UK Parliament Endorses Jeremy Corbyn’s Call for a Climate Emergency Declaration – Everything Law and Order Blog

Corbyn: “Are we content to hand down a broken planet to our children? That is the question members must ask themselves today. We have the chance to act before it’s too late. It’s a chance that won’t be available to succeeding generations. It is our historic duty to take it.” We publish Corbyn’s full speech calling for the declaration

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By phillyfinest369


25 thoughts on “UK Parliament Endorses Jeremy Corbyn’s Call for a Climate Emergency Declaration”
  1. Now this is something the British people can be truly proud about, not the shitty populism of Brexit heatmongers or EU corporate hacks. Thank you mister Corbyn! I can say I wholeheartedly respect the UK for once!

  2. The question all simply need ask is this? Do I give a fuck about my child's future? Do I give a shit about my grandchild? That's it.

  3. Shame on politicians to use politically indoctrinated emotionalized children to promote unscientific based politics!

  4. No no no! Corbyn ask your Brother there is NO Man made climate change! I've just left the Labour Party because if this! Vie bun you are falling for this shite! Go away

  5. Interesting that this is the first time that Corbyn has mentioned climate in all his time as leader. If I was being cynical I would say that he has decided that sounding like an environmentalist will improve his election chances in the wake of the student climate strikes and extinction rebellion protests. It is the right message but it feels like political oportunism.

  6. The only people who want jobs are rulers who want jobs you know for YOU to work or do whatever it is they want or more precisely they need you to need jobs to be insecure-unstable in your life so that you will fall in line & sell out to them. We are only a stones through from a StarTrek type situation where 90+% of all goods-services are produced through automated production-automation-robotics something those in power know perfectly well meaning that humanity has a choice they can rise up & remove the psychopaths from power & set up OUR future & I don't mean socialism which is what they'll try to divert the public into so they can remain puppets & tell YOU what they say is for societies best interest & if we don't they'll start a massive war or some plague will somehow happen & thin the herd. 1 or the other is going to happen & really I hope I'm wrong about how horrific it will have to get before a critical mass steps up to the plate.

  7. Wrong the largest source of climate pollution in both UK & US is the military & it's sales arm who produce far more pollution-climate issues EXPONENTIALLY so through their horrific activity acting as an oligarchies murderous arm or to arm other murderous-repressive puppets all over the globe. Now THAT is by far the greatest issue effecting our environment PERIOD, without fixing that FIRST & you know they'll try to pretend they're going to do this or that you know austerity for the middle class-poor who they'll blame in a manipulative way for their activity-excess-acting out of their psychopathic pathologies upon the world. Without striking at the source you do nothing more than put out fires laid about to make you think you are doing something real when it all gets worse.

  8. when you divest you lose your votes and no longer capture those profits that would otherwise be retained by the company. Instead all votes should replace CEOs and BODs of these companies to change how they are run, get leadership that will focus on closing operations and decommodification.
    Leave the EU and Focus on the Commonwealth. Four Corners of the Globe as a Leader instead of a small corner and a small state under austerity in the EU. The UK screwed up financially recovery partnered with the Commonwealth would be compassionate, the EU will turn the UK into Greece…

  9. what about a poverty emergency i bet china and russia wont have to pay this tax why would they listen to the likes of uk and america uk poisons it own citizens lol

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