Desperate men do desperate things; two leaders facing corruption charges may more aggressively push their Iran regime change agenda – Larry Wilkerson joins Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


44 thoughts on “Trump and Netanyahu Scandals a Very Dangerous Moment – Wilkerson & Jay”
  1. @@ TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message… REPENT NOW !! TRUST that God raised Him from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !!

  2. I have no problem with Jewish people, but Israel is an illegal, evil, occupier who does not belong in Palestine. Trump and Netanyahu can go to hell.

  3. Hey moron didn't you get the memo? No collusion by Trump. No obstruction of justice by Trump. Just because Michael Cohen is a criminal doesn't mean that Donald Trump is. Mueller's team got people to plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit or things that weren't actually crimes just because they didn't want to have their family subjected to that kind of bulshit or they were running out of money and couldn't afford legal representation. Michael Flynn is going to be exonerated. Paul manafort is going to get a pardon. Michael Cohen is going to rot in jail because he lied to Congress and he lied to Trump and he broke attorney-client privilege. Michael Cohen is the problem not Trump. So you can go back to sucking the Democrats dick all you want Beach Boys nobody takes you seriously. You look like that limp dick loser from The West Wing.

  4. I have always voted..As much as I liked Obama, I soon realized that he was employed by the same forces.. I will never vote Republican or Democrat again..Both parties ran to get Trump and Bernie to sign loyalty oaths.. If the both ran as independents, it would have destroyed the 2 party monopoly

  5. It is important not to discount the Democrat's action and poor choice in candidates that allowed Trump to win in the first place.. Their plans remain to offer another corporatist hoping to win because Trump is so bad? In the process ignoring the progressive tide rising in their own party.. If this happens, it will doom the Democrats whether they win or lose.

  6. Wait. Aren't you assuming the effort to remove Trump would be legal? Because if its not, the military might not be as commited to regime change as you suspect. Cohen has extremely compromised at this point.

    Do you see any irony in the fact that the Mueller investigation was based solely on the Steele dossir. For 2 years, we heard nothing but Russia, Russia, Russia and 2 years later, now the we know Trump did not colude with Russia, all those voices have changed to "tax returns! Business deals" ZBut hey, I guess if the bass aren't biting, northern might make a good 2nd choice.

  7. They will surround the WHITE HOUSE and DEFEND THE PRESIDENT… THAT IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN, NIXON told them to stand down, they were going to surround and defend.

  8. 16:35 lol Wilkerson said "… both capitals, Jerusalem and Washington"
    Was that a slip of tongue or does he recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

  9. Netanyahu is not even his real last name. They are known for changing their names to hide themselves. These people are Polish "Mileikowsky". Antisemitism my ASS. People are not even Semetic.

  10. well so far history has shown both these guys have been wrong. yes real fake news network. meandering thoughts and ramblings of these two intelligent people!. there is so much so called evidence yet no impeachment action from the globalist in the house…wow so much evidence yet no action. false scenarios is now great news…what. i have been hearing about this evidence for over 2 years…well let us begin then…not so fast. cohen has already been convicted, he is going to jail in a couple of weeks…where are these brilliant lawyers to represent another brilliant lawyer? mr military man can go to the house demos and present his info and evidence…what is stopping him from doing so…i wonder no more. Glory be to GOD AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST AMEN.

  11. Let me take a guess you're Hillary supporters. If you don't know about the trail of dead bodies following them you have your head buried in the sand. Who do you you want to be president? You want socialism? Globalization? Or yare ou going to support creepy uncle Joe. And again head burried in the sand. Never Trumpers have nothing to offer except attack Trump. 80000 lies? Name some that are actually hurting our nation. Who DO you support. We know what you don't want to see happen. What is it that you do want to see.

  12. Interestingly Some of people down under want us to become a Republic and drop any allegiance to The Queen, however if our military swear allegiance to the Head of state, being the Queen, then this means that a coup cannot eventuate. I am not up to date on this but it may well still be our situation.

  13. WHY NO BRU HA HA over Obama's birth certificate. It sure settled down quickly and we learn after the end of his terms that he was not qualified to run for President since he was not born on American soil??? That surely was pretty big evidence that said he had no right being called leader of the USA. Signing executive orders, ordering drone killings? What the heck, ran for eight years and never came out starkly like it has since he left office. They do choose whose dirty laundry or who has two out of five fingers pointed at them must be culpable. How many of these accusers are listed on the persons who have indictments and will be picked up for a military tribunal.?

  14. The Civil War is what he is Talking About. We Will Arrest Him If We have too. 45 is not above the Law. This will be a You Cant Handle the Truth. moment. His Billionaires Fake Money. We are not Going to Allow Him To Destroy America. He is Q Media with burrowing. To the Soul of America. 45 is a Fascist. His Deep State v Him Defending America. Jared having meetings with Bibi. The Russians laughing at us with Private Meetings in the White House. Destabilising Factor. The Level of Corruption is at its Pinnacle Unprecedented. The Marine Corp General gave 45 a Cold Blue Steel Look at the State of the Union Night. No head nod no Nothin. Telling. This Q is saying 75 indictments Obama Bush Clinton will be held at Gitmo for a Military Tribunal hanging. And this is his base. Thats. What the General is Talking About. High Anxiety . Its so far out James Bond may not be able to solve this one. Against All Enemies foreign and domestic.

  15. Give me the man and I’ll find you a crime. What a double standard. Hillary deleted 33,000 emails after receiving a subpoena. You all are shills.

  16. Nothing will be done because the majority of people are stupid, fat and lazy. They will rather sit on their arse and watch TV. As long as the zombies believe they live on a spinning ball and that they are under admiralty law, the human race will remain prisoners.

  17. Stop this 2 horse race backed by the same Zionist movement every time there is an election. What about Bush administration who did 911 and the fraud Soetoro? They keep everyone on a treadmill so nothing gets done. Focus the attention to the greatest crime in history, 911. Bring down these criminals and the people will have a chance at taking back the USA.

  18. What is stated at timing 12:00 is a complete twisting of the truth regarding how much Trump valued his business properties at for tax purposes, compared to their value for sale or taking a loan out on them. When valuing a business property for sale, you list not only its current assets but also its future earnings because potential buyers are primarily concerned with how much money that business will bring in over the next ten and twenty years. However, when valuing a business property for tax purposes, you list only the physical real estate value, to be taxed on the real estate. This is why Trump stated one of his business properties was valued at $5 million for land tax purposes, while stating its business value at $50 million for potential buyers. The latter figure includes future earnings from that business property, the former figure does not include that, nor is it supposed to.

    Wilkerson has some good videos on Cheney, but this is sheer nonsense he is talking about here. It is preposterous to claim Trump might have some "legions of armed Americans" who would come out into the streets and be so powerful they scare the US military. Wilkerson needs to take another look at the armaments just the National guards have, let alone the US Army and other armed services. To make it seem like "Americans with guns" pose any kind of threat whatsoever to the US armed forces is absolute nonsense. If this preposterous scenario did ever unfold, the army need only use its drone, not even its helicopters or its jet fighters, just drones to go out and remove the leaders of any kind of "armed resistance" that might surface to stop Trump from being removed from office.

    A far more realistic scenario is for Trump to use the military to protect him in office. Trump need simply get the okay from a few other high ranking individuals such as the Attorney General and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, where they agree to allow him to call out the military to impose a limited form of Martial Law. This "minor" form of Martial Law would be used to;

    #1. deport everyone in America who was involved in removing the president,

    #2. deport anyone who does not put the Constitution ahead of all religious or cultural preferences (such as religious extremists),

    #3. deport everyone who is opposed to America having borders and protecting its industries.

    The first group listed would be comprised of all the congressmen who voted to impeach Trump, as well as all the TV newscasters and owners of the media companies who called for Trump's removal.

    The second group would consist mainly of radical Muslims. Perhaps a few small Christian groups would be included, but mainly it would be American Muslims who would have to sign a Sworn Statement saying they will obey all the laws in America and especially the constitution, and will never try to install a set of laws that supercede American laws. Radicals like the Muslim brotherhood and similar groups would refuse to sign this and would thus be deported.

    The third group would be Americans who promote globalism.

    Local courts would immediately be set up throughout America to mete out swift justice to everyone who has been promoting some other set of laws to take precedent over US law, like Sharia Law. After a quick trial, those people would be stripped of citizenship and placed on buses and driven down to the Mexican borders. Others would be placed on large cargo ships destined for the Mideast. Those same trials would see who had been promoting globalism, which means the destruction of the United States. Anyone suspected can sign a disclaimer swearing they will not promote globalism and be set free. Anyone who doesn't sign it, or who clearly already had been promoting anti-American globalism like George Soros would be stripped of citizenship and placed on those same cargo ships.

    Visit to see how good morals protect us. 🙂

  20. Wilkerson needs trump to go down because his hands are bloody from 9/11 too. Trump has you by the balls, Wilkerson. sad.

  21. If Cohen is right about Trump never letting the White House go, a "scorched earth" policy most likely would ensue from Trump and his believers. He is a bully who has to be right at any cost. Rather than stepping down for the good of the Republic, he most likely wouldn't. This would be the first time a candidate would put himself above the nation's.

  22. C.I.T.= #CommanderInThievery. Bye bye gen "Y" the debt and wars will be the end of this nation. They can't make children yet, continue to make enemies.
    WOW crime bosses don't care about your nation of people, just how much is to be gained/$$$,000,000,000,000…ectera…ecetera.

  23. War with Iran? I agree with Larry, it's a possibility but not much of a probability, this administration is weaker and more divided than ever, they may have the desire but they don't have what it would take to launch another regime-change war.

  24. Well, that video was unnecessary.. And redundant. Why should you even feel the need to discuss what a liar would say about another liar just to save his guilty ass?

  25. It's good that these issues are now being seen and discussed. It shows the possibility is still present for the American people to radically change political direction before the otherwise implosion (now immanent) of the entire system occurs.

  26. I like The Real News. But their bias is showing. Wilkerson is a responsible, reasonable Republican who's totally tied in to the military industrail complex. For one thing, he, and The Real News unfortunately, totally buy into the great 9/11 Myth of a conspiracy of 19 Arabs. Only morons and willfully ignorant people believe that. Even Michael Moore asks why doesn't the Pentagon release videos showing it really was a plane that hit the Pentagon? We know they have the videos. Show the proof, and discredit the entire truther movement. Settle the argument. But they don't, probably because it will show a missile, not a plane, hitting the building. As for Building 7, of course it was a controlled demolition. Larry Silverstein admits that he told the fire chief to "pull it." This looks to me like just another attempt to get rid of Trump.

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