Trump’s 2020 Military Budget Is $500 Billion More Than He Claims

Trump’s 2020 Military Budget Is $500 Billion More Than He Claims

If all the hidden parts are added together, the true military budget would be close to $1.25 trillion, says William Hartung of the Center for International Policy

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27 thoughts on “Trump’s 2020 Military Budget Is $500 Billion More Than He Claims

  1. 500B? a higly dubious claim. Republican or Dem in the WH matters not. The Federal budget is a moving target for the The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to analyze and assess and they have the MBA PhD people facilities and equipment to do it, By law they routinely appear before congress and try to tutor them (mostly law degree grads) on the how, where and when the FY 2020 Military budget is going to or is being spent of the allocated $634.4 Billion DOD budget.. But

  2. Government takes 3/4 of your earnings. at that level does it really matter what they do with It? What they should do is leave it in your pocket in the first place. You shouldn't be squabbling over how they spend it. you're a slave. Iterative secession… it's well overdue.

  3. Paying $8000 for a $500 part is not wasteful, it's grift! But that's peanuts. I've heard of hundreds of millions of US dollars in cash, in crates, flown to Iraq and other war zones to use for subversive group financing and whatever the people in charge had to use money for. This money was completely unaccountable. Lots of sticky fingers…

  4. The US fulfills to exact detail the 5 national woes mentioned by God in the book of Habakkuk in the Bible. it never ends well for nations who love war and spilling BLOOD!!!!

  5. Wait til they add up the cost for the Iran War which is scheduled to be started in October 2019. That will total around $10 Trillion when all is said and done. Surely if we can afford that war, we can afford these other progressive things.

  6. Healthcare pays for itself. Taxes for the plan will replace the premiums and fees people pay to private companies now. This along with actually negotiating drug prices with Pharma will cut the total cost in half. That's how it will be paid for. No need to dig into other budget areas.

  7. I want to vomit every time I see soldiers and the American flag. The transfer of our whole country's wealth toward violence and death abroad while hollowing out the country from within,is a great and horrible tragedy. It seems nothing can turn this around,our fates are sealed,and the fate of all life on earth,stare hopelessly into oblivion.

  8. "Ants will not come if there is no sugar".
    One to control them all … says Lord of the rings !!! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Now US is moving her "take over plans" to Iran, Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela to get control over as many oil sources as possible and to get rid of "socialist countries"! … It´s all about the "petrodollar" Libya, Iraq etc wanted to do business in other currency so US/NATO bombed those countries into ruins and they will try to do the same with Venezuela and Iran!

    People think they are voting for "their candidate" but in fact "Deep State" rules – it doesn't matter if the elected is Republican or Democrat. They have the same foreign- and domestic policy (everything works bad)

    Boltons / Pompeos response to China's BRI: "one build, one bomb initiative"

  9. Not a penny more. It will go for war Put it on Social Security and get the seniors out of Poverty. Those that are retiring better work to get the monthly pee stream higher or it will be worst for you. Plan for your future,Sheeple

  10. America has free healthcare. 64% of the budget is spent on social programs .medicade In your state covers you if your health stops you from working for 1 year.longterm you can get SSI disability and you get Medicare.
    If your a veteran there is the free va hospitals .every city has health clinics ,dental care and mental health behavior clinics are in the smallest city.all is free or close to it. No nothings totally free the emergancy center will bill you after but if your in serious need of surgery or require a specialist there are emergancy healthcare that doctors can demand so you can imegmdiatly get help.
    Americans forget that police ,firedepartments coast guard, fda monitoring our food or hell eve NV the FAA monitor our commercial flight safety are social programs paid for in full by states with government aid.
    There is social security for anyone over 65.
    We have working social programs any more and your just asking to be lazy and not put any effort in your community or country .this veiw will cause government to grow so large that they can intervene in individuals lives. It leads to the people becoming lime children and looking to daddy for help .daddy governments become easy for consolidated power .
    This isnt what America has ever been nor ever should be it's to many other countrys you can move to if you want that .
    We the people own our leaders and our milatary .unlike China there millatary and leaders arent paid by taxpayers they dont work for the people. There milatary owns business and pay slave wages to raise there money .there leaders think they know what's better for the individual Chinese people and the people dont know how to take care of themselves .there like daddy's mean harsh abusive daddys.

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