Trump’s Peace Plan Is a ‘Galvanizing Shock’ for Palestinians

Trump’s Peace Plan Is a ‘Galvanizing Shock’ for Palestinians

Donald Trump says his Deal of the Century is a new basis for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. But ironically, he’s driving hopelessly divided factions in the Arab world to unite against the plan, says Arab Studies professor Rashid Khalidi.

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Audio Engineer: Cameron Granadino
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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20 thoughts on “Trump’s Peace Plan Is a ‘Galvanizing Shock’ for Palestinians

  1. For 2,000 years on daily basis (three times a day) Jews all over the world say: "our eyes behold return to Zion"
    We are colonialists!
    One who has no right (or limited right) to the land are the Arabs

  2. This is not a Peace Plan, it a Takeover Plan, using the Trump/Israeli label just works in their favor, you understand the power of semantics : controlling the language controls the agenda.

  3. Somebody else did the work and dumbo take the credit, like he do president Obama its because of president Obama that the economy is good but dumbo take the credit… shameful…

  4. I’m glad that a man like Dr. Rashid Khalidi is talking facts and pointing out the lukewarm dialogue from P.M. Mahmoud ABBAs and the
    Poor commitments to force the Israeli- American peace deal into a non bias and overall more beneficial agreement for the Palestinians
    Making a Statement for the middle eastern countries.

  5. The Trump Dictatorship cannot have it both ways …isolationist, and worldleader…please feel free to burn my countries flag. Trump is taking our rights and freedom away..we are no longer a democracy…death to Trump. And I am an American Born Jew who prays for the freedom of the indiginous people of Palestine

  6. The trick was always to piss off the Palestinians so bad, that they will exist any peace process. It works like a charm every time.

    Peace deal of the century-tailored by the all American, made in New York first rate slum lord, ladies and gents..JARED KUSHNIR…clear eye..WOW…Trump couldn’t care less. BIbi has been laughing ever since his passive aggressive efforts to kill any chance for peace-starting with his rhetorics that lead to prime minister Rabin murder. Trump’s ignorance about the Middle East is a gift for BIbi.

  7. The Cheeto couldn't come up with ANY sort of plan peace or otherwise on his own if his life depended on it.
    And anyone who thinks that the United States has two DIFFERENT Political parties is being manipulated. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  8. This plan is an important step forward. Trump should not leave this matter unfixed any longer. After seventy two years, it should be clear that this conflict will never be dealt with if the Palestinians have their way. They do not want peace, they want continuing conflict until Israel is pushed into the sea. The Palestinians will have to counter with a plan that can work. If they fail, a plan that will secure Israel's interests, will be imposed upon them. A guerrilla war with a terrorist enemy within Israel's border can not continue.

  9. The Palestinian authority is employed by Israel to keep the Palestinian people from rebellion. They are akin to the overseer on a slave plantation. His job is to protect his master's interest and keep the slaves quite.

  10. The two state solution is dead. This is the 8th time Palestinians have been offered their own state and they rejected it out of hand every time. They have no interest in any two state solution as long as the other state is Israel. Time to start thinking about what a one state should look like.

  11. America use to stand for freedom, democracy, rule of law, human rights and the future of mankind. It's the opposite now. U think this world will kow tow to this evil?

  12. Kind of fake newsy to call it rejected by anyone. The plan has a four-year grace period in which the Palestinians can decide if they will agree with it. If they are still against it after four years only then can you say it's been rejected. A news organization that calls itself the real News Network Is kind of like a car salesman that calls himself Honest Abe.

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