Trump’s Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: An Impeachable Offense?

Trump’s Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: An Impeachable Offense?

Trump pulled an end run around Congress when he declared a national emergency letting him sell arms to Saudi Arabia. We speak to RootsAction’s David Swanson about whether the move is an impeachable offense

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23 thoughts on “Trump’s Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: An Impeachable Offense?

  1. It doesn't make any difference whether or not what Trump has done in selling those weapons to the Saudi's is an impeachable offense……most of the congressional personnel are all and have been making buco bucks from weaponizing other countries with our weapons. It doesn't make any difference if one is a Republican or Democrat. If any sitting congressional member who wasn't corrupt stepped up to doing real battle for denouncing this sale the weapons would not have been sold. Where is the money from that sale?? If what Trump did is treasonous than why didn't Congress push for the death penalty as they did with the Rosenberg's????? What goes on in our nation' s capital is just a dog and pony show.

  2. Treasonous Drumpy sold Saudi Arabia our nuclear codes violating the Espionage Act and MUST BE TRIED AS A TRAITOR and sentenced to the electric chair as were the Rosenberg's in 1953 for holding for potential sale to Russia information pertaining to the atom bomb..

  3. This should be the main reason to impeach Trump, BUT it won't happen! Because too many politicians from both parties have their hands out seeking gifts from the merchants of death that Trump is rewarding!

  4. Selling arms to SA is a bad idea. Just the same, I have three points: 1) Don't pretend that Obama was a dove: He dropped more than 25,000 bombs in his last year in office, 2) Declaring a national emergency is well within Presidential discretion and 3) If you succeed in kicking Trump out of office, the odds of his replacement being a dove are small.

  5. why leader of the free world would sell arms to Saudis, one of the most inhumane countries in the world? why not Trump just sell arms to NK too. I don't think that Congress will impeach Trump base on arms sells because Congress also making money too

  6. Now another thought.The German People were not in anyway, perhaps apart from not protesting loud enough against the rise of the Nazi right wing complicit in the murderous actions of those despicable people…. But I see the US today in exactly that position and they have forces 5 times that of the next…. truely frightening

  7. I love everything David Swanson is saying. Thanks for saying what needs to be said. The US backed Yemen war is a disgrace and that horrific genocide should be an impeachable reason. Now the lies fueling wars with Venezuela and Iran are more reasons for impeachment. Americans are sick of endless wars. What do the American people get out of it other than our dead sons, daughters, husbands, brothers……?

  8. He's right – the problem is Nancy Pelosi! She need to go! Vote her out as Speaker,, incompetent. She is worth $100mm, owned by SF banks. I think Trump has threatened to expose her.

  9. Why hasn't Mitch McConnell been investigated…why isn't he being impeached make him resign ….and let Trump have another four years let him stay right there and clean up his own mess instead of someone new having to do it…Trump stirred the SHITPOT let him LICK THE SPOON

  10. That's what sociopaths pretending to be devout Christian or Jewish do. They start wars to enrich themselves and their buddies. The people that put them in office are no better.

  11. As long as the Saudis keep buying condos & renting hotel rooms from Trump I wouldn't expect any different. This most self-serving corrupt president is plain evidence of the American system of government is a sham. it only serves the rich & politically powerful elites. Constitution? What constitution.

  12. Greed is stronger than Congress so where is your democracy .. USA can not come up with a better way to make $$ than WARs due to a lack of imagination as to how amazing this planet could be and weakness shown by the American people and press to real in THEIR GOVERNMENT not only TRUMP. This has been going on for generations and as USA claims to be a democracy we in the world can only conclude that the MAJORITY of Americans support KILLING for profit. Weather it is through weapons sales, direct conflict or sanctions Americans are so arrogant to believe that they can do what they like with impunity. Even the most innocent American has blood on their hands. I wish you all the best dealing with what is coming for you ALL.

  13. There is no point to impeach if Senate is run by Republicans who basically love everything Trump does. If Democrats want to win, they have to make policies that people support not be polite versions of Republicans.

  14. These types of guests along with their impotent rhetoric are a waste of time. You don’t appear to understand the system works independently of your interests and will. Scream as much as you like about “Trump’s” illegal acts, it will not change upcoming events. The best outcome shows like the Real News can produce is to keep the public informed about events the plutocrats’ mainstream media will not discuss; and you do that well. But talking about possible impeachment of Trump is a waste of time.

    Even if the plutocrats were willing to sacrifice their wrestling-promoting and game-show hosting puppet in a show-trial, there are many more Democrat and Republican puppets waiting in the wings to take the place of any Republicrat sacrifice. So what’s your point? By creating these programs and writing these books, the only service you are doing for the public is presenting facts. There are almost no honorable individuals with integrity within this “elite” you are discussing, so what outcome do you expect to generate from this futile narrative?

    Can’t you understand the puppets the plutocrats put in these roles to distract the people and control events must be considered sacrificial? Can’t you understand because of a dysfunctional democracy and a corrupt electoral system the people are only observers and play no part in actual decision making? The real plutocratic criminals who actually control events are well hidden and will never be seen. By attacking Trump for bypassing Congress to sell military hardware to Saudi Arabia, or attacking Obama’s declaration of Venezuela as a threat to “National Security” so the plutocrats could impose illegal sanctions, all you are doing is playing the plutocrats’ game and falling into their deception trap.

    Venezuela – a threat to US “National Security”; I’m still laughing at that one. That’s almost as funny as the fools that believe in the teeth of the US Constitution. The only time Constitution and legislation will be used is when it benefits the Plutocrats – period. Instead of questioning the actions and apparent “intent” of the colorful and ignorant useful idiot Trump, maybe it’s time the Real News investigated the plutocrats who hide in plain sight! After all, if Trump ever gets impeached, it will not be because of any illegality or the “will of the people”; it will be because the Plutocrats have no further use for their soiled sock-puppet. Why is it that so many can’t see the obvious; most previous presidents have only been sock-puppets for the transgenerational plutocrats?

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