Trump Targets Cuba’s Tourism and Small Businesses – Everything Law and Order Blog

Trump administration sanctions that impose new travel restrictions on Cuba are aimed at Cuba’s economy and will have no effect on Cuba’s support for Venezuela, says Netfa Freeman of IPS

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By phillyfinest369


49 thoughts on “Trump Targets Cuba’s Tourism and Small Businesses”
  1. Absolutely NOTHING in the Australian media about this… How terrible, Cuba sending 700 doctors to Venezuela providing free health care.. how destabilizing… it should be stopped !!

  2. Thank you, RNN. No shortage of filthy nasty inhumane and disgusting behaviour by the US GOVERNMENT! I WISH I WERE IN CUBA RIGHT NOW! I WOULD STAND ON IT'S SHORE AND FLIP A DOUBLE F.U. AT MY X HOME. 🖕🖕

  3. This is not politics; it is pure inhumane economic strangulation, as calculated as can be imagined. We are no democracy. We are an oligarchy in which the oligarchs only concern is tomorrow's increase. But the people, all of us, will pay for this long streak of wide open crime. And we, the people, absolutely must start the wheels turning to make the use of fossil fuels illegal.

  4. What Steve Mnuchin REALLY meant, is to say that Cuba has a DEdestabilizing effect in the region, that is, Cuba softens the blow of the American sanctions by sending humanitarian aid and doctors to Venezuela and other Places.

  5. Although "support for the Cuban people" did start as a way to support Cuban dissidents, that category has been expanded over the years – and in 2017 they added specific mention of casas particulares and paladares. It can now be used by people who are in Cuba encouraging private businesses or independent charities.

  6. Although "support for the Cuban people" did start as a way to support Cuban dissidents, that category has been expanded over the years – and in 2017 they added specific mention of casas particulares and paladares. It can now be used by people who are in Cuba encouraging private businesses or independent charities.

  7. I really like Cuba cruise we did over the past winter. Best Rum I had ever tasted, really want to visit again. Trump sucks

  8. Cuba isn't really communist but that is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that all of the places the US government incorrectly calls Socialist or Communist the US government has to sanction and try to regime change to try to kill them off as to prove these economic ideas don't work. It never happens naturally, but only by force from the US and it's puppet governments and corporations around the world. 

    You can't prove that these incorrectly called socialist or communist countries are not functional if the US has to us illegal actions to try to kill the governments. Of course, the illegal sanctions and regime changes aren't even working anymore.  

    Watching the US empire kill itself off is interesting but going way too slow. We all need to help push this "exceptional empire" off the cliff.

  9. Everybody is against this but there is no organized left channelling public condemnation of Trump and his retrogressive policies.
    In the Cold War, a client state had to be anti-communist to get the full backing of the American taxpayer. 
    My question to you, the taxpayer, are you anti-communist enough still like the generation before you in the 1950's that your money should go to this policy?
    Are you rich enough to afford this kind of policy?
    Because Trump is a McCarthyite in his tactics, and social life in America was like living in the 1950's America, a repressed society where everyone was spooked to say anything.
    The difference today and then is the legal and surveillance muzzle over everyone.
    Seems you want open relations with Cuba but persist in lowering the standard of living of Cuban people because they are a socialist society and you are not.

    You are a capitalist society, with capitalist relations, but so is China and Russia. We are not seeing money, property, the patriarchal family, breaking down in China and Russia as we are in the United States for internal reasons. Stability and sustainability in America is a blindly working average because of an incessant impulse to alienate GNP as a piece of merchandize. No dignity when GNP is treated as unattached commodities with no connection to useful trade work that ought to be developed with investment. Instead, your capitalists are about investing their money somewhere else, leaving you and as a taxpayer short on freedom, liberty, and security to defend factories in other countries.

  10. Clear case of revenge for backing Venezuela, clear threat to all decent and humane governments… if you unite against the world bully he will go after you one by one… adolescent as can be…

  11. This is the fault of all the pussie that run counties of this world that are afraid to stand up collectively to the US

  12. • Countries With Equal Populations Have To Equal Voting
    • The Right To Vote Should Be Based On The Of The Population, In Order To Ensure Justice
    • The Veto To 5 Countries Is The Full Version Of The Forest Law And Violates The Humanitarian Vote
    • A Country A Million Cannot Vote Equal A Country A Billion Population
    • The Conclusion Of The United Nations Must Be Base On The Population Of The Population And Not On The Wars Win

  13. • Countries With Equal Populations Have To Equal Voting
    • The Right To Vote Should Be Based On The Of The Population, In Order To Ensure Justice
    • The Veto To 5 Countries Is The Full Version Of The Forest Law And Violates The Humanitarian Vote
    • A Country A Million Cannot Vote Equal A Country A Billion Population
    • The Conclusion Of The United Nations Must Be Base On The Population Of The Population And Not On The Wars Win

  14. • Countries With Equal Populations Have To Equal Voting
    • The Right To Vote Should Be Based On The Of The Population, In Order To Ensure Justice
    • The Veto To 5 Countries Is The Full Version Of The Forest Law And Violates The Humanitarian Vote
    • A Country A Million Cannot Vote Equal A Country A Billion Population
    • The Conclusion Of The United Nations Must Be Base On The Population Of The Population And Not On The Wars Win

  15. • Countries With Equal Populations Have To Equal Voting
    • The Right To Vote Should Be Based On The Of The Population, In Order To Ensure Justice
    • The Veto To 5 Countries Is The Full Version Of The Forest Law And Violates The Humanitarian Vote
    • A Country A Million Cannot Vote Equal A Country A Billion Population
    • The Conclusion Of The United Nations Must Be Base On The Population Of The Population And Not On The Wars Win

  16. • Countries With Equal Populations Have To Equal Voting
    • The Right To Vote Should Be Based On The Of The Population, In Order To Ensure Justice
    • The Veto To 5 Countries Is The Full Version Of The Forest Law And Violates The Humanitarian Vote
    • A Country A Million Cannot Vote Equal A Country A Billion Population
    • The Conclusion Of The United Nations Must Be Base On The Population Of The Population And Not On The Wars Win

  17. America's 'Iron Curtain'. How ironic that America, under Trump's administration, should be ruthlessly undermining Democracy (which it proclaims to be protecting and encouraging ) by 'trade bombing' countries that do not bend to its will.

  18. My wife and I were wondering if Cuba would be our vacation location this year, now definitely!Thankfully we live in a free country with unrestricted travel. America, land of the "free"?

  19. So when the fuck did "Communism" become illegal?? lmao… Maybe we are also trying to bring democracy to Flint, MI by poising their water and ensuring it stays that way for what? 5+ years now?!? Free flint from communism! We can start drone striking schools, churches, markets, etc. in Flint here soon… make sure that democracy really sticks.

  20. False. Cuba has a long-standing policy of sending military "advisors" to train Nicaraguan security forces. The same people who have killed hundreds of Nicaraguan protestors in the last year. There are wide spread reports that the most violent opposition to protestors have Cuban accents.

  21. #HandsOffCuba Question to ask, is can the planet withstand the poisonous hatred and desire for demonic domination brought forth by these evil men that have hijacked our government through an electoral college. November, 2020 seems to far to endure their wrath, but Cuba has withstood their attacks for over 50 years and still dances to the beat of her rumba drums, Ashe.

  22. These travel bands have happened before by the US, no one cared then and no one cares now most countries will still keep going and supporting Cuba.

  23. I am no fan of socialism , but leave Cuba alone . If Cuba wants Socialism , it's their choice . At least their poor people get medical care .

  24. Lol, 🇺🇸well lets see what happens when "Cuba" runs OUTTA😰toilet paper💩 . . . 👻😭

  25. The USA gov't is making people suffer everywhere and making multiple enemies. Woe to them when what goes around comes around. Even their allies do not like the USA because of it's submission to demonic Israel.

  26. What Trump is doing to Cuba is truly criminal. The only destabilizing role is played by the US, unfortunately. Of course they want to ruin Cuba, including all the new small businesses, that is the intention and that is what Marco Rubio et al want. They hate prosperity in Cuba, as long as Cuba remains a sovereign nation and as long as they are not calling the shots in Cuba. They are evil and jealous witches. Marco Rubio, Díaz-Balart and the other SOBs.

  27. I wish all Americans could see this video and understand the real Cuban issue as it is and not as they have been told for decades. Many Cubans believe that our economical problem has a root in communism and not the inhuman blockade the US has imposed on Cuba unfairly and for more than 5 decades. I myself never realize until I came to live to US and had the wonderful chance to listen to real American Progressives. It is my honor to know America is not only about genocidal Imperialistic Deep State.


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