US Has No Moral Authority to Deem Muslim Brotherhood ‘Terrorist’

US Has No Moral Authority to Deem Muslim Brotherhood ‘Terrorist’

As’ad Abukhalil shares his perspective on the Trump administration’s stated intent to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, pointing out that the U.S. has killed countless civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq in recent years

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17 thoughts on “US Has No Moral Authority to Deem Muslim Brotherhood ‘Terrorist’

  1. Real News?
    WRONG, STOP misleading people on LIES.
    You are not honest but FAKE NEWS.
    You can fool some of the people, all of the time, but you can't fool the MAJORITY OF US, ANY OF US, ANY OF THE TIME.
    Canadians know damn well and with PROOF that Trudeau has been giving MILLIONS to them and for centuries the WORLD has know all about the BROTHERHOOD AND THEIR MURDEROUS KILLING SPREE IN EVERY COUNTRY.
    You had better stop lying because for many many years they have POSTED THEIR SLAUGHTERS ON YOUTUBE.
    I do NOT care for so called journalist who lie…

  2. Donny Trump's buddy buddy with the Saudi Clown Prince & Nut&Yahoo, therefor, has no moral authority to judge. infact, im inclined to believe anyone the US labels a Terrorist, is a freedom fighter.

  3. lobbyists dude, if the "muslim brotherhood" or any group want to stay in the good graces of dc they better bring money, lots of money because the "dc aid" that goes to israel cones back through the lobby. but people are too busy being hateful bastards to actually put two and two together.

  4. Has Qatar's money found its way here or are you truly this gullible?

    The Muslim Brotherhood is a takfiri terrorist organization originating from Egypt and with its bases of support in Qatar and Turkey. They are in a power struggle with the Saud family and combat their influence, although they were able to destabilize Libya and Syria together.

    Hamas is their offshoot in Palestine, a group brought into the forefront of the anti-Zionist struggle through manipulation of the Zionist State to defeat the secular PLO.

    Suffice to say that the CIA obviously admires their work for creating a stable region for transnational capital.
    Indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood is a reactionary anti-communist and anti-arab-nationalist instrument of the American Empire, a global network of terror.

  5. Egypt and Saudi Arabia also claim that the MB is a terrorist organisation, have done for years. I’m sure there are more countries to add to that list, however when Trump mentions the MB, everyone is suddenly up in arms, trying to make this a moral argument.
    Why now???

  6. Moral authority? Is that how we decide who is a terrorist organization? Hamas which is a terrorist organization is a offshoot of the MB. Egypt declared MB a terrorist organization and outlawed it.

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