Prosecutors convinced the presiding judge not to allow political considerations in a highly politicized trial against four defendants who attempted to prevent Venezuela’s parallel government from illegally taking over the DC embassy

Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley
Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “US Gov’t Attempts to Railroad Venezuelan Embassy Protectors”
  1. Corrupt judge. American legal system is so corrupt. It cannot be trusted. Who is this judge to decide the President of another country? She had already made her decision. Hopefully the jury will not be fooled.

  2. This is lunacy — the court said that only Trump can say who is the leader of another country? Does he also get to declare how gravity works?

  3. I have so much respect for these brave people! The judge in this case clearly shows how our court systems have been taken over by the corporate oligarchs. She has tied the hands of the defense to ensure a government victory. The people in this nation have no power in any governmental system, executive, legislative or judicial.

  4. The USA chooses some unknown guy, declares him to be the Pres. of Venezuela, then prosecutes people who are legal employees of the legally elected Gov. of said country, for being in it's Embassy – ILLEGALLY.
    We are truly living in an Orwellian world now. Truth is whatever the Leader says it is, and the frightened, self-serving lickspittals fall over eachother rushing to be the first to agree.

  5. This is exactly what cuckservitives Project about socialism. The U.S Government, The Dotard Trump Presidency Is literally Putting U.S Citizens in Jail on the Behest of A Foreigner. I highly recommend Everyone that doesn't have a Gun ? TO Start buying and training yourselves. This is the constitutional Republic of the U.S literally Being Destroy before our very eyes.

  6. So a foreign Shadow Government form south America is dictating U.S Laws and wants U.S Citizens in Jail. This Is Maga? This is what cuckservitives voted for. There President Dotard Trump Called Gaidog his president lmao. This is What Cuckservitives represent in a hand basket the Death of America.

  7. the us is really corrupt on every level and every branch of government from legislature to executive and judiciary
    even the so called fourth power who should keep a watchful eye on government, the media, is corrupt on every level imaginable

  8. These clowns would be arguing exactly the opposite if Castros was still in the hills of Cuba as its about ideology not the rule of law. They would have ceased the Embassy claiming Castro was the rightful president of Cuba.
    Stop with the hypocrisy! It’s legal only when they like the outcome!

  9. democracy much? seems like someone should come and save the poor and strangled people of the us and a? i think we also find some weapons of mass destruction and also some tortured babys there. help gets to you faster if you have oil!

  10. This Trump government has has completely finished , the job of selling the American people out , this is what happens when citizens don't take control , those given power , will at all cost destroy you , that's what we deserve , satanic evangelical fake CHRISTIAN government ,……

  11. International law does not exist… How else could the USA constantly break it with no recourse?

  12. Saddening but fine interview, and I wish these activists good success. Washington is being hellbent criminal and ROGUE, AGAIN ; totally against the US Constitution, as well as international law, …. If it wasn't for its totally rogue nature and power, then it'd easily be the laughing stock of this world. These activists were right, so they hopefully will NOT be punished by US court or any other court.

  13. THE SO CALL WHITE MAN RULING THE WORLD IS THE FORTH AND LAST GENTILE RULING KINGDOM IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL 2. WHICH STARTED WITH THE GREEK UP UNTIL TODAY. Read the book of maccabees, it tells you that THIS WHITE man has been replacing GOVERNMENTS to whom that AGREE with them ever since they came to power.

  14. The American court system is only missing Roland Freisler . No fact that goes against the narrative is allowed. The truth cannot be allowed to be heard or spoken. The truth is what They say it is. This system of justice is exactly what existed in NAZI Germany. Just waiting for the propaganda minister to organise a rally against the truth. Oh….. That job is being done by Fox News & MSM.

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