Trump Admin. Backtracks on Promise to Withdraw Troops from Syria – Everything Law and Order Blog

While Trump claimed US troops will leave Syria in 30 days, his neoconservative national security adviser John Bolton suggested otherwise, imposing conditions for withdrawal. Journalist Patrick Cockburn says mainstream corporate media reporting has been misleading and “childish.”

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By phillyfinest369


49 thoughts on “Trump Admin. Backtracks on Promise to Withdraw Troops from Syria”
  1. The world is waking up to the Synagogue of Satan. Jesus exposed them and they killed him. They are also behind ISIS and they also had a major hand in the 911 false flags attacks that killed 3000 people.

  2. He just found out that being president of the US, does not mean you rule, it's always the Zionists that are in charge, and as long as their Greater Israel is not accomplished, they will never leave the oil rich countries. Their petro dollar is at stake, and once that collapses, it will be the end of the US empire and Israel will show their true self.

  3. You want to mess with my Chinese Trade talks?
    Fine! I'll end your illegal wars
    Reported to me by a fly on the wall of the Oval Office

  4. Russia started bombing terrorists in 2015, only to stop Iran from building a strong military in Syria. For to protect Israel appears to be the main Goal of Russia, as Israel continues to bomb Syria as it pleases. Surely, if Russia gave one S-400 anti-aircraft system to Iran and one to Hezbollah, both Syria and Lebanon would be a no-fly zone for Israel.

  5. Assad has won ? Please give him an award for most flippant comment . And why is this discussion omitting how illegal it is for anyone to be in Syria without invitation ? Doesn't this make NATO a criminal party for their participation ?

  6. The Permanent State runs the country now, the political circus is just a facade to fill up the media.

    The Permanent State has no elected official oversight, and classified budgets ( note the $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon).

    Bolton meets with Netanyahu, and immediately declares we are not withdrawing from Syria.

    Netanyahu has more control of the Permanent State than does Trump.

  7. It was just to ploy to provide a path for Mattis to go. Now Bolton and Pompeo and co can get a defence secretary that supports a war against Iran and others. Mattis was part of the original appointees left in the cabinet and likely wasn't a yes man to what Bolton and Pompeo wants to do.

    It was sad to see all these so called non corporate, non pro war media channels on YouTube having premature orgasms when this news came out without seeing the full picture who is really running the show.

  8. Trump is meeting the figures who control and run the country (The Pentagon) just like Obama did with his Guantanamo pullout speech every year to no avail.

  9. Us troops are not "illegally": they are INVITED BY THE NORTH SYRIAN FEDERATION, a most democratic, COMMUNIST (!!!) and legitimate polity made up of willing peoples, both Kurdish and Arab. Only those TOTALITARIANS who draw legality from state power and not from participative DEMOCRACY can argue that they are "illegally". Those troops are basically there in exchange for weapons to FIGHT AGAINST FASCISM (ISLAMISM), be it in the form of Turkey or in the form of Turkey (DAESH = Turkey, all other Islamists = Turkey + Israel). The role of the US troops in the actual war has been negligible (heard of any US casualties?, nope!) and mostly served to deter Turkey and bomb DAESH fortifications.

    Reasons for the withdrawal: Israel and factions in Europe demand it so Turkey remains a loyal Western satellite. Reasons for the non-withrawal: Erdogan doesn't appreciate US "concesions", stating right away they will remain an ally or Iran.

    Another reason for reconsidering the withrawal: the NSF and Damascus are rather close to each other and for both the Islamists and Turkey (and Israel) are the main enemy. They can probably settle their differences via political reform in Syria and the Kurds (plus Arab allies) have already seen in Afin that their only realistic ally is Damascus, not Washington (and definitely not Russia). So the NSF, as soon as the USA announced its withdrawal, agreed with Damascus that Syria (official) will occupy the key district of Manbij, what had Erdogan very disappointed because the enclave would become a buffer and force Turkey to only be able to attack the Turks through the mountainous North Kurdistan, where PKK guerrillas await the opportunity.

    Big question: who makes the decisions: Orange Man or Big Ol' Moustache? Because I seriously doubt Bolton is anything else than a grumpy diplomat trying to cater to all sides.

  10. Looks like war loving US NEO CON lap dog Bolton for Isreal will get his way for special force's and the CIA to stay longer watch out for a chemical attack coming soon

  11. The stock market was in dire straits, needing a spontaneous boost. What better way to get a win for the managed market being forced on the public?

  12. Checkout Jo-Bo sitting down with Bibi. He's totally star-struck. Its hard to tell without audio, but I'm pretty sure he is giggling like a school-girl.

  13. Didn’t Trump know he could not withdraw troops without Netanyahu’s permission?! I mean who does he think he is, anyway?

  14. One phone call from Netanyahu and Trump's Syria drawdown is finished. Gee who would have guessed? It should be clear who's really in charge of US foreign policy–and it's not Putin.

  15. This is great news! Syria and the Kurds need the US to stay and be more active in maintaining any tenuous peace (especially against Turkey). While the US may be uninterested or worse, caustic to the above ideal, I've been led to believe that it makes strategic sense. It seems the respective semi-responsible participants in Syria were more reluctant to abandon the project and so may have better intentions than presumed (reconstruction initiatives ongoing, mediation, calming observer, etc.).

  16. The current administration's Dick Cheney, John Bolton has spoken. In other words, there will be no withdrawal. We have continued to be invaders in North Africa because the occupiers of Palestine have always been seen as needing defending. Also there is the usual invasion rational to stop the current "remember to be scared" boogeyman terrorist. In this case ISIS is the undefeatable terrorist. How do we get the acronym ISIS from Islamic State? Why is an organization based on a religion seen as terrorist by a country with freedom of religion? The only thing that is being weakened is America's wealth. In other words we will remain for for the same reasons we invaded North Africa (Iraq) the first place. There's is just a different terrorist boogeyman who will never be defeated.

    This area of the world is unstable, unsafe for the same reasons for the instability in Caribbean, Central and South America, the US intervention.

  17. I agree this could be a Trump backtrack, but there are events happening that conform to a US pullout in Syria. Such as the Kurdish approach to Assad, as well as other Arab countries offering (re)acceptance of Assad; plus the resignation of Mattis. So I'll give Trump some time, since it makes no sense to announce leaving and not do

  18. Trump is just a hired spokesman, just like the last presidents since JFK. He wouldn't dare make an unsupervised move. I thinks it's easy to see. Whereas, Bolton is a inserted hired troubleshooter.

  19. Isn't this an old tactic? Create big headline about pulling out then a short time late "ah, oh, BTW, change of plans" which typically receives minimal to no news coverage. The minute I heard Trump announce the withdrawal I thought to myself not a chance.

  20. I am not surprised. The commander-in-chief is the prez ONLY when he is going along….when there is disagreement the deep state sends in its trolls (Graham & others) to set the Prez straight – tell him how it is…. even though polls show over 50% support withdrawal the MSM and neocons/deep state will propagandize the need for "defense" in a country the USA "illegally" occupies and for which no war has been declared. Rather Fascist in nature methinks.

  21. The real U.S. President Bibi Netanyahu, rescinded the troop withdrawal order. The reality TV star, Donald Trump, in a delusional moment, got carried away and thought he really was the Commander in Chief.

  22. Man give them m16 and send them to war Bolton , trump, Bebe . The Bush’s the Clinton’s all these families who been preaching wars fir last 60 years

  23. Nice try Ben…But it is Bolton who is backtracking with his buddy BIBI…….Not Trump……Great Patrick kept it real and not let you put words in his mouth. Trump will remove troops….without Neo-con Bolton or BIBI crooks advise

  24. This likely has something to do with him not being able find a replaceent for Mattis. The US government is a circus with many clowns.

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