Trump Withdrawing from Old Wars While Threatening Iran with New One

Trump Withdrawing from Old Wars While Threatening Iran with New One

While Trump is withdrawing US troops from Syria and Afghanistan, he is ramping up aggression against Iran — acting both less and more hawkish than his intelligence agencies. Trita Parsi says Washington is violating international law in its campaign to isolate and strangle Tehran

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30 thoughts on “Trump Withdrawing from Old Wars While Threatening Iran with New One

  1. Trump knows everything hes POTUS STATUS…Has the idiot ever considered all his zionist created intelligence reports are setting him up…media are the same lap dogs of false reports given to them…they alll fall for it….then public

  2. US will never attack Iran ,its just propaganda to please Saudis and milk Saudi oil revenue, Iran is an old ally of US and Europe, if at all US had wanted to attack Iran or its terrorist organs like Hezbollah or Hamas or Kurds, than they existed long before the so called , Taliban, al-Qaida, and so many other minor terrorist groups, but US has not wiped out Iran, Hamas or Hezbollah nor attempted any kind of attacks like US did to wipe out Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya and many other's and now looking at Venezuela, but Hezbollah and Hamas remains intact Bcoz they belong to Iran who is an ally and a very strong card to play against Saudia when the time is correct, saudia and Pakistan will be wiped out simultaneously Bcoz India is always building up cases against its neighbors, just recently there was a dirty bomb blast killing so many innocent lives and some terrorist group from the neighbors took responsibility as per indian news channels, one would wonder why would the neighbor who are hand to mouth at present would look for trouble globally and more sick the terrorist group takes responsibility immediately, it just doesn't fit together in and any sensible political mindset, there can only be some mischief between this terrorist group and some other groups in other countries most probably where the blast occurred, Bcoz that's the only country inspite of losing its citizens is the sole beneficiary of the blasts, the nation where this terrorist organization operates should capture and hand over the person who admitted the blasts being carried out by his group if they really admitted the blasts and hand them over to country where the blasts took place to stand trial, and will wipe out once and for all all problems globally against that nation, as how winds are blowing now prophesy , until if the almighty creator decides otherwise than not US or any power can alter that….peace

  3. The U.S. has been threatening war with Iran since 1979. Iran has 80 million people and is not Iraq! The U.S. knows that Iran will not be a walk over as was Iraq and the U.S. will suffer huge casualties if it attacks Iran.

  4. US has pursued many policies to overthrow Iranian Govt. during last 40 years and they have failed. Not only that, Iranians have taken advantages to establish their effluence in the region. Russia would like to see US stocks in Iran and they would make sure US goes bankrupt.

  5. Good report. But Ben Norton needs a makeover to look human. He looks young, he'll figure it out. Or he could be in the next Revenge of the Nerds remake. I"m just being silly. Don't troll me.

  6. With Russian, Chinese, and Turkish growing investments in SA the Monroe Doctrine is being reinforced. Even Apartheid israel smells blood in the water and is looking to invest in SA🐸

  7. Figure heads called presidents have often been used as shields as much as intel agencies shield such positions. Who controls who and which is responsible tends to be the paradigm of the strategy. It is a bit primitive to assume that the propaganda around such displays are not designed by strategy even when the highest office seems to only behave tactically.

  8. what do you expect from someone (trump) who said "i will run for president when i run out of money" and bankrupted his own business and that of others without even an apology to the latter? trump can't say he's taking out the deep state with one hand while supporting them/their agenda with the other (corrupt genocidal govs of zionist israel , saudi arabia, etc.). interesting how he doesn't mention the shadow government…all he' s doing is making excuses to start a war for the deep state and shadow gov.

  9. Trump doesn't listen to anyone nor he considers any of the factual reports from his own cabinet & intelligent service, except Israel. Trump is the most obedient lap dog of Israel. Even if Israel orders Trump to kill millions of Americans, even white Americans, he'd do it, proudly & happily.

  10. What is it that Parenti says? "Do you really think that just because we don't know what they're doing, they don't know what they're doing?"

    What does Trump get from being aggressive toward Iran? Who's benefiting?

  11. Sounds more and more as if the US has become isolated. Unilateral action on part of the US is common place since the turn of the century. Is the US on it's way to become a rougue nation. They certainly have the capacity to bomb the whole world. The stable genius in the presidency does not present any reassurance to the world that he's in control of the country, or even himself, and he is "home alone"; all the adults have left the government. I'm waiting to hear the tick of the clock to one minute before midnight especially now with all the noises about China pushing Fentanyl into the US. This is beyond belief! Such irresponsibility is beyond belief!!

  12. Whever the Zionist steps in, chaos will follow. Zionist regime do not dare to confront Iran militarily bcuz they will face consequences by wrath of the lord. Their next EAGLE Claw Ops 2, will face downfall of Zionist empire. Probably sent dumb sunni coalition to fight for em.

  13. It isn't quite correct to say that across the board America's intelligence services were complicit in the ginning of WMD disinformation in the run up to the 2003 war in Iraq. CIA representatives were on media blowing the whistle on the Bush/Cheney WMD campaign. Remember Paul Pillar"

  14. Trump works for Israel and was placed there by them. That's why he's repeating Israeli taking points. Luckily, the US establishment/intelligence seem to be aware and are resisting. That's why they say Iran is respecting the deal. They know Nutt&Yahoo want to drag the US in an other war in the ME. I mean they most know if even nobody like knows…

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