Trump Appointees Refuse to Say They Support Brown v. Board of Education

Trump Appointees Refuse to Say They Support Brown v. Board of Education

65 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 to end school segregation. Now Trump’s appointees to the federal bench and Department of Justice refuse to say they support it. What does the future hold?

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20 thoughts on “Trump Appointees Refuse to Say They Support Brown v. Board of Education

  1. So if you reject Israhell you're anti-american. But if you reject US law, you're making America Great Again. LOL
    Thank god I'm not an american. You people are so fucked.

  2. Fine interview, I think anyway; but, lacking in/from the text description for this video is the guest bio., so here it is, from the TRANSCRIPT page, " … Well, we’ll tackle all this with our guest, Michael Higginbotham , who is the Joseph Curtis Professor of Law and former Dean at the University of Baltimore School of Law, who wrote Race Law: Cases, Commentary, and Questions. … ", I started by saying that I think this is a fine interview, meaning that I'm not sure about it, and the reason for this is due to not being sure to have fully understood everything; and, the transcript may come in handy for this, for, after all, reading sometimes is helpful. 🙂 As for segregation matters in the US, I doubt that govt rulings are sufficient, for The People, the general population, must agree and it needs to be done with FREE will. I don't like "racism", never have, so what this simply means is to never be aligned with such conduct or outlooks, such blindness and also idiocy. It's a sadly ignorant way of existing, I grew up in southern New England from 1957 (birth) until 1973, when for continuing the school studies I moved to Montreal, though only during the school year due to then not being allowed to have employment in Canada given that I was only here with a foreign student visa. Anyway, from 1962 until 1973 (and afterwards during vacation periods from school) I lived with my family 20 miles west of Boston and got to read on several occasions about segregated school bussing in Boston, which I don't think occurred in Framingham. Additionally, the situation seemed even worse in South Boston, for according to some news media reports, "Blacks" wanted to also be able to use the ocean-side beach in So. Boston but were opposed, sometimes violently, by "whites" of So. Boston. It was a NASTY situation and I didn't experience it, only having read about it. There was some "racism" in Framingham, but, afaik anyway, it never escalated like I read about with respect to Boston, some parts of it anyway. There was some silent "racism" in Framingham, as well. F.e., around 1 1/2 to 2 miles from where my parents' home was located there was what looked like a nice neighborhood, with very nice home properties definitely unsuitable for people of low econ. scale, but very nice; however, it initially had only "white" residents and when some "blacks" began to move there, some, if not many, of these "whites" sold their properties, probably as fast as they could, and moved out. Fortunately, this didn't include any violent behavior; BUT, it's nonetheless illustrative of ignorance, stupidity, …. People of such relatively high incomes being that damn ignorant is even hilarious, … as well as woeful. It's a very sad aspect of society; unfortunately real. Where I presently reside is an apt bldg and there regularly are non-whites also residing here, often being students from other countries or other provinces of Canada and there're no problems with them; and, I've been tenant here for nearly 7 years so get to regularly see new tenants who often would be students, so temporary. Of course some can be temporary for other reasons, such as with respect to employment and income. This small city in southern Quebec surely has some "racists", but not often heard of; nope. The province does have some 2racists", such as with northern KKK and Neo-Nazi sorts, f.e.; but, this small city seems to be quite calm about "race" and everyone is permitted anywhere, here, afaik anyway.

  3. I am so tired of this dog whistle, professional victim nonsense. Though there is some truth to the issue everyone can tell that story including poor white people. These clowns refuse to take responsibility for themselves, their own education, communities & cultures. As the old saying goes, you can lead a Horse to water but you cant make it drink.. They live in a free country with free education yet they think Gang banging is cool, stupid defines culture & refuses to put down their crack pipe long enough show up for class. 'Nuff Said"..

  4. Have you ever read a headline, or hear something on the news, looked at the calendar that says it's 2019, and have a serious WTF? moment? Yeah, I had that upon hearing this. While we shouldn't worship precedent the way our corrupt and inept judicial system does, we also can't refuse to acknowledge when somebody who was NOT corrupt and inept gets it right. We also need to shuffle off these corrupt, greedy racists like an old skin.

  5. We all watched as these terrible appointments passed with support from both sides of the isle, despite their posturing. So now we get just what our political class set up for us. Stop voting for shills!

  6. Outstanding law professor. I had no idea Plessy V Ferguson 1896 was never overturned! That said, Black America as a whole does not do well in the current system. Black America needs its own autonomous republic and government, its own schools and its own police.

  7. So we shouldn't want to try to overturn Citizen's United because it is precedent? Is precedent more important than getting it right? A refusal to grow and change because of past opinions is foolish.

    Brown was a great ruling and should stand on its merits not because precedent is important.

  8. The US population has to be devided in many ways, keep these sections in discord and enforce the control and surveillance over everyone. The Government must have the Power and manipulate MAGA doctrine into the Minds of citizens. Any discord gives a good reason to the Empire to increase control.

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