Journalist and comedian Francesca Fiorentini joins Paul Jay to discuss how socialism has emerged as an issue in the midterm elections

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By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “Trump Defines Socialism as Key Issue in the 2018 Elections”
  1. It is vividly distinguished that when the Democratic Socialist European Nations are widely accepted and revered, such as Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, UK. However, when the non European nations are socialist nations, it causes "region Change", "Color revolution" and "Wars" such nations as
    Moldova, Nicaragua, Peru, Serbia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey, Venezuela. Racism transfixed and ingrained in the international doctrine not only institutes in US. Our world divided into two segments,
    50% of color people are disfranchised to serve the benefit and welfare of the white race politically, economically, socially.

  2. Keep dreaming Francesca; with your kind of liberalism Trump will win again in 2020, assuming he doesn't quit. You don't understand why half the voters voted for him and I don't understand how could the other half of the electorate could vote for Hillary, a conniver with skeletons in her closet.

  3. Many of the commenters in this thread have it right. This is one pathetic conversation. Basically unlistenable. Francesca (and Jay for that matter) start by researching this: WORKER CONTROL OF THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION

  4. I love Real News and support it for Jay, Norton, and others… but this ain't it, chief. Fiorentini is about as progressive as John Oliver – that is, not a wit.

  5. Every time a corporate politician levels a charge at an opponent it is invariably something the corporate politician her/himself is has been doing for a long, long time. "All the nations of the world should resist socialism and the misery that it brings" is either as disingenuous or as stupid and self-blind a statement as I've ever heard from a leader of the "free" world.

    While the word "socialism" has been muddied such that it is popularly used to describe a lot of different political economies, socialism itself isn't truly ill-defined. It's total, grass-roots, real-time democracy. Socialism is humanity's direct, democratic participation in all political and economic decisions affecting us. It is power vested in the grass roots devoid of the owner/wage-slave relationship of capitalism and without permanent hierarchies, only limited ones as needed which answer to the grass roots directly in real time,not every two or four years.

    Capitalism and democracy strain and snarl in constant conflict and animus. Socialism and democracy rest happily in each others' arms like old lovers. The various forms of socialism differ not so much in goal as in the means of achieving it. And all but a scant handful of "socialist" institutions or nations are capitalist with a set of social restraints, failed socialist states which devolved into capitalism with a new crew of owners in place of the old moneyed ones or states like Venezuela which could flourish into full socialism if not being beleaguered and attacked by international capital.

  6. Really? Why Liz Warren?
    What in hell is the deal with the Liz Warren?
    I just don't get it. I guess the popularity of Liz Warren is a measure of how desperate people are for even the smallest glimmer of decency in a politician. Because that's it. Only the smallest glimmer of wafting decency does Liz Warren exude, IMHO.

  7. Fiorentini is an insufferable airhead. She is a pretty typical identity politics peddling Dem that has eaten up the Russiascare nonsense, made absolute horsecrap videos on Syria in AJ+ showing she doesn't know the basic history of either the country or American involvement in the last 4 years, and generally doesn't have anything useful to contribute to any discussion. It's time we had a useful discussion around socialist policies **in the US context** – effects of a funding replacement vs an infrastructure replacement in each of these areas (education, healthcare, utility scale energy, public transportation), what is the optimal pace to do it at so as to not create major disruptions and more importantly, US government's readiness as an institution, given decades of consistent chopdown in it's role as an infrastructure facilitating entity.

  8. Why do I never hear Tulsi Gabbard's name mentioned as a legitimate VP candidate for Bernie Sanders when these Progressive Pundits are exploring the possibilities of 2020? Gabbard is head and shoulder above Liz Warren when it comes to Populist-Progressive ideology and Foreign Affairs, and she has youth on her side. Something millions of excited Millenials will come out and support at the voting booths.

  9. Your guest is correct “isms” are up to interpretation but a Democratic Economy would create a Society that serves all of its citizens and that is what Socialism should do. The start of this year I decided to do a deep dive on the evolution of Modern Western Society’s Political Economic structures. The evolution of Capitalism, the different forms of Capitalism, the study of Karl Marx’s Political Economic theories and what the relationship of his theories are with Socialism and Communism. From the research I was finding I started to realize that all these systems are evolving as if they are part of an organic process. In Feudal England there were wealthy land owners and they had a symbiotic relationship with serfs who created value by growing Food stuff. There were guilds and Artisans that created value by making goods and they had a symbiotic relationship with Merchant Capitalist who sold the goods. In 1694 a bankrupt English Kingdom formed a symbiotic relationship with wealthy Merchant Capitalist and created the Bank of England to help finance the Kingdom. In the mid to late 1700’s the Industrial Revolution began, the land owners started raising Sheep to manufacture Wool, the Guilds and Artisans were being phased out by Industrialization, the Serfs left the Rural areas and came into the City to become workers/skilled workers in the new industries and Adam Smith developed this new Economic system that eventually became Capitalism.

    On the Continent of Europe the evolution of Capitalism didn’t start until the 1800’s. Karl Marx was born in Prussia in 1818 and as he was growing up the European kingdoms were undergoing the same transition as England. There was this new Skilled Labour class that had the same problems with the Industrial Capitalist that the Artisans had with the Merchant Capitalist and that was fair compensation for their contribution in creating value; they wanted the system reformed. There was also this new Worker Class and they were more progressive in their approach to the Feudal system; they wanted a representative Government, they wanted a Nation-State where they had a say in how Society functioned. Karl Marx was an outspoken ally for the working class and at the age of 24 Prussia exiled him. Karl then went to France for a couple of years and was exiled from there also then he went to Brussels for several years and after being exiled again he went to England and lived the rest of his life there. While in Brussels he and Engels wrote a pamphlet for some of their more radical drinking buddies titled the Communist Manifesto and evidently this is how he became linked with Communism. There were famous Socialist and Nationalist while Marx was alive but in all the research I’ve done on Marx he doesn’t talk about Socialism or Communism; he did critique this new political economic system called Capitalism though. Marx wrote three volumes on Capital, three volumes on The Labour Theory of Value and countless other books and articles on Capitalism. Marx main theory on capitalism was that it was an unstable system because it was a Dialectic system. The system is based on contradictions that lead to crisis and most of the crises are resolved by creating or discovering new markets with the assistance of new technology and innovation but the contradiction is never resolved. One of the main contradictions with Capitalism is that it’s really good at creating goods in abundance but its business model is based on scarcity. Another contradiction is that Capitalism can generate tremendous amounts of wealth but its business model creates wealth inequality. Money is a contradiction also because it is needed in the production, realization and distribution of goods by helping with the purchase of equipment and salaries while goods are being sold. But the interest being paid on the borrowed money could make the rate of return on investment not worth the production of goods.

    The other problem with Capitalism is the division it created between the Labour classes. In 1846 a drought across Europe caused an increase in prices of Food Stuff and in 1848 there were revolutions waged by Labour across Europe. Because of the divide between the skilled labour class and the worker class the ruling class was able to limit the damage from the revolutions. The Russian revolution of 1917 was as violent as it was because Lenin felt the skilled Labour and Artisan class wouldn’t support a revolution. In America the skilled labour and worker class took on a new dimension by dividing the working class by race. Creating a race struggle from a worker class struggle has been extremely effective for the ruling class.

    “Isms” are open to interpretations but a Social Society that develops Social individuals that value life isn’t. We’re still part of this organic process and Capitalism has run its course; in the 2016 election there were two options either kick the can down the road for four more years or let Capitalism die. No matter how Tuesday’s election turns out Trump has a date with destiny and that is to take the fall for the collapse of Empire. Trump’s isolationist policies may be just enough to spare the rest of the World from collapsing along with it; maybe then sanity will prevail and the Climate emergency we’re in will be addressed.

  10. F.D.R. once said: "if your in politics you have to play the game." Bernie KNOWS that if he backed out of the D party after running in it, the right-wing Neoliberal corporate rats in congress and in the news media would have his head on a spike, smear and call him a "fake" 1000 times more then when he ran in the primary. Anyone calling him a "sellout" or a "sheepdog" is shortsighted. You don't break the 26 year neoliberal Clinton cabal and stranglehold in one 2016 election cycle, even though we almost did. Bernie knows that planet is running out of time and he is using their "D" podium to bring attention to what Americans already know–that WHOLE economic system is rigged in the 1% favor and that they are destroying human existence. Bernie also knows the working class doesn't really give a "F" about the identity politics of XY and Z or whatever stupid letter of the alphabet one attaches to a name. They've been fooled and burned one too many times. Bernie KNOWS this. The working class just want an economy and government that works for them and not just for the Kleptocrats and war profiteers who have been running the show for the last 40 years under Republican and right-wing corporate trickle down Neoliberalism. #Bernie2020 #ClimateChange #MedicareForAll

  11. Too many people splitting hairs over what democratic socialism "is" or "is not." Whether it's coming from the "left" or "right" or the identity politics of color and the alphabet, Trump is a text book example of how economic Neoliberal Fascism and PAYGO austerity works: Scapegoat and divide the poor and working class to fight each other for the economic failures of a governmental system that has only served the top 1% under right-wing Neoliberal corporatism and policies for the last 40 years. Neoliberalism is the parent and spawn Neofascism. Trump is the result. Neoliberalism will always lead to Neofascism no matter which party it is practiced in. Never think for a moment that the Green party is immune to the economic disinformation and brainwashing under the Neoliberal policies of the last 4 decades. They aren't. And I'll take democratic socialism over Trump's Neoliberal Neofascism, any day.

    Neoliberalism had its origins with Republicans like Reagan and Thatcher. Then Bill Clinton adopted it in the early 1990's with NAFTA and Clinton's repeal of FDR's Glass-Steagall Act for the Republican in 1999. Clinton destroyed the Party of F.D.R. and the middle class. He did what Reagan could only dream about. Bill was the best Republican in sheep's clothing the GOP ever had. From the early 80's to present day Neoliberal policies has been in enacted by both Republicans and what is now known as right-wing "Corporate Dems" a.k.a. Neoliberals.

    What Is Neoliberalism? Neoliberalism explained:

  12. fiorentini is a fckng Liberal who attacks AntiWar Voices and actual Leftists. She has no idea wtf Socialism is.

  13. Wonderful and refreshing discussion…the majority of voters must end allowing themselves and their children and grandchildren to be exploited for profit and wealth transfer to the 1%

  14. There is a serious war within the Democratic Party, as the corporatist neoliberal minority in real power & their well paid Democratic Loyalist pundits, against everyone else in the progressive movement inside Democratic Party & the masses of left leaning independents..

    This is going to get very aggressive.
    Either big money & power wins, or the masses of the people do.

    It is ultimately not sustainable, to keep this right wing political shift & the “liberal” pro-corporate incrementalism going.

    There is a clear choice here.
    Corporate hegemony, oligarchy & the capitalist fascism of the ownership class, or a massive progressive political revolution & economic & environmental systemic change.

  15. Radical progressive voices on the show to discuss corporate dems 😁as long as they buy into the corporate regime change narrative on Syria😳 pro war progressives are as bad as faux anti interventionist right wing populists like Trump.

  16. No one was more brainwashed against Socialism than us boomers. Yet a lot of us began to see through that brainwashing as young adults. The young generation appears not to have that sort of baggage and in any case, have been forced through the current horrendous circumstances to investigate it more thoroughly. The future is socialist; I'll be there with bells on should I still be around

  17. Francesca to Richard Wolff explaining socialism: Move over Rick … (now technically she is not very precise – but she is funny – and he ain't bad either).


  19. Francesca – great comments. One point of clarification: Medicare is NOT socialized medicine. it's SOCIALIZED INSURANCE. It's an important distinction. I heard your comment about Trump's claiming Dems want to gut Medicare to pay for socialism, the funny point being that Medicare is socialize medicine.

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