US media co-opts Cuba protests for imperialist ends – Everything Law and Order Blog

Amid power outages, food shortages, and continued fears over COVID-19, amplified by 60 years of economic strangulation by a US blockade, thousands of protestors in Cuba have taken to the streets to demand answers and action from their government. Mainstream media outlets in the US have jumped at the chance to paint these protests as singularly focused on repudiating the communist revolution, using them as a pretext for greater imperialist intervention, but the reality on the ground is much more complex. Author and historian Andrés Pertierra joins us to examine the deeper historical and political contexts surrounding the protests and to discuss how viewers outside of Cuba can navigate the media frenzy. Pertierra is a historian of Cuba and US-Cuban relations in the 19th and 20th centuries; he received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Havana and is currently a PhD student in Latin American and Caribbean history at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. #Cuba #CubaProtests #SOSCuba

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “US media co-opts Cuba protests for imperialist ends”
  1. The cascada on the cowbell … The 2:3 son clave accents.. . Or better yet.. a Mozambique !

  2. What about US media showing protests with Egyptian flags that look like the crowds during the Arab Spring? Is the media showing phony protests? They have done this before. Also, why would people go against a government that has lifted them from poverty. Literacy in Cuba is 100%, Cubans have free 1st class health care for all, their doctors are recognized internationally, and are some of the best, they have made their own Covid Vaccines for people which they also distribute around the world. Education is free in Cuba from cradle to grave. Cuba educates for free doctors from around the world. Cuba does not have homeless people like the US where 568,000 Americans are homeless – and this figure will go up after October when the Covid rent moratoriums expire. The only reason Cuba is not doing well is because of the embargo and sanctions of the US, who want to turn Cuba into Haiti or the Dominican republic or a narco state like Colombia. People aren't stupid – Cubans know what is going on and so do Americans who have seen this same playbook in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and everywhere the US or its corporations and in this case the Cuban Batista oligarchs in Florida who want their gravy train back.

  3. Politico published a story on Wed by Cuban Tania Bruguera who was arrested by Cuban security forces.  It's a good read

      She said "I’m part of the left and let me tell you — this isn’t socialism. This is neoliberal state capitalism." And "The world has to stop seeing the Cuban government as a victim. The Cuban government is the aggressor."

  4. There were people looting stores, overturning police cars and trying to set buildings on fire. I saw that too. At the same time, in response to that, thousands of other Cubans took to the streets in support of the government. I've seen many images and pictures of pro-government demonstrations being described in the media as antigovernment protests.

  5. This thing in Cuba now happening must be digested with America's attempt to hold a little Cuban boy as diplomatic tool in destablize Cubas government.

  6. Poor you US citizens, being brainwashed by your government, and being cheated by the fake left of this type and the Jacobin and the like…. No wonder the country is such a disaster for descent life. And why would you believe someone sitting comfortably in his bourgeois lifestyle commenting and giving advices to those who struggle to maintain dignity?

  7. People should study the period before Castro. Right wing dictator Batista turned Havana into a giant casino and brothel with drugs on every street corner. Batista's secret police locked up and killed thousands of (moderate left wing) protesters. One action leads to a reaction…..

  8. Why the US political ragime does not say anything about the Saudi absolutel monarchy… The people there suffering so much

  9. Big f*xking deal … There are PROTESTS in almost every country every other day … Nothing happens but the decline. Pathetic mainstream media is a parrot of bureacracy … Real News is all about Real Bureacracy 🕳️👎🏽

  10. Great explanation. We are getting out of Afghanistan, why can’t we lift the embargo after all these decades. Cuba is not a threat to the US. They are no longer pointing nukes at the US. Maybe Russia can send them some aidin the form of food and petrol since theUS won’t.

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