Trump and Mnuchin Break the Law By Refusing to Release President’s Tax Records

Trump and Mnuchin Break the Law By Refusing to Release President’s Tax Records

White collar criminologist Bill Black explains how the administration’s stance on Trump’’ taxes is illegal and what the possible consequences could be—or should be

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20 thoughts on “Trump and Mnuchin Break the Law By Refusing to Release President’s Tax Records

  1. Trumps Tax return are non of our business! People who hate and want to attack this man Trump will not stop until they cast there own Judgement on him! I will not be a part of this evil in this world!

  2. Enforce this law now!!!!!!
    26 U.S. Code § 7214. Offenses by officers and employees of the United States

    (a) Unlawful acts of revenue officers or agentsAny officer or employee of the United States acting in connection with any revenue law of the United States—
    (3) who with intent to defeat the application of any provision of this title fails to perform any of the duties of his office or employment;
    shall be dismissed from office or discharged from employment and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both. The court may in its discretion award out of the fine so imposed an amount, not in excess of one-half thereof, for the use of the informer, if any, who shall be ascertained by the judgment of the court. The court also shall render judgment against the said officer or employee for the amount of damages sustained in favor of the party injured, to be collected by execution.

  3. Ask Presidents , Politicians , Corporate Elites about Taxes & the answer is ' WHAT TAXES – WE ARE ALL EXEMPTED BY POLICIES ENACTED BY GOVERNMENTS PAST & PRESENT '. We only provide Employment & Curtail Inflation. Here we have Institutions of the US People Protecting a Criminal in the Government.

  4. The Democrats are stuck on stupid! They are not giving up on the Russiagate hoax despite the Mueller report. Now, they’re screaming for Trump’s tax returns. How about pushing for Medicate for all, the Green New Deal, student loan forgiveness, raiding the minimum wage to fifteen per hour? How about saying “No” to war against Iran and Venezuela? No. The Democrats are only interested in impeaching Trump. Which is never going to happen and if it does you get Pence.

  5. I disagree. What reasonable basis was stated for demanding his tax returns? The only basis is the same one used to start Russiagate in the first place, which is the second reason I disagree. There can't be obstruction of injustice. There were no reasonable grounds to start investigating "collusion." If I had been President and anyone tried to pull that stuff on me, I wouldn't have allowed any of it to get to first base. The entire thing has obviously been a soft coup attempt, an illegal attempt. It has all been completely corrupt and has risen to the level of treason against the US, against the US Constitution. I say all of that as someone who is the opposite of a Trump fan or supporter.

  6. Are the hapless Democrats going to win one? Maybe they have won something I am forgetting, but it seems like all they do is lose. They lost on Garland, lost on Kavanaugh, lost on the huge tax cuts for the rich, lost on the Iranian nuclear deal, lost on insane protectionist trade policy, lost on the travel ban, lost on DACA, lost on the individual mandate of Obamacare, and so on. But we might get to see a man's tax records. Great.

  7. If any1 can figure out WHY Trump said he could shoot any1 n nothing will happen, then u'll know who shields him. So, he said this in early 2016. Figure out WHO he was talking to then or right before. [Ppl, especially a narcissist like him, like to boast right after an affirmation. Me thinks certain ppl who r 'associated' w/ Kushner, Adelson, certain intelligence ppl (U.S. n foreign) n other minions (Minuchin/Pompeo) that r put their by the above.
    Here's a clue: LAS was NOT done by that 1 person, PERIOD.]

  8. A Constitution ?………..NOPE
    A Nation of Laws ?….. NOPE
    A Republic ?……………..NOPE
    A Democracy ?………….NOPE
    A Bill of Rights ?………..NOPE
    A Land of the Free ?….NOPE
    Home of the Brave ? …NOPE

    Hey America !!
    CONGRATULATIONS – your nation is now, officially, a BANANA REPUBLIC and Donald Trump has declared himself to be your Dictator/King. (NOT SUBJECT TO ANY OF YOUR LAWS)
    Next steps for Trump – Abolish the Constitution altogether, dissolve Congress, imprison all dissenters and political opponents, declare Martial Law (using his well paid military) and putting an end to Presidential elections – setting up the Trump family as the undisputed "Monarchy" of the USA ( United States of Arabia) !!! That's right folks , Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and even Barron Trump – all heirs waiting in line for the throne !! Decades and decades and decades of – Trump rule !! Hahahahahaha !!
    By the way, the "United States of Arabia" idea came from his good buddy, Mohammad bin Salman and the Saudi Monarchy !!!

    And there you have it, America – from the 1776 Declaration of Independence ( and freedom from the British Monarchy)
    to the coronation of King Donald J. Trump and the new American Monarchy !!! You've all come full circle.
    How absolutely fitting and poetic justice, that the most Capitalistic nation on earth should now be ruled as an Oligarchy – by the biggest CAPITALIST PIG ever born & conceived !!!

    My fellow Americans – you've really outdone yourselves, this time !!!
    Best of Luck – and may GOD have mercy on your souls !!!

  9. NO ONE,not me not you,living in the USA should be 'forced' to release our taxes unless under court order in a criminal suit.

    Don't let these silly ass democrats stampede you into giving up even more rights and freedoms.

    Just say NO!

  10. Donald Trump and Steven Mnuchin could release Trump's tax returns as proof that he's not been a long-time, big-time tax cheat, in the process illustrating to the American people that Trump is a "political 5-D chess genius", and almost (IF he's not a tax cheat!) guarantee Trump a victory in 2020 – but Trump refuses. Why does Trump refuse to release his tax returns?

    Simple … Because Trump is a long-time, big-time criminal practitioner of tax evasion.

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