Trump’s Racist Rhetoric is Deliberate – Will it Lead Us to Fascism? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Henry Giroux dissects how the potential path to fascism is laid bare in Trump’s rhetoric and policies. The voices of the four Congresswomen speak to another American future

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By phillyfinest369


44 thoughts on “Trump’s Racist Rhetoric is Deliberate – Will it Lead Us to Fascism?”
  1. Don’t forget he attacks the Democrats all the time. Calls them communists. Ousting them as a political party and he wants his supporters to act aggressively towards Democrats, illegals, people of color, etc. It’s totally Hitler esque.

  2. I don't think Trump is fascist, but what he is doing is going to lead to Fascism after he is done. What you would hope for is that white people don't start uniting and segregating themselves again. That would be an indication that fascism is just around the corner. Then the Roundup would begin.

  3. Did you seriously just highlight "the squad" as your centerpiece for opposition? Congratulations, good choice.

  4. If you look at the “Early Warning Signs of Fascism” document, you might be disturbed by how much of it is an everyday occurrence in our country… Something needs to be done.

  5. Fascism isn't coming, it is already here. It arrived in the night under the guise of neoliberalism. Trump and the current form of the republican party is just that fascism pulling off its mask and revealing itself for what it is.

  6. Don’t even care anymore.. just burn it all with Trump on a stake in the center of it all. US is a cancer on the world!



  9. This nut job styer is a communist exactly like the demonrat party of today, he like the leftist communist media are spinning the narrative, they lie 24-7. #WalkAway from this evil communist democrat party

  10. Once our country helped liberate Europe from Fascism and the huge threat of National Socialism (aka Nazis). Looking at the world today, I find myself wondering if our country falls to the plague of Neofascism while dragging our allies into it with us (UK & Boris Johnson, Australia & Morrison, etc) who will be coming to liberate us? Will there be any real force of Democracy left to oppose the Corporate Fascist puppet governments? If we fall asleep at the wheel I worry we drive the human race off a steep cliff.

  11. He's just straight up spoiled,I mean,think about it,He's always had money,when the 9/11 thing happened he went out and said what he THOUGHT happened like if HE was the news or some sort of leader ,also In the central park 5 thing he talked about it like it was his business talking mad shit about the kids there too much money for an evil person

  12. The only thing these Congress chicks are right about, is the only thing Trump addresses as a negative: cretiqe of Israel. Otherwise they are fake and pretending to be stupid and vulnerable. If Lieutenant Trumpty Dumpty actually was America first, conservative, Christian, traditional, nationalist or antiwar, he would actually pick from the long list of idiotic statements.

  13. What abouy the hate u feel tours us (mexicans)…bitch as trump is mad at life at himself….kill trump…muerto el perro se acaba la rabia

  14. toxic masculinity? the men's a coward, and the antithesis of any decent moral. if you think white supremacists e song enough to push us out, you have another thing coming

  15. who, in their right mind would let this pissant bring anyplace to fascism, let alone the USA? this ranch meat sock is waste of life, breath, and people

  16. He is not intelligent enough to see further than his nose. The repercussions of his stance will not be evident until the first attacks that his supporters will carry out in his name. When, not if, the time comes, he should be held accountable for his incitement speeches. America has quickly devolved into a fascist state masquerading a patriotism.

  17. Fascism won't come to the US. You've been too successful in getting rid of whites. Without a dominant demographic it's near impossible. When the Republicans realise 2020 will be the last election they can win, panic will spread & civil war is likely within 10 years. Civil war, yes. Fascism, no.

  18. Trump's political capital is hate and he uses it to compel people to vote against their own interests…it's diabolical.

  19. Hannity mis-characterizes our economy as a capitalist economy. It is not. We do not have free markets, we have corporate monopolies that do not reward risk but rather rewards connected insiders. The reason we have 400 families controlling over half the wealth of America is because we do NOT have free markets.

  20. The four women in question are working everyday to defend the democratic, multi cultural, inclusive, America that is the real America that trump attacks every day with his racist, elitist, bullsh..t. Trump hates America he wants to make America like North Korea. Trump wants to be our "beloved" supreme leader. Personally I think trump needs to get out and stop trying to destroy this country.

  21. Here in Brazil we live a similar situation. Bolsonaro openly threatens the opposition in addition to making racist and homophobic speeches. He does not care about the destruction of the Amazon and the massacre of the Indians, besides being on his knees for Trump. It's a shame.

  22. The hate Trump press is getting disgusting. What a young boy says in a closed group, is what you can hear young boys say, when they are growing up. Some men even keep it up as grownup when they are in a group of men. Nobody takes that seriously, unless they try to frame somebody and It is just too much, that this video clip is being used, to describe Trump today.

    The idea that it is racism, to ask people who hate USA to leave the country, is just plain silly, and I, for one, with a lot of other people, will no longer want to see news from The Real News Network.

    Trump has not used the word, colored people or any words relating to racism. It is Democratic hatespeach. Shame on you.

  23. 12:16 – I'll give him one thing – he is very good at crashing, but he is completely wrong about the economy in general, which isn't his concern, tbh. He just continues the trend of funneling means upwards. The '007-8 crash was followed by a couple of decades of neo liberal deregulations, like ending underwriting practices and Glass-Steagall – five decades of major tax cuts have helped create a dire situation concerning debt, infrastructure, education, ect … People like Nick Hanauer and William K. Black are worth listening to regarding these matters.

  24. I think it is a horrible mistake to call Trump fascist. For several reasons.

    1) Hitler actually had an ideology and believed in it. He believed he was one with Germany and was there to serve Germany with complete commitment.

    Trump believes in himself only, he is merely a narcissistic demagogue.

    2) Trumps actual policy despite his rhetoric against NAFTA and TPP is in 100% alignment with neoliberalism.

    Stalin was a totalitarian dictator but was not fascist. He was a pseudo-communist who preached communism.

    Trump is an authoritarian not a totalitarian and his agenda is neoliberalism.

    Can we have a totalitarian authoritarian neoliberalism? Well that is what Trump is giving us a glimpse of through his rhetoric, but he does not have the power. Trump is the ugly backside of neoliberalism.

    By calling Trump a fascist we point to the wrong animal, the wrong ideology that brought him into the presidency.

    If we call Trump fascist we let neoliberalism off the hook.

    3) Corporate power that influences the DNC would rather loose with Hillary Clinton than win with Bernie Sanders. Because both Trump and Clinton will comply to the neoliberal agenda.

  25. GWB exercised a Northwood operation on 9/11. Look it up. He did it at the order of his father and his goons so they could threaten and control the masses to take over most countries in the Middle -East. We know this. When he signed the Patriot Act, which must have taken many months to draw, he also took away our Habeas Corpus. Do people understand what happened there ? the rest is a downslide of what we understood as our Constitution to be.. We are now, under the control of a racist bully who does anything he wants, while pretending to have the support of the masses. He does not have that and he will not get re-elected. Americans may be dull but they are not stupid. If the cabal was behind his election as he was number 2 while HRC was seriously embarrassing them ; they have to realize, the people will not tolerate anymore of this infamy. It has gone too far.

  26. He says he is really good at economy ! really ? how many times has he declared foreclosure ? How much money did he loose as he did not have to pay taxes for years ? what economy is that ?

  27. A bigot bully does not reflect who we are as Americans. He is a disgrace. He was supposed to jail HRC but instead, the swamp got deeper and stronger and HRC is still free. He failed while embarrassing us, in the eyes of the world. Trump is already fascism attached to his nepotism. He should send Jared back to Israel. He belongs there.

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