "opposing opinion" thing. I mainly come to TRNN for the international stuff, which they do better and more regularly than any other of the "left" Youtube channels, IMO. To have that rare resource get bogged down with "both sides" debates would be really disappointing.

  13. I’m a sustaining member. I would love to see contrary opinions too but control the Spin Doctors by backing with facts like you already do

  14. I don't think that you have done anything that deserves "more opposition." Don't try to attract opposition who just repeat ultra right talking points. Serious policy debate should not be sullied by that sort of thing. I have shown some of my friends your channel and they thank me. Don't tear it down with "critical" talkikng points.

  15. "Stop the liberals and you solve most problems, stop the conservatives and you solve a few problems." This is true, but not in the way the commenter believes. Conservatism, for the most part, is what it is. However, liberalism, as it exists, is a lie and distortion that offers nothing but false hope. You can't defeat hardcore right-wing fascism until you shatter the illusion of the "liberal" left, which is in truth conservative.

  16. Not even climate scientists believe in thermal run-away. Where are you getting this "end of the world" nonsense from? Bad weather and rising sea level is a huge problem for poor people, primarily in the 3rd world. It's a economic problem, not an existential one. We can easily end all starvation and eradicate poverty world wide if we wanted to. W e also have enough technical productivity to solve the impact of climate change for everybody. The climate changing ,whatever the cause, isn't the problem. It's a question of priority and distribution as always..

  17. I don't see the benefit of opposing views, if what you mean is the popular, right-wing perspective. Opposing views pervade the mainstream press on CNN, Fox, MSNBC and all networks. Its platform is massive. It doesn't require more of a voice, but less.

  18. TRNN u could invite James Hansen or Michael Shellenberger to talk about clean, green nuclear energy. U could invite Georgist economist such as Fred Foldvary, Fred Harrison, Lindy Daveys, etc to talk about Land Value Taxation. U could invite more libertarians. Few ideas for opposing POVs.

  19. i dont agree with about leftist x rightwing sometimes the left loose on is all about the person, where is set the stage and how.i dont see vijay prashad,yanis varoufaquis,cornel west,gerald horne,glenn greenwald,richard wolff,Aaron maté.max blummental and many others,losing in a debate against any conservatives.

  20. I recall this topic of climate change at the dinner table as a child. I'm 65. Admittedly it's been a slow progression but the last 10 years has been undeniable

  21. Paul, just wanted to say that it was because of your work on Counter Spin that I started following your work here on TRNN when you guys first started, and I'm glad I did, have not been disappointed. You guys are doing an amazing job. Keep it up. Peace 🙂

  22. We are surrounded by opposing views that’s called the mainstream media and the puppet governments that herds the sheep. Keep up the great work TRNN!

  23. With MSM there is 10% truth and 90% spin and you have to be paying attention to separate the two; unfortunately for most people they are to distracted to realize this. With TRNN there is 100% objective provable truth and I hope your format doesn't change. We're facing a Climate, Social and Economic collapse and this Globalist, New World Order, Trump the Moron is playing 64 dimensional Chess with the Deep State Illuminate is getting old. Corporations, Politics and Finance have formed a Trans-National Corporate Socialism which is nothing more than Fascism and it has us on the brink of extinction. There is $200 Trillion in the world today, the money the average person has is confiscated by this cabal through corporate profits, interest from credit and taxes. Why bother creating an elaborate scheme like Climate Change to take money they already have. The exponential expansion of money isn't fictitious Capital it comes at the cost of degrading our environment in the form of Climate Chaos. The energy industry has had markets set up to deal with a Carbon tax for thirty years but it's not going to get implemented until the industry has no choice but to implement it. The Auto industry killed electric Cars 30 years ago and if we really wanted state of the Art Autos we'd have them. Wind power and Solar power can't supply a modern societies energy needs and the technology like Thorium Molten Salt Reactors will stay in the shadows to keep Carbon based energy as the main driver of our Society.

    Everybody seems to think that the wheels came off in 1971 when the US went off the Gold Standard but that was just a phase shift. From the end of WW2 up until 1970 the West was on a mission to destroy communism/socialism in organized labor and in the USSR; which brought the US to the brink bankruptcy. The US had the world trading in dollars for gold, inflation was at 15% and Bond rates were at 15%. Nixon shut down the Gold window and instead of floating the Dollar pegged it to Oil. When the Shah of Iran was asked why he increased the price of Oil he said talk to Washington. The US was able to inflate it's debt to the rest of the World through the use of Oil. This is a powerful tool the US has in it's toolkit and it is using it right now; there is no reason for Oil prices to be as low as they are. We have a Blundering idiot as a leader that has invested in an impulsive leader and this leader is smart enough to know he'd better hedge his bets.Please don't change your format, I donate to TRNN every month because there is more than enough spin out there we need more real news.

  24. I have been following climate change from before Al Gore became the ambassador of it and brought the issue to the mainstream. There is no doubt the industrial age of the humanity has attributed to all kind of destruction.The organic way of dealing with that would be to slow the heck down as human society. Individuals need to take responsibility and lower their impact. So we educate people, without demonizing them for questioning it. We lose credibility when we add a monetary equation to the issue, like carbon tax. Apart from that, divert investments from fossil fuel industry to renewable energy and improve transportation infrastructure, divert military spending to green initiatives etc. But, making people pay a new tax is not a solution, it just adds to the problem. In my view…more economic activity means more destruction.
    To me it seems like the people are not really concerned about the welfare of the planet, more like whats in it for me. If these people really care about the planet, they should be putting as much attention (if not more) on eradicating nuclear technologies …that in my opinion poses greater danger…where bunch of atom bombs can wipe the living beings off the planet in matter of minutes. Where as destruction from climate change is gradual and can be dealt with in a systematic way, comparatively.

  25. I don't mean to complain….I tried my best to refrain….But my soul, it's in pain….And it's infected my brain….I'll do my best to explain….It's just, the world, it's insane….It's this hideous culture of mass destruction….Slaves and masters of relentless production….Might makes right, in this orgy of consumption….Take a knee, turn your head, from the corruption….you'll play the game or face annihilation….Now, just go shopping, don't you mind the devastation….Don't concern yourself, we'll handle the narration….It's all good, now back to your workstation….You can't always expect to see live animals on vacation….Now have some liquid fat, for your crustation….If you don't look, you can hardly notice the damnation….It's far too late for windmills, solar panels, salvation….Three superstorms, two bloody wars and the great stagnation….Empty shelves, dead oceans, massive fires, starvation….I understand, you can't recognize, my summation….Propaganda, the culture, indoctrination….This might explain, the pain in my brain….It's the end of the reign, for champaign, and cocaine….Now I must traverse some terrain, so I may obtain, my sweet, MaryJane….MaryJane, she helps with the pain in my brain….Happy Holidays….

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