U.S. Congressmember Andriano Espaillat (D-NY 13th) calls for free and fair elections in Venezuela and critiques the double standard of U.S. policy, which calls for democracy in Venezuela yet is in bed with anti-democratic right wing governments in Central America – with Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


42 thoughts on “U.S. Rep. Opposes Military Intervention in Venezuela and Recognition of Guaidó”
  1. TRNN exposing Democrats for being almost as useless and imperialist as Republicans. There is no solution to be found within CIA talking points.

  2. "Clearly, the Venezuelan people are suffering and they need some help. . . " Hey, what about ending the sanctions and giving them back their gold and pay them for the oil we're taking? Or does that not fit into the plan to bring Venezuela to its knees?

  3. so, Paul, why didn't you correct him about the supermarkets in Caracas……Max Blumenthal just reported from there & the shelves & all else are stocked
    & there are NO LINES!!! That's a lying politician right there making your news NOT REAL!!!!!

  4. Yo soy venezolano, and I thank you for your almost fully honest, cause a true reporter and I mean A+ would also turn the tables on America and finish every segment you do on venezuela with a videos of America's homeless which would not be difficult to find, even easier, show videos of all the homeless war vets, even better, show what they done to the native people of turtle island (the America's) I got the cherry on the top show videos of how whites in America were just to fucking lazy to build their own wealth and because the natives told them to fuck off, they went to the other side of the world purchased some negroes and had them build it…. for free. By the way you get an A but really you should be going for the A+. Bless

  5. The US should demand that Saudi Arabia allow humanitarian aid into Yemen. Richard Branson should hold a concert for bringing aid into Yemen. Children are starving in Yemen.

    Instead of pressuring the Saudis where there is a humanitarian problem, they focus on Venezuela where it is most convenient.

  6. Meh
    For a congressmen he only had to do some dodging and misrepresentation so I guess it's an improvement?

    Even the head of the RNN wants to make congressmen be willing to come on to the show

  7. not all the Venezuelan people are going through hell. Have you seen Max Blumenthal's videos and other videos actually in the country. Also, I still haven't heard why the elections weren't fair

  8. Venezuela 🇻🇪

    Is doing better than México!

    Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, etc


    Jesus Christ congressional media bubbles are bad.

  9. It's funny how Espaillat clings to the talking points (great suffering, corruption etc.). As if for fear of some form of punishment he doesn't dare to express any doubts about the official narrative

    P.S.: … or maybe he really is just dumb

  10. Am I dreaming or is it too much conspiracy to think that U.S. Congressmember Andriano Espaillat did not want the word sanctions to come out of his mouth ? Yes the situation in Venezuela is dire but it is all and entirely down to US Sanctions.

  11. The US is a rogue regime….The word “Sanctions,” is misleading. It’s ECONOMIC TERRORISM. to It’s BARBARIC And Amounts to War Crimes.

  12. Venezuela should invade the US to restore democracy in America….The only “help” the US provides us Death, Destruction and Misery

  13. Fake news from The Real News, shame on you. For Venezuela has the most open, fair and honest elections in all the world. For the more educated upper-half of society has always hoarded all the land, wealth and until President Chavez, all of the political power.

  14. Why is there a photo showing "pedestrian access to USA" in a story about Venezuela? Last time I looked there is no pedestrian border between Venezuela and the USA, and instead there are thousands of miles and many countries in between.

  15. It is absurd to have this kind of triangulation to falsely claim that Venezuela is undemocratic but not support military intervention. These triangulists like Rep. Espaillat are parroting the CIA talking points while claiming to be democratic. It is false to call for free and fair elections in Venezuela because Venezuelan elections already are freer and fairer than US American elections. In Venezuela the president is elected by a majority of the votes but not in the USA so which nation has the more democratic elections? In Venezuela there is a paper trail for auditing elections, but in the USA there are no paper trails and no way to audit elections in many districts Venezuela already has transparent elections and already had their day at the ballot box. The Venezuela government asked for UN monitoring for the 2018 elections but the USA prevented the transparency. This guy Rep,. Espaillat is a bogus liar. He won 't accept responsibility for the USA being the cause of the economic problems. He lies about the supermarkets. Max Blumenthal went to a supermarket and showed the shelves weren't empty. Then when confronted on this lie he changes the subject. He won't even say that the sanctions must be lifted to help with the suffering,.

  16. It is absurd to have this kind of triangulation to falsely claim that Venezuela is undemocratic but not support military intervention. These triangulists like Rep. Espaillat are parroting the CIA talking points while claiming to be democratic. It is false to call for free and fair elections in Venezuela because Venezuelan elections already are freer and fairer than US American elections. In Venezuela the president is elected by a majority of the votes but not in the USA so which nation has the more democratic elections? In Venezuela there is a paper trail for auditing elections, but in the USA there are no paper trails and no way to audit elections in many districts Venezuela already has transparent elections and already had their day at the ballot box. The Venezuela government asked for UN monitoring for the 2018 elections but the USA prevented the transparency. This guy Rep,. Espaillat is a bogus liar.

  17. They had free and fair elections, the likes of which America has never seen. It would be wonderful if we ever had an election as free and fair as that of Nicolas Maduro. Anyone voting for a bill for new elections in VZ is an enemy of democracy.

  18. Congressman Espailat is correct. Military option is not only a repressive option but it belongs to the past archaic way of promoting democracy. "Be democratic or I will blow your head off " is per se not too democratic but autocratic. Thus democracy at the barrel of a gun is contradictory and absurd. Many a time, using the buzzwords, "democracy", "interests and rights of the people", have been used for decades in many many countries to whitewash the insidious nature of imperialism that the US is imposing on them. As Pompeo has said to the effect that , it is the rich "oil reserves of Venezuela" that motivates US intervention into the the domestic affairs of sovereign Venezuela. So the actions, the goodies, and the march of democracy are just used to camouflage the US greed of the national oil and gold reserves of Venezuela by labeling them as US geopolitical Interests and by putting them into the hands of US corporations by corrupting and bribing a few Venezuelan elites for private profits and exploitation for decades and decades to come.

    This is what is behind the US intervention into Venezuela. Strangely enough, this kind of strategy is well known among many Latin Countries in South America. They are disgusted with US presumptuous geopolitics. Then, why don't the Latin countries stop it? The simple answer is that there are always people who are powerful and who can be easily corrupted or bribed. There will be new crops of such people in govt. and in the business world who want to enrich themselves, So often, such powers and riches are entrenched in the elite families for decades who want to maintain and further expand their control, power and privileges by whatever means available.

    To decide where one should to stand is quite easy. It depends on your conception of what a society is.
    Is it a society in which a select few should have inordinate social, political and financial control over the state (autocratic) ? or
    Is it a society in which the benefits and prosperity accrued by the state are more equitably spread so that the majority can benefit and so that social stratifications are minimized, and where the gap between the rich and the majority is shortened,

    But that is what the US intervention is all about. It is to promote the first model in the above in which the elites are strengthened, welcome as allies, and bought and bribed if required to facilitate external foreign private corporations to come in to control aand exploit the national resources that belong to the people. This imperialistic approach was very successful in the 17-18th Century in India, Africa, Asia, China, Japan, Philippines, etc. It ruled India , for example, for several hundreds of years by a handful (comparatively speaking) of Britons in India who ruled hundreds of millions of Indians generations after generations,

    US foreign policy is not too different from that. Instead of "for the King and Country" as the imperialists would say, the US would say "for democracy and the interests of the people". These people can be Venezuelans, Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, etc.

    The story is the same, only the actors change and the countries vary. Imperialism resurrected, real democracy undermined, and the old orders of pyramid controls strengthened, The Madura govt, is fighting against this approach of old aristocratic elite rule. Guaido with the help of imperialistic US is resurrecting the old elite aristocratic rule. The World can see what is going on. It is so clear. Because it is so obvious, it is altogether lamentable because in the name of democracy, democracy is destroyed by the US greed and covetousness.

  19. True about Elliot or Eliot Abrams, that he shouldn't be at all involved in this matter about Venezuela; but, instead, incarcerated for his crimes and kept that way for a long time, if not until "death do we us part", i.e., for the rest of his life. As for Mad. Albright, I wonder why Andriano Espaillat would think that we should care about what she has to say about any of this, including Abrams; for, after all, she's an extreme criminal, rogue. Her words can never be trusted by anyone at all reasonably informed. She should be serving a very long prison sentence, so to heck with what she thinks or what she says that she thinks about Abrams. Two hypocrites don't make a non-hypocrite, just like two wrongs don't make a right or good!

  20. Espaillat is the congressmen of my district. I'm glad to see that my representative is on the correct side of this issue. No US military involvement in Venezuela. Leave them alone and let the people decide.

  21. Representative Espaillat, iunfortunately, demonstrates a myopic perspective as it relates to the US government's complicity in exacerbating the situation in Venezuela, by way of the onerous and unjustified sanctions they have imposed.

    I view him as a wolf in sheep's clothing because on one hand he is championing the appropriate call for non-military intervention in Venezuela, yet on the other hand he completely misses the point that (1) the US should not meddle in the internal affairs of Venezuela or any other country for that matter, (2) the imposing of sanctions is making matters worse and (3) the notion of "humanitarian aid", is but a Trojan Horse, designed to facilitate the US government's nefarious intentions.

    With "friends" like Congressman Espaillat, one certainly doesn't need enemies.

  22. This Us congressman needs to take a better look at the Us itself. Restore democracy, feed the hungry, cure the sick etc etc. Every time he says Venezuela change it into the Us

  23. Give Venezuela back its billions stolen by westetn banks and they can take care of themselves. What about the corruption and bad government here in America? What about the extreme poverty and homelessness here in America. Where is the humanitarian aid from Congress and the President for the humanitarian crises here in America? How does he know there's less food on the grocery shelves in the non wealthy neighborhoods in Venezuela? Real News why waste our time with this politican? Not your usual quality reporting but, then he is a politician.

  24. “Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervour, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword.

    It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.

    And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry.

    Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.

    How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.” – ?Julius Caesar

  25. …But there were free, general elections in #Venezuela on May 20th. 2018 in which Nicolas Maduro won the elctions with the mayority of the votes with 60% of the votes cast. The oposition boycoted the elections claiming.the the elections were ilegal while observers from the world declared the elections valid, honest and transparent. Their basis for calling the election ilegal had no foundation. There's no need for another general election. They need new elections for the National Assembly which are due now. Juan Guaido a mamber of the Nat. Assembly has no right caalling for new elections since he is not legally elected wining second place in election in the Assembly. He has become Presient oif the Nat. Assembly by default and therefore does not have a democratically mandated status to call for general elections. Much less declare himself Interim President of Venezuela. Venezuela needs to be left alone, be given the money siezed and gold confiscated by the USA and UK. Santions need to be stopped and be allowed to buy in the international market. That way they would not need humanitarian aide.

  26. This congress man is disingenuous with weird comments. The congress man is playing safe in order to avoid the wrath of his campaign sponsors. What is really happening in Venezuela is not about restoring democracy and tackling corruption, rather it is about restoring back PREDATORY CAPITALISM, Period.

  27. Here we go again. With the Shenanigans in North Carolina, the Florida vote the last Presidential elections of Bushes. The gerrymandering of districts all over the country, Georgia and many others. Do I have to go on. Yet we make these blanket statements about how other governments should be run. I will say this again. How much corruption do we see(don't see) in this country. Yet we see the distractions of the reality shows(to keep our minds occupied, elsewhere). Yet people like Cheney and Prince, the brother of Betsy DeVos are stealing billions of dollars and the list is countless of others receiving all this money from a defense budget that is so large the money is never questioned. Yet we make these comments of how another government is corrupt. Call a spade a spade. Everyone wants to get their hand in the cookie jar. When will these lawmakers tell the truth. Again, the people are much more informed and intelligent that these people give credit. This talkspeak must stop. All these politicians sound like a recording. They dance to the same song. This is about resources and this clown never broached the subject. He danced around it. And gave us the geopolitical talkspeak that they all have given. Put yourself in the position of the people of the land. They are there. They know what they must do to solve their issues. But they also realize that they need these countries to trade with some form of integrity. Not with greed and deception. And if you don't play by their rules.They make up a narrative of how you are being manipulated by your government and leaders. Guess what. A majority of people in the US feel this way. Yet we are not asking other countries to come and solve our problems. And people wonder about the disillusionment in this country. There is no one to call on in this police state we live in. And people do not grasp the importance of that statement. We are subjected to the tyranny of this republic. And it would be far worse if we attempted the things that are happening on the opposition side in Venezuela and other countries. If it would happen here. The police state and military would be all over the place. Don't get it twisted about this nation. It is more oppressive than people think.

  28. True the people in the middle-class to upper middle-class neighborhoods could afford the food in these supposed well stocked store a couple years ago. Even then most shopping in those stores where just picking up a few luxury items not shopping in the manner you are suggesting. The reality now and going back a couple years, has been, very, very few can afford to go into these places, fill a shopping cart and afford to pay. As things stand today even in these neighborhoods most can’t afford to shop in these stores in any manner without receiving remittances from abroad. Paul is simply misinformed or being disingenuous on the current conditions in Venezuela.

    The fortunate thing here is, toppling Maduro will address the humanitarian crisis so yes focus on getting Maduro out and in doing so solve the crisis. Maduro and the crisis are joined at the hip. Without very forceful and significant pressure the Maduro regime will never, never, ever allow free and fair elections.

    As badly as Paul Jay wanted Congressman Espailla to agree with his point of view the Congressman just didn’t agree. The Magnitsky Act the Congressman is advocating is essentially the same the sanctions as they were applied up until 2017. The sanctions in 2017 started to include a component to stop the Maduro Regime from continuing to loot the resources belonging to the Venezuelan people. The some of the recent sanctions are targeted to starve the Regime of resources (cash). Aid is to feed the people while starving the Regime and it’s probably going to be an effective strategy.
    Paul Jay should go back a listen to what this reasonably well informed Congressman is trying to tell him. If he could just listen without being so distracted by interjecting his own biased opinions into the conversation he stands to learn something.
    .. and Paul when your argument devolves into, can't fix it here until you fix it in Saudi Arabia your argument has failed.

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