Türkiye cracks down on May Day workers’ protests ahead of election – Everything Law and Order Blog

For years, the working class of Türkiye has been caught in the vice-grip of a global economic downturn and a government hostile to their interests. Now, with presidential elections coming up on May 14, speculation is rising that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan could be unseated. On May Day, thousands of workers mobilized in Istanbul, limiting themselves to the outskirts of the city after more central locations were shut down in anticipation of protests. TRNN reports from Istanbul, speaking directly to union organizers, members of Parliament, and more on the condition of the Turkish working class and the prospects the upcoming election offers.

This story, with the support of the Bertha Foundation, is part of The Real News Network’s ‘Workers of the World’ series, telling the stories of workers around the globe building collective power and redefining the future of work on their own terms: https://therealnews.com/workers-of-the-world

Producer: Daniel Thorpe
Videographers: Murat Bay and Daniel Thorpe
Video editors: Daniel Thorpe, Leo Erhardt and Murat Bay

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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By phillyfinest369


21 thoughts on “Türkiye cracks down on May Day workers’ protests ahead of election”
  1. This clip is just spreadong false and pure propaganda. Few days ago 2 million Turks came out to support President ErdoÄŸan. According to international news channels and news papers this event was one of the biggest pre-eelection campaign gathering in the world.

  2. What a fake and hypocrite media. There is no vaccine against ignorance stupidity and hypocrisy. We Türk love and support our president Recep Tayyib Erdoğan.

  3. If I wasn't doubtful of the real force standing behind every regime change in last half a century and longer, I would applaud it, but think I would rather put up with the current government than to let my country become uncle sam's new acquisition

  4. Western propaganda! Probably staged and paid money to few activists and all known is using it's dirty tactics but Turkiye knows who is behind & why. It is also equiped with technology and nothing is hidden like Khajogshi case was. #Viva_Turkiye and down to betreying agents and useful idiots!

  5. Very bad acting , you are very fortunate you live in Turkey who has provided workers with increased support .most of you appear to be calling for separist and terrorists or actors paid for by the west . You are such fools . Free gas at home and now discovery of oil. A long list of industrial production . LIARS FOR EVER

  6. @The Real News Network : How in the world do you come up with the spelling of "Türkiye" for Turkey. Even this video uses "Turkey" and it also is what I have also always learned for spelling. I am of age 66. Search for Turkiye at Wikipedia and you will get "Turkey". So, I suggest, to not add very queer content to your content. It is no wonder why communication is not good in this world, when we have people doing queer things with language.

  7. Answers ALL questions: WAR IS A RACKET by Major General US Marine Snedly B Butler @Great Audio Books /find ; Col Douglas MacGregor/ LONDON REAL/ RUSSELL BRAND/ ASIAN Quicktake/ Dr John Campbell/ what is going on with Shipping/ Janet Yellen US treasury report: USs Debt Crisis is Imment and FED determining the Sanctions of other Nation's, Whoops WHO??? The Privately owned Financial services industry and consortium groups of NWO. Interesting, China and other leading Nation's are challenging the money manipulation system and people are rioting worldwide. Think about this OK

  8. You're watching what the USA is coming to in the very near future, the way our economy is becoming with housing and the cost of living,,, it beginning already nearly impossible to make it for millions of people , which is very dangerous !

  9. People can rise up outside of geopolitics conspiracy theorists. Look at what turkey is doing to Kurdistan. The turks deserve a good revolution.

  10. Soros and elites have been trying to fuel an insurrection in Turkey for years ..

    The elites US govt CIA and mass media propagandists stir these uprisings in hopes of regime change to have puppets in place like UKRAINE Zalinsky who will sell his country out to western bankers and elites

    Erdogan? Soros is the devil

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