Preparing for war with largest peacetime military budget paid for with devastating cuts to the poor, ending environmental regulation, destroying retirement and healthcare. Do divided Democrats have an answer? Lindsay Koshgarian of IPS analyzes the proposal

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By elboriyorker


47 thoughts on “Trump’s Militarized Budget Slashes Medicare, Medicaid, and Clean Energy”
  1. Every time members of the government issues a proposal, bill, or even an idea with a title that suggests the citizens of the U.S. will benefit…you will have lube up and bend over, because they're coming in full speed ahead. 😈

  2. Everyone talks about how bad it is but yet do nothing. People continue to pay their taxes and student loans and then complain. Stop supporting them, you want to take back your government stop funding it.

  3. The lack of any knowledge of economics in this administration is shocking. The imminent crash of this economic system within 2years demands a healthy welfare system to survive this next depression. There is no fix this time for capitalism. The ruling class is robbing the working class of every last dollar they have for survival. They fantasize that the pitchforks are not going to come out and that they will be left with nothing in the end!

  4. The United States of America has become a very mentally sick country. This is very evil, simple as that, doesn't anyone see that, what they are doing, military weapons for killing people. The Corporate Democrats are lunatics if do not confront this crazy military budget of Trump. A military budget to kill people. We do not take care of our citizens, what a joke.

  5. There seem to be two choices: 1) fund ever more military action which is the forward planning for co-opting the sources of energy into privatized ownership returning the countries to colonialism.  
    2) cease funding military by 50% immediately and 1% yearly until the budget drops to 10% of GDP, thereby enabling the rebuilding of water/power infrastructure and society's low income housing.

  6. This administration already borrowed a trillion dollars from the banks because of the tax cuts for the rich. They won't cut the military or law enforcement because WSHTF the rich and their sycophant politicians are going to need protection. WSHTF the guillotines will be going day and night.

  7. I keep remembering the tens of millions of Americans who support this kind of action. Trump is simply their representative. Keep in mind, this is family members, neighbors, friends, local government officials.

  8. World leaders should reconsider their views of American leaders. American leaders no longer act rationally, they no longer know where their best interests lie, they no longer have any regard for the well being of other states, they no longer knows the bounds to what is possible and what is not. They have not done a right thing for over twelve years; they have become fanatical, in-sane, much like the Zionists who proposed the Sampson Option. These leaders should be avoided and isolated; they have the capability to kill billions of people without remorse, for no reason a sane mind could understand.

  9. I remember the debates where Trump said "instead of going to war we should invest that money in our infastructure"… so much for that idealogy.

  10. Getting tired of hearing US citizens say it's not us it's our government. Well you vote for them, time to educate yourself about who you vote for or even start voting as a lot of US citizens don't even bother to do that.

  11. Marx talks about regulated laws that define the nature of Capitalism; laws that determine Capital's behavior. This was the case for the Industrial Capitalism that Marx critiqued and it is the case for Financial Capitalism. The laws of Finance Capital accumulates money Capital through Capital gains, interest on Financial instruments, service charges for creating Financial instruments and rent payments on property. The military and corporations win big in an age of Finance; this budget isn't Trumps budget it's a budget wrote by Finance. Trump is the fall guy; the person we can blame but Congress will give Finance what they want because it's the law. Credit is essential for Finance Capitalism which means it is an unsustainable process. The world can't take on anymore debt; the contradictions have to be resolved or they will resolve themselves. This is the second Cyclone Bomb we've had this year; two years ago nobody heard of a weather cyclone bomb.

  12. Military, military…military… USA just don't satisfy killing more and more innocent other countries.. He want to kill more USA people too.

  13. I'm in hope that our young men and women refuse to join the military…there is a movement for this now, but it's not very big. Too many young men and women can't get a decent job, and thus join the military…for what?…to die in a rich man's war against people they don't know in a country they no nothing about. War kills or mains too many of those men and women.

  14. The demonization of Russia, Iran, and China is by far the most profitable scam ever used to exploit the American taxpayer. Now, the US elite will use this scare tactic to justify slashing human service programs. Worse, this new arms race will lead to another big war. RESIST!

  15. I keep saying, it’s WHITE SUPREMACY that is the glue that holds this global pyramid scheme together! Isolate all “western” (code word for white) countries and the aristocratic oligarchs would be forced to feeding on their own as they did for a third of their history! The Mutli TRILLION DOLLAR Military world (domestic police) STILL needs these little helpers as gun toting foot soldiers who are willing to kill to oppress in the manic episodes! Same can be seen in their SADISTIC FASO-capitalist economy that needs little lobotomized dumb downed wage slaves and petty racists to produce their wealth and power!
    This is why the true enemy isn’t the Russians or Chinese who are creating the belt and road economically isolation of the “west”! This effectively separates the predator from their prey and their ability to ABUSE of whole mass of the world’s people and particularly black Africans and ADOS being the foundation to the scam!
    However, shifting to technology and specifically AI and robotic workers still won’t change much because these criminal entities must have the power and lust to torture because this is what prevents them from committing mass suicide from their MANIC-DEPRESSION! Their HAPPINESS comes from watching people suffer!
    No need to be put these born BiPolar criminals on a firing squad but, all is needed is isolate them to themselves in a cold dark PRISON and watch, they will without haste kill themselves within DAYS! …..Just like that ole’ coward himmler!

  16. The United States and the people that allow this kind of budget to pass are the enemies of the United States. When the hell will the people wake up and stop the insanity of this United States government?

  17. This IS funding for never ending regime change wars. That is the war machine's modus operandi.

  18. Why would strengthen of an all inspiring military be a goal if not for war? If there truly will not be wars then, spend taxpayer dollars on the country and her people, taxpayer.

    We the people cannot allow this to happen. Summer is near. As mentioned here, there is a question if the other party fit to challenge?

  19. The past couple of years I have heard two words that have had detrimental results in one form or another.those being; TRUMP SAID! *your results may vary please see a therapist if showing signs of a “Trump Anxiety Disorder.” * If you’re among the tens of millions currently anxious in our nervous nation, here are few things you can do:1) Empower Yourself, Stand up for what you believe. 2)Connect, Connection to others is the best antidote to anxiety. 3) Appreciate Your Ability to Cope
    When anxious, we underestimate our resilience, tolerance, problem-solving capacity, and our overall ability to cope. 4)Get Physical
    Walk 30 minutes a day. Studies show that this simple exercise can be as beneficial as anti-anxiety medication, with none of the side effects and lots of health benefits. 5)Write
    , Write down your anxious thoughts. 6) Assign Probability and Plan
    Next to each of the worries you wrote down, assign a probability, using a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most likely to happen. 7) Retain Hope

    Personal and national growth typically follow struggles with anxiety. Nervousness forces us to reevaluate what is most important and what we most want for ourselves, our loved ones, and our fellow citizens. From careful reevaluation emerges a course of meaningful behavior based on our deepest values. lets us not have to repeat this in 2020 and we will pull thru this and no one will ever be left behind! " Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all… As long as matters are really hopeful, hope is mere flattery or platitude; it is only when everything is hopeless that hope begins to be a strength." ~ G.K. Chesterton~

  20. Trump supporters don't care, I voted for Trump and it didn't take three months when I realized that I was tricked, people that still support Trump are as brain dead as they come, to not be able to see the people he has surrounded himself with and to not see the misery he and his swamp creatures are causing here at home and around the world is unfathomable, there is no excuse, they are doing it right in front of our faces, there is no shame in their game. They don't give a shit what anyone thinks including what his supporters think. The only thing that gives Trump supporters life is that damn wall, they could care less about anything else, they are like little fat kids that you dangle a Twinkie in front of their face and they forget everything else.

  21. The 'strengthening of work requirements', as said by the Dir of Office of Budget, Russel Bouht, is a key phrase for exploiting workers more.
    The backs of the working people in society will carry the full weight of a military empire. A largely female working population that is.
    Employers will not carry any expense for this military empire instead, they are given the opportunity to form themselves as a class of birth right privilege above the law.
    If you had noticed from the first day in office Trump would attack the intelligence community but not the military.
    He gives the military the money working people in society could use for themselves.
    If you had noticed the jobs are numerous but are second rate jobs just enough to barely live less than human.
    Being straddled with personal debt and national debt, people who need jobs will have no choice but to comply with employer demands.
    Given all this, there is one movement that can identify with the situation American working people will face and they are the Yellow Vests in France.
    This movement pushes forward the interest of working people.

  22. When they draft my partner for this next war, I will end up homeless. I don't have familial support and am currently living with a disabling form of dysautonomia I 'contracted' from the government and pharmaceutical industry pushing the then HPV vaccination, Guardasil, despite disasterous clinical trials. The three round vaccination was mandatory and if work is becoming mandatory too and I can't get disability coverage, I will probably die the following summer/winter when my body can't fend off extreme differences in temperature and gives in.

    I'm hoping for the millions of Americans facing dysautonomia who can't get on disability due to improper diagnosis/diagnosis not matching criteria, that are going to lose a lot more than just their health coverage don't have to face this scenario.

  23. To trump “Everything “ is Secondary to the Erection of the Wall to Preserve the Integrity and Sanctity of the USA !!!

  24. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer! While they hoard their wealth and find ways to avoid taxes, people are still living in third world conditions, here in America! These wars use ignorance to deploy fear and chaos to get our young men and women to serve in their banker's wars, work two and three jobs, never seeing their own children because of extreme poverty.
    But as long as they have theirs, they don't care about people.
    Fear is not real, it's imagined!

  25. This in my opinion means or it's proof that the USA can no longer sustain un supervised military war. It's going broke and the end of the Petro dollar.

  26. Many white people think Ronald Reagan was a good president. But in fact old howdy doody (reagan) hurt white people bad. I predict the same for dumb Donald.

  27. So Trump trust fund baby, Captain bone spurs, wants to keep playing army. He's Bolton's, Pompeo's, CIA puppet. They're telling Trump this is how he becomes dictator of the world.

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