Cindy Holleman of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says climate change, conflict, and economic stagnation are increasing hunger

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By elboriyorker


35 thoughts on “UN: World Hunger Increases for Third Straight Year due to Climate Change”
  1. This is all bullshit. Look up some real facts. CO2 increases crop yield. Have you even looked at the other side of the coin? Have you done some serious independent research? Please do so.. I know you won't, but please do look up Rebutting Alarmism by the independent institute.

  2. China and India must do something. Co2 has gone down in America. How do we control the other nations before they destroy the world.

  3. The study that this video is based on says it is due to 1. Armed Conflict 2. Stagnating Economy 3. Climate Change. @0:40 Yet, the title of the video just omits the first and second most significant drivers of hunger and chooses to focus on the third most significant driver of hunger, climate change. No political agenda here at "The Real News", right? So obvious and dishonest. Thumbs down. Do better, please!

  4. Half of the world's population is too FAT, and the other half are starving to death. This represents poor management. Can you imagine what the world would be like if there were no United Nations… Hahahahahhahaha

  5. I thought that 'Roundup', Glyphosate and GMOs were created to feed the world's starving peoples. I think that "they" lied to us again, and again, and again, and again….

  6. The billions of hectares that have been destroyed in the Amazon rain forest back in the 80's and 90's was a major in the climate change. Too billions of dollars have been sent to Africa and third world countries for more then 50 years and nothing has changed as far as hunger that money has gone to their war lords not the people. Also our planet has shifted it's polar axel tilt due to nuclear weapons testing and strong earthquakes. . These are facts that seem to be overlooked or not considered in the climate change agenda ..

  7. 50 % audio drop on video like usual. If i turn the volume up now and forget it until the next video i will be deaf. Very proffesional "TRN"

  8. It is impossible to accomplish something that is not a goal at all.
    If we as people wanted everyone to eat, everyone would be eating all they want.

    This is pure bullshit.

  9. THE GREEN ANSWER — far cheaper, far more effective, and solves far more world problems — see Allan Savory's TED talk here (22 mins): . Allan Savory's techniques have been applied in America very successfully with a few changes.

    Here are 2 very successful American ranching and farming operations that are improving environmental quality, using no inputs other than sunlight, fresh air, and sequestered rain:
    1) Will Harris' "White Oak Pastures" in GA, 15 minute video "One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts":
    2) Gabe Brown's "Brown's Ranch" in ND, 65 minute video is here: or the more in depth with Q&A interspersed (2.5 hrs):

    Soil regeneration takes the pressure off of green energy, rapidly sequesters CO2 into living soils, creates soils that act like rain sponges, and reverses the 10 thousand year agricultural degradation of planet Earth by humans!

    Ex-vegan Mariah Campbell of Perma-Earth has an excellent common sense video (18 mins):

    BUT, THE BIGGEST CLIMATE REVELATION TO ME TO DATE, has been around for at least 4 years and suppressed well enough that I never heard about it until 2019, and that is the actual role that CO2 plays in the atmosphere, climate, and life on Earth. After an in depth journey into the science, filtering out as much as possible the effects of big money and politics, the following 42 minute video by Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace and radical environmentalist presents a very compelling case for more CO2, not less, in the atmosphere. This is backed by modern biological science and the best archaeological evidence of atmospheric CO2 concentrations going back 100s of millions of years.
    Also, a 40 minute global greening presentation from another staunch environmentalist, Matt Ridley:

  10. Actually it is due to the RED TAPE of geopolitical bullshit. Not everyone is ill informed Real News Network or listen to the hypocrisy especially when people such as the Rothschild family, Bill Gates family the George Soros elite types in the world dominating the scene of geopolitics and adding to the red tape due to their f***ing egos. A very, VERY large scale civil war is coming aimed at those F***ers!

    I laugh at this tube propaganda and a direct algorithm collector that GOES STRAIGHT TO THE NWO.

  11. I/we hope that C'8 can be of help with your efforts in helping those in need:


    Introducing C'8 – Coordinate, a purely altruistic, free and available to all international disaster (and other) aid coordination webapp that unites all aid givers with all disaster victims and communities in need as well as with aid materials suppliers and the rest of the world that might be moved to give aid in some way from a distance.

    Where Facebook is social, LinkedIn is business, etc, C’8 is one purely altruistic unified platform for disaster (and other) aid coordination.

    C'8 is a tool of pure giving and efficient and effective coordinated aid. Among other things, C'8 facilitates direct, specific, immediate, zero overhead, 100% transparent aid donations in a game-changing way. Being able to give directly to a specific person/family for a specific need is great, but giving directly to the supplier of the aid materials needed in the name of that specific person/family is even more pure, immediate and free of potential aid funding abuses which are far too common in the world today.

    We invite aid givers, aid giving groups, disaster victims and others in need, aid materials suppliers, those that like to help in disaster recovery and to give aid to those in need in general, and everyone else to create your C'8 profiles and to begin to create C'8 posts of your needs, of the needs of someone else, of offers of aid, etc.

    We invite your participation in its launch and continued development! Thank you and welcome to C'8! (work in progress)

    YouTube playlist:


  12. Where do you get those numbers? How is that data collected? How long has it been collected for? How have their data collection methods changed/improved over this period. On a global scale, there's a huge margin for error, the UN clearly has an agenda and, they clearly have no problem lying when it comes to humanitarian issues, among other things, so why should we trust their moral or intellectual compass now?!?

  13. Bigger global problem: poverty is the biggest driver of high fertility. The highest fertility is in multinational regions w/ routine cycles of mass starvation. The highest global population growth is expected to be Africa @ 4 billion. Humans=stupid biology.

  14. Propaganda
    The earth has been getting greener. If people in certain places are going hungry it is more likely because of political problems.
    You want peoples' lives to improve in places like Africa – help them have abundant, reliable energy such as fossil fuel produces.

  15. Jeff Bezos could go down in history as "The Man Who Ended World Hunger" ….but he is a right winger.
    ….actually, he could also end homelessness in America, too. (and he'd still have more money than half the country)
    This is why "being a billionaire" should not be legal…there is no way to justify that kind of greed.

  16. The real reason is cynical speculation in food by investment bankers and corn merchants like Dreyfus. They drive the price up on the exchange for basic goods, and store the food, thousands of tons and wait to the price is high enough for giving their millionare and billionarie customers big enough return on their investment. This is predatory capitalism of the worst kind, they do not care if hundreds of thousands die to give them more profit. The UN is controlled by the globalist elite, they just hide the real reasons for the NWO cabal.

  17. The MAIN cause of climate change, deforestation, starvation, obesity, heart disease (biggest killer), pollution, extinction of species….ANIMAL AGRICULTURE. I notice that you didn't mention this once. Someone in her position talking about this subject is not being honest if they don't mention how animal agriculture is killing everything on this planet.

  18. Notice how she refuses to give the name of a country. The conflicts think in Yemen and Syria are prolonged not because of climate change but because of EU and US policies. Places like North Korea and Venezuela are suffering because of sanctions. And then increase in population. These factors are way more important than climate change.

    But when all you care about is climate, that is all you are going to talk about. Don't buy into the propaganda.

  19. XY billion humans are suffering from hunger; YX billion humans are suffering from adiposis. Frakkking morons, planet of.


  21. Theres to many people in these dry baron land areas than before, where land has always had minimal production,thats why .biggest problem is the wars that are started and theres no stability.
    Theres plenty of food in other areas it just getting it to people.again war in these areas is root of the problem,and politics,
    When global cooling comes it will reduce growth of food by 10 times or more depends how cold it gets, when comes then you will see the biggest famine ever seen.and The world governments know that we will be coming into a cooling cycle not to far off.they dont want the masses to be prepared for it.population control by mother earth.

  22. when this climate problem continues, world populations will decrease. need better technologies to combat the climate change

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