Trump’s budget more than doubles OCO war-fighting slush fund and proposes cutting social safety net by 9% at a time when White House rhetoric against Iran is heating up and Netanyahu, Mohammed bin Salman, and Trump all face corruption charges and challenges at home – Col. Wilkerson with Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


39 thoughts on “Trump Budget Showers Pentagon with Cash—Preparing for War? – Wilkerson & Jay”
  1. Yep, Disaster Capitalism (thank you Naomi Klein) of the U.S. is a war-time economy.  

    Iran may be a bit more of a quagmire than what appears to be an easier target of an accelerating U.S. backed coup in oil-rich Venezuela.  Bolton and Pompeo are just building on Dick Cheney's Iraq play book.

    First, the U.S. claims the democratically elected 'socialist' (gasp) government of Venezuela as null and void, and the bought and paid for public media of the U.S. pushes that narrative. Despite social progress … no, BECAUSE of social progress … the U.S. creates domestic turmoil in Venezuela by pushing the failure of human rights narrative, applying an embargo so that Venezuela can not sell its own oil, and now by cutting off access to foreign cash/gold reserves.

    Disaster capitalism steps in by 'solving' through military force a problem that was created by overt and covert foreign policy. William Blum chronicled that very well in 'Killing Hope'. The major difference between the lie of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' in the Iraqi narrative, is the lie of 'regional turmoil caused by failed socialism' (real turmoil, but formented by the above stated U.S. strategies). The U.S. economy is temporarily sustained by outsourcing losses to another country … sending in American troops to free up some of that Venezuelan oil. And like Iraq, the rape and pillage of natural resources is the goal — reconstruction, if more than an after-thought, is the installation of a U.S. backed right-wing authoritarian figurehead.

    Win-Win for Big Oil AND the Military Industrial Complex … and a small, temporary respite for the average American worker as disposable human capital.  

    Over half of Central and South America is already in U.S. Corporate pockets. Look how cheaply Goldman Sachs could pay the Ecuadorian government to ignore international law regarding asylum to hand over Julian Assange. And now (Mid April, 2019), British war games are being held 50 miles off the coast of Venezuela. I'm not sure how that plays out with The Monroe Doctrine (other than England and the U.S. are now cronies led by some of the same oligarchs), but you can bet your bottom oil-backed-dollar that Trump and his cronies are just itching to join in the games.

    How deeply is the U.S. as military empire engrained in our mind-set?  

    Just ask yourself … can you imagine Chinese or Russian war games held 50 miles off the U.S. coast?

  2. It's not true that the US debt will be unsustainable. Ever. Let's not use that phony argument to stop spending money on bad things.
    Spending money on bad things is bad because they're bad things, not because 'we'll run out of money'.

  3. I feel no problem in 5% military increase budget for pentagon; since that only military is capable to manhattan project nuclear warhead conversion to household power energy generator to market allover the world in partnership to nuclear holding countries ….

  4. the us is on the american continent where it has no enemies why it need all this money to make america secure ? most likely the us wants to steal oil from other nations because its wells are dry.

  5. When more people understand the TRUTH about our federal money, we will put the sociopaths on the run, after decades of them enriching themselves and PRETENDING we 'can't afford' nice things for all. The federal govt can issue ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for anything that is physically possible. Sensible planning is all that is required to allocate labor and resources for the GOOD things we should have had decades ago. You do not have to take my word for it – check out the DEFICIT OWLS Youtube channel put up by econ profs, and look up the profs in their articles, blogs, interviews, etc. Stephanie Kelton, Michael Hudson, Pavlina Tcherneva, Randall Wray, John Harvey and many others. Also Ellis Winningham from the UK, Bill Mitchell of Australia, and so on.

  6. Glad for the new young progressives we have in office to represent the common man and fight for our interests.
    If were gonna go down those in power will go down with us. It may just be prime time for a revolution "French style".

  7. They just need to activate all nuclear weapons and make emm go off at the same time humans are nothing but pieces of shit we all need to disappear from the face of the planet

  8. The people can put an end to this government's abuse of power by taking to the streets; not just for one day but for as long as needed to take them down once and for all, We need a different government that is truly of the people and for the people. As it is now we are under the complete control of the rich over every phase of society. it's by virtue of their control over the economy and the state through buying off politicians in both major parties.

  9. As a weapons and defense contractors investor I just LOVE more war! Long as I'm not on the receiving end of those weapons, of course.

  10. he will just hand them over to his uncle neteneyahu and the Saudies nothing Trump does is for the american people hes clearly netneyahus via boltyn bi*ch sociopaths grabbing as much as they can to the finish line and yeah we need to make sure they dont cheat in 2020 elections

  11. That’s how the average Americans are… stupid naive ignorants… domesticated was always great. It’s the Globalization that is taking our economy away… including Trump and make Zionist Jews great by Americans labor.

  12. America must lose another war to come to mind. But not like they losing war on Syria, first war with Iraq, Korea … where they lost and they proclaimed victory to their home idiots. Now it must be debacle that reality finally goes on the table. Real state of economy, incomprehensible debt, 80 years old infrastructure, nonfunctional financial system, big-pharma inquisition, climate changes, poverty, racism, fascism, lack of democracy, rigged elections, controlled media, student – workers – housing … personal debt, weapon crisis. That finally Americans see reality beyond corporation media propaganda and turn to change something.

  13. Wilkerson is expecting sanity in Washington, particularly with the Democrats, who raised the military budget last year more than Trump asked.

  14. I like Larry Wilkerson but he doesn't really understand economics. The real problem is the banks and all the casino trading on wall street. Socks require a bigger and bigger sucker at the other end to keep rising. It's going to reach a point where the prices get too high and there are no buyers. Then we're going to see massive collapses of large corporations and the CEO's running out the back door with the money and screwing investors and employees. It will be sudden stock falls that sink the banks this time. The next president needs to be ready.

  15. I gave this a "Like", but won't playlist or bookmark it. There seems to be something, if not some things, important missing in this interview, but I can still give the video a "Like". Not being present and allowed to pose some questions, well, I can't, so the questions go unanswered; and, until I have the answers, this video will only be given a "Like", but neither added to my playlists or my Web browser's bookmarks. With that said, Trump is mad, a madman, a very lousy president of the US, …, giving a lot more $ to the Pentagon, that hellbent beast. Trump isn't a real American, unless we're to think that the US Constitution is just toilet paper, no better than that. Good luck trying to find an American in high positions caring about the Constitution, the " Law of the Land " in and for the USA; yeah, good luck. What good is it to refer to the Constitution when TPTB don't give a hoot about it. Trump and many of his predecessors in the US presidency don't care at all about the Constitution. Voters need to WAKE up.

  16. Let's not forget that the 1929 crash was a result of WWI. WWII was most profitable for Can/USA and the 'Cold war' period kept the ball rolling up the hill. Since Vietnam, the war, war, until we are no more, has been the mantra. But hey, all good things must come to an end even with all the dark money we are to spend. New construction will just have to be rebar and clay.

  17. I am surprsed that Wilkerson and Jay are not seeing what is going on here. Trump is padding the defense budget so that he can take that money for his wall under his "national emergency". Nothing could be more obvious since the Dims have always supported defense budgets and he is robbing whatever funds, most especially defense, to get his wall money.

  18. Now the powerful cockroaches are just slowly phasing the people out as they continue their own pursuits of wealth and more power.

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