The Trump administration’s global gag rule will not only stop abortion funding, but will bar organizations worldwide from offering comprehensive reproductive health services

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By elboriyorker


45 thoughts on “U.S. Gag Rule Expansion Will Constrain Women’s Rights Worldwide”
  1. So we are going back in time to before the Civil Rights Movement……. I guess this is what they mean when they say make america great again.

  2. This seems illegal. How is it that no one is asking these psychopaths where they think they can even announce a global policy? How could anyone think this will be a positive direction to take? Are they also including Israel? I do not see ANY government trying to tell Israel they shouldn't preform abortions.. but the Trump administration and both the House and Congress seem all to willing to break their own laws (providing financial aid to a country with nuclear arms but who has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreement is ILLEGAL!)at the same time, driving any possibilities of a decent life for future generations of Americans in to THE WALL.

    A Woman going through an abortion and the Doctor performing the abortions is breaking one of the Ten Commandments.
    Thou Shall Not KiLL
    Life, Liberty and the persuit of Happiness is in the Bill Of Rghts as part of the Constitution.

  4. So it's okay for American dollars to go towards the apartheid war in Yemen, but not towards abortion? Yeah okay.

    Even his most loyal fans are questioning him, he's just trying to secure the conservative vote for 2020. What a joke.

  5. Keep listening to Pompao, Ron Paul, Ben Shapiro, little less taxes, little less regulation, little more war and you'll all be good. Aloha 2020

  6. Does this stop women from having abortions at all though? As I understand it, it's something that simply isn't going to be funded by tax payers.

  7. Not giving people free money is gagging them? Then you're all guilty of gagging me. Give me money, now. Where's my fucking money?
    This is why the Left is losing. And you know the Left is losing. Because even when you have fair points(I'm pro-choice) you approach everything in this weasely, slimy, bullshit way. People aren't down with that. It's gross. It's despicable. It's revolting. If you're right, why not just tell the truth, straight up? You will win if you do that. You're addicted to your own propaganda, as a mechanism to achieve victory. Well, it's a despicable mechanism in the first place, and it doesn't work very well anymore; times have changed. You never should have been using it in the first place.

  8. the human population quadrupled in the last century…never seen before in human history….abortion is not desirable nor is a child born into circumstances that will not properly nurture and support the child….education regarding preventing unwanted pregnancy is critical so that pregnancy is planned and desirable

  9. Interestingly, the vast majority of the american political class, and general Rulin' Vermin, make a very persuasive case, for abortion… Go figure…

  10. Right, this administration is concerned about the least and most vulnerable of us. There is nothing humane, compassionate or even patriotic about this diabolical group in Washington DC. ~Aloha!

  11. More reason for other countries to ditch to dollar. In the past, we could play the game of a benevolent rich country. But now, we are exposed as a heavy handed global empire, picking winners and losers on the global stage. Abortion is one of the issues to do away with the separation between church and state. Some countries operate without the separation, but countries with separate faiths, begs the question. Whose church is going to rule? That has been the ongoing problems in the ME and Northern Ireland. England had a religious civil war in the 1600s. It is just another way of provoking more world violence. In this case, violence against women. No, if I were Russian or Chinese, I wouldn't want to be friends with us, either. Policies like this will drive even more countries away from us and into their influence.
    Of course, the elites do not care about anything. They have created for themselves an underground world for them to escape to. But, what they don't want to admit to, it is that they are the worst of humanity that they will preserve, and they will result to eating each other before they have run out of food, just to appease their egos.

  12. After the Left adopted the new practice of terminating pregnancies up to and including full term babies, President Trump has taken financial support away from foreign countries who practice all abortions. IT IS WRONG TO SAY this is POLITICAL TO SHORE UP THE BASE OF THE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. This is actually taking a stand against using Tax Payer Monies to promote INFANTICIDE. Give them an inch and they take a mile. We can agree to disagree on abortion as a right that can be legislated. From the Christian viewpoint, abortion is murder. We the people elected Donald Trump as a Republican who ran on a platform that abhors infanticide. In 2020, if you (broadly speaking of Democrats) win the election your pick for President can issue an Executive Order to allow funding from tax dollars to shore up baby killing once more. After seeing the State of New York elected officials pass and outright cheered for infanticide, I believe the Democrats & Deep State ideals has just lost their base and by 2020, there will not even be a Democrat Party or Deep State Operatives to even hold any Electorial College votes. Gave them enough rope to hang themselves and they managed to guarantee a landslide victory for President Trump and all officials elected to Congress and control of the Judicial seats that will soon open up (sealed indictments in place and projected to be in the hundreds of thousands). Step back and look at what your party has really done to our country. By 2020 there will be only a few wayward sheep left while our country heals from the harm inflicted especially since 2016
    When you close your eyes at night, don't you see someone's child or grandchild writhing in pain from the tools of the abortionist, never to be held or comforted, when there are so many childless couples would be more than willing to give that baby the best life he/she could have.

  13. If they're providing abortions and they are providing counseling, they are probably talking women into having abortions otherwise why are they providing abortions? Which women are they talking into having abortions and which ones are there talking into keeping the child? Are they talking black women into having abortions and white women to keeping the child? Are they talking Christian women into keeping the child and Muslim women into having abortions? If they are providing counseling , they shouldn't be providing abortions or money for them.

  14. Considering how many abortions Chump and others in the ReTHUGlican party have paid for to cover up their immoral behavior this seems at cross purposes to their daily lives. Just wait for all the babies of these assholes start appearing. I'm sure there's going to be a dramatic rise in the appearance of immaculate conception when their own sons and daughters start having these out of wedlock babies. But oh wait , they'll still be able to use some of the money they've scammed from the Govt. over the years to pay for a quick trip out of their state to get their abortions. It's only the working poor that won't have the money so again they'll be paying the price….

  15. Giving a woman the rights to kill her child, is the samething as saying: Hitler had the rights of killing the Jews…

    The baby didn't have a voice to choose, and the Jews didn't have the voice to choose…

    This is a hypocritical agenda…

    The only time the woman has the right to kill her infant, is if her life is going to be in danger, biologically speaking. or if the woman had been raped(God forbid)…

    This world has gone to shit…

    Edit: I don't even support Trumpet, that's how bad it is…

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