Trump Provokes Iran With Intensified Economic War

Trump Provokes Iran With Intensified Economic War

Trump and Bolton’s strategy is to bait Iran into a war Bolton’s wanted for twenty years – says Trita Parsi, President of the NIAC

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26 thoughts on “Trump Provokes Iran With Intensified Economic War

  1. If it's wasn't for the United States, fighting for freedom, all you people most likely would be dead, by now….we control peace around the world, and we always will……we are the head forces, in the world, don't you forget that……

  2. Spain made a wise move and departed from the fleet so they're not dragged into this conflict .The rest of the EU should do the same thing and take a stand against this move towards conflict . Time to grow a spine EU . Can't say that I blame Iran for their enrichment program considering the fact that Israel and the US are gearing up for an attack against them . It's the same reason why North Korea has nukes and refuses to give them up . These various countries didn't just decide to get nukes without a good reason .Once again Israel , Saudi Arabia and my government are creating the situation to fit their agenda for ' regime change'.
    Trump is Bush 2.0 .
    Apparently the DOD and the CIA has learned absolutely nothing from their failures in Vietnam or any other conflict since .They just keep pushing for war to justify the outrageous military budget and to keep us all living in fear of a nuclear holocaust .

  3. People OF THE WORLD need to start imposing sanctions on the USA by NOT BUYING ANY AMERICAN PRODUCTS. Countries of the world need to IMPOSE VISAS on Americans visiting their countries. Start doing something to stop these fascists!!!

  4. I'm a War Veteran from the Nam Era. Today I would not fight for the United States anymore. Not that I'm old now, I am just sick and tired of MY COUNTRY. We are the MONSTERS, not them ( whoever them is at the time). This Regime Change Ideology is Horseshit and you all know it. Fuck the USA right now because we need to change. Death means nothing to the Powers that Be in the USA, and it never has. I was disillusioned after Nam and it has only gotten worse. We have a wanna be Dictator in the White House and the Trumpanzees think it's just fine. Because they are uneducated Morons or Racist Pieces of Shit. I don't even talk to my Sister anymore because of DRUMPF. She is OK with a Lying Piece of Shit. I've punched two people out for running mouth about how they love that Bitch. And fuck this phony Religion about Christ. And that's a Fact. And I don't blame Christ one bit; just you lame ass followers who aren't really following Christ, you just use his NAME and that's disgusting.

  5. I will not vote for Trump a second time. He is a liar, and lies to your face openly. He wants to put illegals in sanctuary cities. Those will be future Democrat voters if given amnesty. So Trump is a Democrat in disguise. Fuck him. I loved his MAGA message, but if he goes to war with Iran, then fuck him. He's a neocon.

  6. Bolton is the worst choice Trump has made. Followed by Pompeo. He also gave Marco Rubio too much authority on Latin-American issues, namely Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Rubio and Bolton are of one mind when it comes to threatening warmongering.

  7. I think once a country has nuclear capability the only way to assure it will never build a nuclear weapon is to occupy this country ! I think this will be the only accetable option to Israel and USA . Of course this is unaccetable for Iran! So the only way out to Iran would be :
    1 surrender completely
    2 produce several nukes and missils and make several public nuke tests

  8. A cry of "peace and security!" is heard. 1Thessalonians 5: 2, 3. Pilots destroy Iran's nuclear assets and refuel in Saudi Arabia. This throws all 23 Arab states into a war footing. Jeremiah 25: 24-26. The Euro collapses into the abyss, creating a famine in Europe. Ezekiel 7: 19. A war breaks out with the EU and Russia. Iran provides reprisal attacks. Daniel 11: 44, 45 Daniel 8: 20, 23-25. The Middle East is bombed. Matthew 24: 15-22 Zephaniah 2: 1-11. Jerusalem is bombed. Jeremiah 25: 29. The reprisal bombing occurs upon Iran Jeremiah 49: 35-38. The cataclysm melts down the financial system. Isaiah 55: 1 Isaiah 2: 18-20. Hissing, roaring missiles means the end of the authority of the present day political system. 2Peter 3: 10. YOU will see why Almighty God removes them all; and replaces them with the Rulership of Christ Revelation 11: 15, 18 and His heavenly brothers Revelation 5: 10.

    "But there are new heavens, and a new earth that we are waiting for, according to His promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell." 2Peter 3: 13. If you click my name my YouTube channel will appear; and under the 'discussion' section are a large number of short essays that discuss the future events from the Bible. YOU will see the cataclysm and the reason why the true God Jehovah took action.

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