Trump’s War Budget Slashes Support for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – Everything Law and Order Blog

Trump promised he would not touch Social Security and Medicare. He lied. Now we have deficit spending with no social benefits, and Democrats fooled into a compromise that allowed the military budget to soar.

Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley
Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By phillyfinest369


31 thoughts on “Trump’s War Budget Slashes Support for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid”
  1. More debts dayuum foo… Pass me some around heaaah lil pimp… 😁.. I like that dough you build laws rules as a leader you born to rule what confronts does eyes fella… Happy bday too…

  2. You Idiots profess to be experts 😂 but you keep getting it so wrong 😅 you should re examine your "knowledge?"

  3. Cuts social security and medicaid, cuts taxes for the rich, and increases military budget. Can Republicans finally admit they were duped by Trump just like liberals with Obama?

  4. I would think this would kill Trump in the election with all the old people that need Social Security Medicare Medicaid Or am I wrong with this? Bernie Sanders is the only one up there saying they expand all those programs, cut cut the military. he's one hundred percent correct

  5. No matter how hard you try, Trump will win big in 2020. He can be full of shit, but he is the best we have at the moment. Given the alternatives, He has my vote.

  6. Nothing will be done until America confronts the real source of all its problems, capitalism and the corporate fascists that control everything. I'm not holding my breath.

  7. Bill Black does not even know that the REAL Inflation Rate is 10% — the published "Official Rate" is not true. Donald Trump very likely knows that much!! Utah is sending its State employees by plane to Mexico to get their prescriptions at a cheaper cost. US citizens pay more for Pharmaceuticals than any other country. The Reason: the US is controlled by large Corporations. Other nations negotiate with Pharmaceutical Companies for a cheaper price. The large Corporations have taught Americans that this is "Communism"!!

  8. That why i say that Trump is no dam good he will lie to the people all the time he wants to bring the people down and he does not care about you all wake up please people

  9. Social Security is a fraud, weaponized against the American people. It is a money laundering operation paying bribes to elected and unelected agents of government, to wage war on people. It's not about the pennies paid out upon retirement, that's the misconception.
    Check out SSA Title programs for yourself!

  10. Trump is not special. He's just the orange face of grinding the earth and her people into money. Wait 5 minutes and the face will be green with red spots or purple. Different front men same game. With the momentum of this system only nature will put a stop to it and the edge gets closer while the ball rolls faster and faster.

  11. These geniuses who place this sleezious "supposely" the hardest-looking mean (fox)WOLF to guard the hen house only to chomp-down on all the "same losers" who put him there in the first place, but somehow are too ignorant to know "any better" at what really is going-on ("in their faces")…This current fool acting as prez, doesn't give-a-damn about the "moneyless hard workers" as "they ripp-You-off blind!"😏😖😵😲😠

  12. This is America's on-going fraudulent tax-payer$ sham/scam being Openly perputrated on All the working-class peopes of this country by the latest most currupt poitical systems that is currently in place which includes your whole both two main political parties and this criminal acting president, And no one can do "Jack-Shit" about while these theives are running around stealing everything & anything possible (not nailed down), and all this crap is bringing, "America into the ground!"-while saying that: "We are going to make America great Again!"
    Yeah Right?!(the 🐦up u?)

  13. I wonder if the oligarchs plan to use Mars as a prison planet, where they put people to work in underground mines. Space Force, Population control…

  14. Trump treats the average Americans like the US treated Russia. Making promises that they know are not reality.

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