Mexico has already deported thousands of Central Americans who are fleeing their homelands because of a century of U.S. interventionist policies

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By elboriyorker


16 thoughts on “Trump’s Mexico Tariff Ignores the Reality of Migration”
  1. We need to take care for our homeless instead letting these illegals in to live off our welfare system. Trump is the best president. Thank god for him.

  2. Excellent comments here, great to see US manipulation identified as the cause of mass migration. Many of these comments need to be shared. Also, most Europeans are ignorant of the cause of their mass migration problems, they also blame the symptom.

  3. @The Real News Network : Firstly, RAISE the volume for Marc; it's fine with the guest but too low with Marc. Secondly, " … because of a century of U.S. interventionist policies ". YEP, definitely. For the past 100 years, if it isn't longer than that, YEP, definitely. I feel very sad for the victims, including for Americans who'ld like to be only of good will, but who're duped by the high ranking charlatans who're the most guilty.

  4. They keep trying to say this is GW what a joke it's the USA and Canada screwing with people economically as per usual.

  5. We don't hear much about birth rate, birth control, population control. If life is so awful in Mexico and Central America,
    why bring children into such a world, into those circumstances? There's hopelessness in despair among Americans in
    the US, homelessness, joblessness, and bringing more people only exacerbates the problem for native Americans.
    I think tariffs are a great idea. Maybe as Trump says, the factories will come back to US, and native Americans may get
    their blue collar jobs back. Take care of family first, your own first, and then care for outsiders if one is able.

  6. Yes…Not only can "Terrorism" and "Migration" "be mixed", but must be mixed, one being a function, of the other: people migrate, as a result of one hundred years of U.S.-inflicted terrorism, in South and Central America… It ain't no Rocket Science…

  7. Every country needs to protect their agricultural sector for their own food price security and farm sector job security. Don't let a drought wipe out your poorest farmers. Don't copy America's drug laws that are themselves a crime that also wipe out poor farmers in Central America. No country should yield to free trade agreements or accepting our corporate distributors cheap practices like bleaching or now pickling chickens to avoid cleaner packing and healthy animals. We have had declining food quality keeping prices low concealing increasing prices for a couple decades now. Food production and consumption should be more local and less corporate.
    The American people don't like the concentration of corporate power that has accompanied our government foisting free trade on the rest of the world for our banks and multinational corporations especially since the 1980s.
    Ironically opposition to neoliberalism helped Trump defeat Hillary. That didn't work out as well as some hoped.
    Sorry we're not doing better.

  8. The average American should start to realise that the illegal immigration problem stems from U.S. corporate and government greed and predatory policies for the past 100 years!

  9. Based on dislikes, some dumbass yanks can't accept that it's their fault the migrants are fleeing their countries to go to the empire. This show the exceptionalism that yanks think they have. Disgusting.

  10. This is not helpful. Running on with this Mexico tariff is distraction, it is just as much nonsense as Russiangate. The media is pretty much apart of all this, they are highlighting the wrong conversations. The US needs to set aside bullying and get back to the friendly way of doing business through negotiations rather than threats and war tactics.

  11. We should tax remittances at a very high rate, 75% to 90% would be a good start.. A primary purpose of illegal immigration is sending money home. If that money is cut off it will make less sense for families to send people to the US.

  12. When Your Own Country Is Over Populated And You Not Even The Majority Mr.Trump See That And I Think Him For That And You Will See That And Your Children Will See That In The Jobs Market.

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