Union Organizer and Author Jane McAlevey joins us to bring three lessons the Dems have to learn. We talk about her New York Times op-ed.

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By elboriyorker


35 thoughts on “Union Organizers Can Put The Fight Back In The Democrats”
  1. It's not a false show of unity. The Dems and the GOP are on the same side. They want to enrich their donors. The Dems are more socially progressive as long as the donors keep all the $$$$$.

  2. This is laughable at best. The Democrats have not been the party of Labor in decades. In the 80s they became the party of ABORTION… today they are the part of LGBT( 1% of the population). You have ignored your base for decades and think the party matters more than the people it’s supposed to serve. Here is a little advice comrades; most voters are in the center. You progressives believe that the average American wants to go play-by-play from the communist manifesto. Class warfare is nonsense… race baiting is business as usual for you guys. So more of the same comrade. Across the aisle were have more comrades… NeoCon-Trotsky’s kind. Let’s see; how many more ways can we find to waste tax dollars? How many more conflicts can we cause. Both parties should be destroyed.

  3. It just occurred to me, the internet is a double edged sword. "They" can not afford to have unconnected people. It is a liability for them.

  4. We? What union does she work for, how is their organizing going? If you think your pro-union and do know, say, or preach, that capitalism is the crisis, your just a piece of … Is her point to build the labor movement only to give the democratic party victories? Sounds like one of those high paid labor misleaders. NYT's she really can't be worth much, ah yes an AFL-CIO hack. Oh how we need the IWW spirit in this class struggle.

  5. Don't hold up an implausible deep state operatives unsubstantiated claim as a "credible accusation" which isn't even what she did a credible accusation is for a trial not a public smear campaign. There is a reason it's called a credible accusation folks because in order to make a credible accusation you have to face the right of redress of the accused in a court of law. Which you can not hold them to in a trial by public opinion. Don't be naive know your constitution and rule of law. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any. If enough people don't know their rights, nobody has any.

  6. Yes… "The right to bear arms to defend against tyranny…"… And the only ones running scared are movie-goers and school-children… That, which happens, when most of the "gunners" are abject morons….

  7. When you consider MOST Unions already give 90% of all union dues DIRECTLY to the DNC …. this hardly makes sense . But clearly this is an perfect example for the reality of the DEATH OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY – DIED OF DUMBASSEDRY

  8. Unions sold out workers years ago by devoting themselves to the Democrat Party and the major corporations and financial institutions like mentioned by the lady here. They blamed Republicans for attacking unions but it has always been the Rino, big city blue blood Republicans who are now anti-Trump. It is the left-wing Communists and socialists destroying freedom that you have allowed to destroy your party. Conservative,pro life, freedom loving Democrats were pushed out and became Republicans. The majority of blue collar workers voted Trump for very good reasons which you really don't get. We want freedom, not socialist big government providing our needs. A healthy growing economy where the workers have power, not just unions and corporations. Where you can walk out the door and get another job and tell both the boss and the union to go to hell.

  9. Workers need their own party. Fighting to be allowed to have representation within a rich people's party is madness. That much effort can create a party which isn't a compromise with class enemies. And the voting base already exists: registered independents.

  10. The only reason we had a MIDDLE CLASS is becasue of our UNIONS! I worked in the Office, and if they had asked me to COMMIT with DUES to our UNIONS, I would have GLADLY DONATED and/or CONTRIBUTED! All I know Is what I gained was by our UNIONS!!!! UNION'S PLEASE COME BACK, for I would HAPPILY SUPPORT YOU GUYS! For you made my Middle Class POSSIBLE and I WILL SUPPORT YOU GUYS TODAY! PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP, KEEP ON DEMANDING and I WILL HAVE YOUR BACKS! For NO FREAKING WAY IN HELL should the 20% PROFIT off your LABOR that MAKES THEM RICH & WEALTHY! For without US, no way could they have the RICHES that they HAVE! MAKE THEM SHARE, OR MAKE THEM GET ON THE FLOOR & DO WHAT YOU GUYS DO! FUCK THEIR DUMB LAZY SHIT!

  11. I can’t believe this whinging.America IS the greatest melting pot for racial harmony in the world.Working class Americans are wealthy with unlimited opportunities compared to the Thirld World where I live.How about some gratitude for the 7 million jobs created since Trump was elected.

  12. Union building will be much more difficult today. Thanks to the national surveillance apparatus and private data bases, fast food giants and large chain employers can pool their data that will black ball anyone who attempts to organize or pickets or even complains so that they will never work again. They will do this and they will keep it secret.

  13. Unless there is a wholesale purge of the corporatists responsible for this present state of affairs, the democrats are finished. The party leaders are weak because they are taking big corporate funding. Time and time again, I hear democrats talk about the polls, strategy and funding but they leave out the actual issues. At best they will talk in vague generalities about a “Better Deal” or a “Bold New Approach” but they refuse to elaborate. The only thing that can save the democrat party is adopt a progressive platform consisting of single payer health care, free college and loan forgiveness and whether global warming is true or false, a full on transition to green renewables.

  14. In a final note, the republicans are not much better off. They should return to supporting small business instead of destroying it.

  15. Not all businesses ship their jobs overseas. There ARE people in the USA that lose their jobs because of illegal immigrants. I owned a tree service in the USA. When the illegal immigrants started into this business (after they infiltrated the landscaping jobs), they shut us down. I had to let four, full-time employees go. I stayed open for a year with my partner before we closed shop. We could not compete because they don't have any overhead. They have no equipment, no trucks, no chippers, no safety equipment, no business office, and most importantly — NO INSURANCE and NO LICENSE. But, people didn't care. They just wanted cheap prices.

  16. The Democrat party is over. It has been overrun with Zionists. Zionists are experts at creating organized chaos while they milk the system. Look wherever they operate — organized chaos. That is why civilizations from all the way back to the Bible days shunned these people. That is why the Bible is full of stories about how these people were always wandering around in the desert. No civilized society would let them in. They knew what would happen.Then, there are the stories about the civilizations they destroyed, which proves it. Most of the Bible is obviously mythology, but some of these Zionist stories are true, or have some seed of truth in them. As long as the Democrat party is overwhelmed with Zionists, many of which have dual citizenship with Israel no less, the party will never achieve anything but organized chaos.

  17. I could watch only 3 minutes of this "dream" scenario. This presentation is all about party
    politics and those in the know are well aware that to change anything in politics, those forces
    BEHIND politics must be stopped. Israel's influence over the U.S. system runs so deep that
    if a cleanse is possible, what must happen first is critical mass among "we-the-people".
    Like: 1. No dual citizenship among politicians. 2. No neo-cons. 3. No blackmailing of
    politicians. And on and on you go with the reality for real change.

  18. The problem is the corporate democrats. Too many democrats are just bought off. They will never create a thriving economy by ignoring the needs of workers. It will only get worse going forward now the we have an extreme right wing Supreme Court.

  19. Jane McAlevey is spot on. Class struggle is THE most unifying struggle there is in the US. Class struggles transcends all other struggles and in many ways strengthens other struggles like racism, sexism, immigration issues, etc… The sooner we realize that the sooner we will begin to win.

  20. I can’t take this all talk. Americans just talk talk talk. It’s just talking nation. They never do anything to help the people only talk and talk and talk about shit they will never do

  21. The DNC cares more about illegal immigrants than American workers. The super rich supported Hillary because they knew she would keep the gates open for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants keep wages down and result in a huge supply of easily exploited workers.

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