Khury Petersen-Smith outlines how Trump’s untruths and policies are making America the aggressor, not Iran, and how American media from the New York Times to Fox News are falling for his rhetoric.

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By elboriyorker


41 thoughts on “Trump’s Iran Treaty Withdrawal and Sanctions Based on Lies, but War Could Be a Reality”
  1. Until Steiner switches to MSNBC I will no longer be watching RN. His interview on Irán was Netanyahu lite and his description of the NYT as "the newspaper of note" rather than the supporter of all US imperial wars and zionism is disappointing to say the least.

  2. The west dont have oil to carry on for a while many country will collasp you will see trump will worship Venezuela and trinidad that the only 2country has oil in the west europe will will have to turn to Russia

  3. This is israel thing because the are afraid of Iran they can fight alone they will bring in America because Israel is the 53 states of America then you have to fight the united state of Europe so attack every tanker in the strait every on leaving

  4. America is a war hungry nation want to cripple all muslim countries in the middle East just for the jews .This is what Benjamin Netanyahu wanted a very long time

  5. 786 Peace & blessing Hon.USA Blk ppl=Children of Israel in Scriptures, i swear by our CREATOR ALLAH MOST HIGH UNSEEN, appointed me HIS representative to Blk ppl in particular & USA ppl in general who are extremely in Spiritual error, my campaign is based on reparation for Blk ppl=USA land base and dollar support to re-establish Blk Wall St in accord with G*D's Guided requirements. Brothers & Sister i request a united show for our CREATOR via writing in G*D's Man=me on the 2020 presidential Independent Ballot forsaken all others as there are only two Influences our CREATOR ALL MIGHTY, so if your not with me U have to be with the damn Satan. Hon Blk ppl who do U have swearing by our CREATOR other than me that HE appointed them to represent HIM to USA ppl, no one so i am your candidate, please follow on Twitter @deputyMahdi, imam Muhammad1 thank U. This photo needs to go round 786 Honorable People peace, the # 1 problem is continuing to disobey our CREATOR, we are the Israelites this is our identity i.e. please click on that's USA slaves & their descendants description in the Bible, ALLAH's call to Islam started with Noble Drew Ali, the Hon Elijah Muhammad, Imam W.D. Mohammed may ALLAH forgive their sins, have mercy on their soul and now me=imam Muhammad Shahid Wazir Life Time Subscriber to Muslim Journal appointed imam Muhammad by our CREATOR ALLAH UNSEEN, me a guide-Warner to the American people, slave descendants in particular, USA people in general, unlike my teachers & predecessors i am gifted with the completed and perfected Islam practiced, taught by the Holy Prophet Mohammad & maintained by His appointed 12 Family Successors peace be on Him & Them. Deputy to the 12th Holy Imam Muhammad Al Mahdi {AS] can be followed on Twitter @iMAM_MAHDi_313, ALLAH's Representative to Humanity until Judgment Day waiting for ALLAH MOST HIGH's command to start with Prophet Christ {SAW] to administer Justice on the Earth, hence deputyMahdi.

  6. Hey screw you jerk what you us to go on our knees and beg let them do what they want and then before you know you be blown in fire of hell from them you Moranyou must be a s li socialist commy

  7. As usual, America used lies to wage war with other countries and cause "famines" and cause starvation. If America is a "Christian" country, then America is driving people to Satan!

  8. A most outstanding program today, Mark. I am ashamed as an American of 83 years to see my formerly principled country being led by the nose by a political/media cabal of misplaced militancy. The hubristic buffoon in charge? with his failing transactional blinders has completely distracted America from an ideal of showing a principled face to the world. We are at an important watershed and I fear the worst.

  9. The US has been the evil doers for decades but no media has ever criticize the US but now the silence is no more. I have seen international media networks setup to criticize the USA now.

  10. Israel terrorist organisation break UN regulations more than 50. Now this terrorist organisations attack us government Donald trump. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🌍🌍🌍👀👀👀👀👀🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍

  11. Instead of creating wars murdering millions please stop wasting millions of dollars spend millions on creating jobs growing food help the poor who are sleeping hungry and homeless build your country’s so people can have comfort for many years people are suffering because few leaders are only turning evil please can the people leave in peace stop blaming spreading propaganda lies

  12. The United States and its mainstream propaganda (MSP) are pushing for war in Iran: it is the last state to be obliterated in the US plan " Seven countries in five years plan," authored by the war criminals Cheney and Rumsfeld. Google it.

    The US needs to be sanctioned… for its economic wars on the harmless Venezuela and Iran. After we destroy these nations, the Empire will be after you next.

  13. One needs to look deeper to uncover what's really driving President Trump into a war he doesn't want. The British Establishment set up the Middle East Regimes, including Israel, and still sees itself as the manipulator of outcomes in the region. It's now running out of patience with their US deep state operatives failing to manipulate all-out war with Iran. After they set the stage for ignition, Trump, possibly knowing their game, stalled at the last moment. He's trying to balance his own position while at the same time trying to appease the British controlled 'secret societies'. He legitimated the Golan Heights and Jerusalem for them, but it's not enough. After backing away from their false narrative, their frustration has shown by the illegal seizure of an Iranian oil tanker off Gibraltar. Now the British Establishment are at the brink of sinking one of their own battle ships in order to trigger the all-out war they desperately want. Their greatest fear is peace breaking out in the region, a peace that might greatly benefit the innocent Jewish people currently being used as a front for the Apartheid State in the way it's set up. The British Establishment harbours a manipulative evil beyond all measure within its legal structures and roots. JFK challenged its stranglehold on the US foreign and domestic policies and within six months he was brutally assassinated. President Trump seems to understand their game, where and how they move in the 'swamp'. The enemy he's being manipulated to face on the battleground is actually closer to being a friend. The real enemy is within his own ranks driving him into a war he doesn't want.

  14. Every influential person in the US and the UK administrations is a Jew. They work in tandem. And it probably include Trump, Boris Johnson, Jeremy Hunt etc.

  15. you know the whore who slapped with trump said he has a small dole and no bools at all . that is why he always wants to talk about his manly part

  16. I want our soldiers to rebel and refuse to fight this dirty war. Our soldiers are from the working class here not the rich or trump. We did it in Vietnam. Come home. We have the resources to protect you. Come home brothers and sisters. Come home

  17. Trump's foreign and domestic policy agenda has been for the most part simply put to undo everything that Obama did good or bad, why doesn't anybody else see this? Northern National party!

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